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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 14th January 2016
Present | Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman Deputy T. McDonald |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer Miss L. Stoodley , Scrutiny Officer (acting up) |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Records of Meetings The Panel noted and approved the records of its meetings held on 18th November, 7th, 10th and 15th December 2015. The Chairman thereby signed them accordingly. |
517/1(1) | 2. New Panel Member The Chairman proposed that Connétable S. Le Sueur -Rennard joined the Panel. This was accepted by the Panel and the Officer was tasked to make the necessary arrangements for the new Member to be formally proposed at the States sitting on 2nd February 2016. | KB |
10/12/15 Item 3 517/32 | 3. Staff Recruitment and Retention Review The Panel noted that the report was being drafted and would be circulated in due course. | KB |
10/12/15 Item 4 517/33 | 4. Zero-Hours Contracts Review The Panel reconvened once the scheduled Panel meeting had concluded to discuss the first draft of the report. The Officer was instructed to make amendments to the report as discussed and the Panel agreed to meet again on Wednesday 20th January after the close of the States sitting to consider the remainder of the report. |
10/12/15 Item 5 517/23 | 5. Future Hospital Sub-Panel The Panel received an update on the progress of the review and noted that the advisor visit, originally planned for January, was postponed until April to allow the Council of Ministers sufficient time to publish its preferred site for the new hospital. |
15/12/15 Item 1 517/34 | 6. Living on Low Income The Panel was advised that only one expression of interest had been received in relation to the advisor search. The Panel agreed that the search should continue and asked that the Joseph Rowntree Association, Social Market Foundation and York University were contacted. The Panel agreed that the review should be made public and that a press release should be drafted. The Officer advised that a draft press release and draft Call for Evidence advert would be circulated for approval in due course. The Panel requested that a letter was drafted to key agencies to ask them for their views on low income. The Panel also requested that two Hearings were organised, one with the Minister for Social Security and the other with the Assistant Chief Minister, Senator P. Routier. The Panel agreed that, ideally, these Hearings should be organised to take place on the same day. | KB LS LS/KB |
1240/25 (10) | 7. Annual Report Page 2015 The Panel noted and approved its Panel Annual Report page for 2015. |
517/1/1(4) | 8. Age Discrimination Regulations The Panel was advised that the Social Security Department had asked whether the Panel required a briefing on the new Age Discrimination Regulations. The Panel noted that the Regulations were currently out to consultation and agreed that a briefing on the topic would be useful. The Officer advised that the briefing would be arranged for the week commencing 8th February and would be confirmed in due course. | KB |
17/09/15 Item 6 517/1/1(3) | 9. Safeguarding Partnership Board: Meeting with Chairman The Panel noted that a meeting had been organised with the Chairman of the Safeguarding Partnership Board on 28th January at 2:30p.m. The Panel requested whether the meeting could be rescheduled to take place in the morning instead of the afternoon. The Officer advised that the time of the meeting would be confirmed in due course. | LS |
| 10. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 28th January 2016 in the Le Capelain room, States Building. |