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Health and Social Security - 11 February 2016

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 11th February 2016



Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman [Items 1,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 only] Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman

Deputy T. McDonald





In attendance

Senator A. Green, Minister for Health and Social Services

Deputy P. McLinton, Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services

Ms H. O'Shea, Managing Director of the General Hospital

Ms R. Williams, Director of System Redesign and Delivery

Mr  M.  Richardson,  Assistant  Director,  Policy,  Communications  and Ministerial Support, Health and Social Services

Ms S. Turnbull, Medical Officer of Health

Mr I. Dyer, Service Director - Services for Older People, Health and Social Services

Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer

Miss L. Stoodley , Scrutiny Officer (acting up)


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the records of its meetings held on 23rd, 25th, 26th, 28th and 29th January 2016. The Chairman thereby signed them accordingly.


28/01/16 Item 8


2.  Quarterly  Hearing  with  the  Minister  for  Health  and  Social Services

The Panel received the Minister for Health and Social Services and his Officers for a Quarterly Public Hearing. The proceedings were recorded in order that a transcript could be made.


03/02/16 Item 2


3. Staff Recruitment and Retention

The Panel noted that the final draft of the report would be sent to stakeholders for factual checking on Friday 12th February. The Panel agreed that it would meet on Monday 22nd February at 2:00pm to discuss the comments. It also agreed that it would discuss its key findings and recommendations.


03/02/16 Item 3


4. Living on Low Income

The Panel noted that Deputy M. Tadier had expressed an interest in being co-opted onto the Panel for the review of living on low income. The Panel agreed to appoint Deputy Tadier onto the Panel as a co- opted Member.




The Panel noted that Dr. S. Harkness had expressed an interest in becoming the Panel's expert advisor for the review. After discussing her proposal and curriculum vitae, the Panel agreed to appoint Dr Harkness as the advisor. The Officer was tasked to make the appointment formal, and once formalities were in place, arrange a visit to Jersey for the advisor to discuss the review in more detail.

The Panel noted that the review had generated a lot of public interest and that written submissions would be sent to the Panel at the end of every  week.  The  Panel  requested  hard  copies  of  each  written submission.

The Panel requested that hard copy folders were distributed to the Panel which included background information and written submissions received to date.



03/02/16 Item 1


5. Zero-Hours Contracts

The Panel continued to discuss the first draft of the report.

It  was  agreed  that  the  Chairman  would  meet  with  the  Officer  on Tuesday 16thFebruary to discuss the next stages of the report.


28/01/16 Item 4


6. Future Hospital Sub-Panel

The Chairman advised the Panel that he was due to meet the Minister for Health and Social Services on Friday 12th February with the Officer. The meeting had been arranged to discuss the timeline for the Scrutiny review.

The Officer advised the Panel that the briefing for the Sub-Panel was being organised, and would hopefully be arranged to take place before the end of February.

The Officer explained that in order for the Sub-Panel to receive the updated Gleeds (site assessment) report a confidentiality agreement needed to be signed by all Members. It was noted that Deputy J. Le Fondré and Connétable C. Taylor were due to sign the agreement.


28/01/16 Item 8


7. Question Plan: Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security

The  Panel  agreed  a  list  of  question  areas  in  preparation  for  the Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security.



8. Chairmen's Committee Papers: Training Opportunities for States Members and Transfer of Functions Revisions

The Panel briefly discussed two papers circulated by the Chairmen's Committee. The  Panel agreed  that  refresher training  in  questioning would be beneficial. The Panel made no comment on the Transfer of Functions revisions as the changes would not affect the remit of the Health and Social Security Panel.



9. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on


3rd March at 9:30 in the Le Capelain room, States Building.