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Public Accounts Committee - Approved Committee Minutes - 11 January 2016

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Public Accounts Committee

Record of Meeting

Date: 11th January 2016



Deputy A.D. Lewis , Chairman

Deputy S.M. Wickenden, Vice-Chairman Connétable C.H. Taylor

Deputy J.A. Martin

Mr. R.J. Parker

Mr. M.J. Robinson




Mr. G. Drinkwater

In attendance

Mrs. K. McConnell, Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) Mr. M. Orbell, Scrutiny Officer

Ms. C. Tomlinson, Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



A1.  Minutes

The minutes of the meetings held on 19th November and 7th December 2015 were confirmed.


Item A2 07.11.15

A2.  Conflicts of Interest

No potential conflicts of interest were reported.


Item A3 07.11.15


A3.  Work Programme

The  Committee  noted  an  updated  report  on  the  status  of  its  work programme for January 2016. Some additional points were raised in the following discussion:

  • Public Sector Reform: regarding the ministerial response to the Committee's  report  (PAC.3/2015),  the  Chief  Minister's Department had been invited by the Chairman to reconsider its response to recommendation 1. No further correspondence had yet been received.
  • Financial Management: the Comptroller and Auditor General would be meeting with departments and would report back to the Committee.
  • The States as Shareholder JT: the fundamental question about why the States should own JT (arising from the C&AG's report  of  2014)  had  still  not  been  answered.  Members considered  that  this  needed  to  happen  before  an  informed decision on whether to sell or retain the States' interest in the company could be taken. Without such an understanding, or the necessary framework in place there would be no mechanism with which to invoke any desired social or other benefits after a partial sale. The Chairman had written to the Treasury Minister asking him to set out the reasons for ownership, but no reply had yet been received. It was agreed that a further letter should be sent reiterating the request. There was also a need for clarity




regarding  departmental  plans  to  improve  the  shareholder function within the Treasury; the C&AG intended to follow this up. Members felt that there were some real concerns about the exercise  of  the  shareholder  function;  the  Green  Street development by Andium Homes was cited as an example where the  shareholder  did  not  appear  to  have  adequately communicated the wishes of the States (regarding preserving green space) to the incorporated body.

  • Use  of  Management  Information  in  Health  and  Social Services Department (HSSD) operating theatres: The C&AG advised that she had received a copy of a letter from the Chief Executive Officer of HSSD concerning the use of Management Information in the Health Department (dated 23rd December 2015) which had not yet reached the Committee. It was agreed that the letter would be forwarded to the Chairman.
  • PAC terms of reference and Codes of Practice: the Chairman briefly explained the background to discussions at Chairmen's Committee.  Some  concern  was  expressed  that  the terms of reference and Codes of Practice could become too detailed and prescriptive,  potentially  reducing  flexibility.  The  Committee agreed that its preference would be for new Codes of Practice to be relatively simple, with more complicated issues to be referred to the Policy and Procedures Committee when needed.


1240/25 (10)

A4. States Assembly Annual Report 2015

The Committee considered and approved a draft entry for inclusion in the Annual Report.


1443/10 (75)

A5. Community and Social Services (C&AG report)

The Panel noted the presentation of report R.131/2015 to the States.