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Public Accounts Committee - Approved Committee Minutes - 16 May 2016

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Public Accounts Committee

Record of Meeting

Date: 16th May 2016



Deputy A. Lewis , Chairman Connétable C.H. Taylor Deputy S.M. Wickenden Mr R.J. Parker

Mr G. Drinkwater


Deputy J.A. Martin Mr M Robinson



In attendance

Mrs K. McConnell, Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) Ms C. Tomlinson, Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1.  Apologies

 Apologies  were  received  from   Deputy  J.A.  Martin  and  Mr Robinson.  



2.  Minutes

The Committee approved the minutes of the meeting held on 11th April 2016.



3.  Declarations of Interest

Mr Parker agreed to not review certain documentation relating to the  Travel  and  Accommodation  review,  namely  that  held  by HRG.



4.  CIPFA Report

The  Committee  noted  the  CIPFA  report  dated  March  2016, reviewing the Council of Ministers' Impact Assessments for the Medium Term Financial Plan. It noted that although the report was within the remit of the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel, it had been informative in relation to the reviews currently being carried out by the PAC. It also agreed to make enquiries as to whether an Officer from CIPFA could be available to discuss matters of interest to the PAC at a future date.



5.  Quarterly Meetings with Chief Minister

The  Committee  noted  that  the  Chairman  would  reinstate quarterly  meetings  with  the  Chief  Minister  on  dates  to  be confirmed. It was noted that the Chief Executive had expressed an interest at being present at those meetings.



6.  Next meeting




The Committee noted its next meeting would be on 13th June 2016 at 12:30 and that its Scrutiny Officer would be covered by a colleague on that date.



7.  Financial Management

The  Committee  noted  that  the  draft  background  report  was subject  to  a  peer  review  process  and  would  be  with  the Committee  at  its  next  meeting.  However  the  PAC  Officer reminded the Committee that it could forward suggestions for the recommendations which would be incorporated into the body of the report.  



8.  JT – States as Shareholder

The Committee noted draft Terms of Reference for a possible review on Jersey Telecoms and the States' role as Shareholder, however it agreed that it would be better to await the Comptroller and  Auditor  General's  report  on  Arms'  Length  Organisations (ALOs).  



9.  Travel and Accommodation Expenses Review

The Committee noted a large bundle of information received from the Chief Executive in relation to its Review. It agreed that before deciding on who to call as witnesses for its next hearing, it should have time to review the information to date and to request that which had not been forthcoming, including internal audit reports on travel and accommodation expenditure. It also agreed it should await the outcome of the Treasury's own review into travel and accommodation expenditure as well as potential contraventions  of  Financial  Direction  5.7  before  arranging another public hearing.



10. Fuel Farm Lease

The  Committee  considered  a  Question  plan  for  the  public hearing on the renewal of the Fuel Farm lease, and agreed certain minor amendments. It further noted that that the Scrutiny Officer and the Vice Chairman had attended the Treasury to view email correspondence leading up to the renewal of the fuel farm lease, but that the Chief Executive had yet to sign off the documentation retrieved. It was also noted the Scrutiny Officer would organise a further session to view documents and the Committee agreed it should urge the Chief Executive to release the documentation without further delay.



11. Public Sector Reform

The Committee noted a progress report of Public Sector Reform issued by the Council of Ministers, however it considered that it did not detail the schedule for the necessary changes to take place.


QE Article 37 515/1/1(1)

12. C&AG – Jersey Audit Office Audit Plan

The C&AG presented a brief confidential update on the progress made.


QE Article 37

13. C&AG – Compromise Agreements and e-Gov




The  C&AG  presented  a  follow  up  report  on  Compromise Agreements (published 5th May 2016) and a briefing of eGov, which was embargoed until its publication on 19th May 2016. The

Scrutiny Officer was asked to request comments from the Chief Executive and Treasurer, once both reports were made public and  there  had  been  sufficient  time  to  consider  the recommendations.