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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel Future Hospital Sub-Panel
Record of Meeting
22nd September 2016
Present | Deputy R.J. Renouf , Chairman Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré, Vice-Chairman Deputy T.A. McDonald Connétable C.H. Taylor |
Apologies | Deputy J.A. Hilton |
Absent |
In attendance | Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
06/09/16 Item 1 | 1. Concerto Report The Sub-Panel recalled that an email had been received from the advisor regarding the Minister's response to the Concerto report. The Sub-Panel noted that the advisor had put forward various options in relation to any remedial work. The Sub-Panel discussed the matter and agreed that an option could be for the advisor to produce a two page summary and question plan of the key issues. The Sub-Panel agreed that this should be discussed further with the advisor and tasked the Officer to arrange a conference call for either Monday 26th or Tuesday 27th September. The Sub-Panel agreed that once a way forward was agreed with the advisor, the report and Minister's response should be published onto the Scrutiny website and a Public Hearing with the Minister should be organised. | KB KB |
26/08/16 Item 1 | 2. Main Review The Sub-Panel was concerned about the timeline for its main review of the preferred hospital site. It noted that the Proposition had not yet been lodged and that it was still due to receive the Gleeds Proof of Concept report. The Officer advised that an update from the Department confirmed that the Sub-Panel would receive the two documents within the next week. The Sub-Panel agreed that once the two documents had been received it would confirm its Terms of Reference and ask Concerto to undertake further work under the existing contractual agreement. | KB |
| 3. Future Meetings The Sub-Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 6th October at 2:00pm in the Le Capelain room, States Building. |