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Health and Social Security - Approved Panel Minutes - 31 March 2016

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 31st March 2016



Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman Deputy T. McDonald


Deputy M. Tadier (co-opted member) (Item 2)



In attendance

Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer

Mr M. Haden, Scrutiny Officer (Item 2)


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 9th and 17th March 2016. The Chairman thereby signed them accordingly.


17/03/16 Item 3


2. Living on Low Income

The Panel noted that two drop-in sessions had been organised for the public to attend and talk about their experiences of living on a low income. The first would be held on Monday 4th April between 1:00 and 4:00pm  and  the  second  on  Thursday  7th  April  between  5:00  and 8:00pm. The Officer provided the Panel with a summary of the format of the sessions and a pro-forma for members of the public.

The Panel discussed the two documents and tasked the Officer to include additional questions on the pro-forma.

The Officer  advised  that  the  two  sessions  had  been  advertised  on Facebook and Twitter and that a Channel 103 advert would be aired on 31st March.

The  Panel  noted  that  various  meetings  had  been  organised  with stakeholders for the week commencing 4th April. The Panel agreed that once the meetings had taken place it would review its evidence and discuss who to invite for Public Hearings. The Officer proposed that the Panel should meet on 14th April for these discussions to take place.

The Officer advised the Panel that, in accordance with the original timescale for the review, a Public Hearing with the Minister for Social Security should be organised during the week commencing 2nd May. The Panel agreed and proposed the 5th May for this to take place.

The Panel tasked the Officer to draft a letter to the Bailiff Chambers to request information on the Greville Bath fund.




17/03/16 Item 4

3. Future Hospital Sub-Panel




The Panel noted that the Sub-Panel intended to undertake a preliminary review  of  the  Future  Hospital  project.  The  Officer  advised  that  the Scoping Document and Terms of Reference had been approved by the Chairmen's Committee and that the next meeting would be held on 21st April when the Sub-Panel would receive a briefing on the size of the hospital from the Health Department.

The Panel also noted that the Sub-Panel intended to appoint Concerto to  undertake  a  desktop  study  of  off-island  and  on-island  service provision.

Deputy G. Southern declined the offer to sit on the Sub-Panel.


17/03/16 Item 5


4. Staff Recruitment and Retention at the Hospital

The Panel evaluated its review and agreed that the report had been well received by the public and States Members.

In terms of the review process, the Panel agreed that the review could have been completed within a shorter timescale and that more focused preparation  was  required  from  all  Panel  Members.  The  Panel committed to dedicating more time to read through evidence before Public Hearings in order to ensure that the most beneficial questions were being asked.


17/03/16 Item 6


5. Age Discrimination Regulations

The  Panel  noted  that  a  briefing  on  the  draft  Age  Discrimination Regulations  had  been  organised  for  6th  April  at  9:30.  The  Panel received  hard  copies  of  the  consultation  responses  and  the  draft Regulations.



6. New Member

The Panel noted that Deputy J. Hilton had expressed an interest in sitting on the Panel, and agreed that she would be formally appointed at the next States sitting on 12th April.

The Panel agreed that if Deputy Hilton was available, she should be invited to attend the drop-in sessions for its review of Living on Low Income.



7. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 21st April 2016 at 9:30a.m in the Le Capelain room, States Building.