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Health and Social Security - Approved Panel Minutes - 4 October 2016

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 4th October 2016



Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman Deputy T. McDonald


Deputy J. Hilton



In attendance

Senator A. Green, Minister for Health and Social Services

Connétable J. Refault, Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services Ms R. Williams, Director of System Redesign and Delivery

Mr  M.  Richardson,  Assistant  Director,  Policy,  Communications  and Ministerial Support

Ms A. Homer, Assistant Director of Finance, Health & Social Services

Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Home Care Provision

The Panel received the Minister for Health and Social Services and his Officers  for  a  meeting  to  discuss  home  care  provision   by  Family Nursing & Home Care. This meeting was held in private in accordance with  the  Freedom  of  Information  (Jersey)  Law  2011  (as  amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26.

After  the  private  meeting  had  taken  place,  the  Panel  agreed  to undertake  a  short  review  regarding  service  users  of  home  care.  It tasked the Officer to arrange a private meeting with Family Nursing & Home  Care  in  order  to  accumulate  further  information.  The  Officer advised that a Scoping Document and Terms of Reference would be circulated in due course.


