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Public Accounts Committee - Approved Committee Minutes - 3 October 2016

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Public Accounts Committee

Record of Meeting

Date: 3rd October 2016



Deputy A. Lewis , Chairman Connétable C.H. Taylor Deputy J.A. Martin

Mr G. Drinkwater

Mr R. Parker


Mr M. Robinson Connétable A.S. Crowcroft

In attendance

Mrs K. McConnell, Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) Ms C. Tomlinson, PAC Officer


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Agenda matter



1.  Apologies

Apologies were received from Mr M. Robinson and Connétable A.S. Crowcroft .  



2.  Expressions of Interest – Vice Chairman

The  Committee  noted  that  following  the  Chairman's  active encouragement of States members to join PAC, Connétable A.S. Crowcroft had agreed to join and, with the agreement of the Committee, would become Vice-Chairman. It was also noted he had agreed to chair the next PAC meeting on 31st October, in the Chairman's absence.



3.  Declarations of Interest

The Committee noted declarations of interest. Mr M. Robinson in relation  to  Travel  and  Accommodation  and  Mr  R.  Parker  in relation to commercially sensitive information relating to HRG.



4.  Next Meetings

The Committee agreed it would meet on 5th October 2016 at 1pm in Le Capelain Room to formulate questions for the public hearing in respect of the fuel farm lease renewal, to be held on the same day at 2pm. It also agreed its next full Committee meeting would be held on Monday 31st October.



5.  Media Contact

 The PAC noted that a misunderstanding had arisen when the Chairman  was  contacted  by  online  media  and  it  had  been reported that the C&AG was to publish a report in two weeks. The C&AG later issued a press release clarifying the progress of her review. The PAC agreed that in future, if the PAC or C&AG were to mention the other party's ongoing work, it would be checked with the Officer first.



6.  Financial Management



Item 6 512/28

The  Committee  noted  the  Executive  Response  to  the  PAC review  had  not  been  received  on  Monday  26th  September, however apologies for its lateness had been communicated from the Treasurer to the Chairman. The Officer was asked to request a timescale for its receipt.


09.09.16 Item 7


7.  Travel and Accommodation Expenses Review

The  Committee  considered  amendments  together  with  draft findings and recommendations, and agreed to discuss with the Officer further before 7th October. It noted the substantive body of the report had been sent to stakeholders and it agreed it would like to present a report within the next two weeks.


09.09.16 Item 8


8.  Fuel Farm Lease Renewal

The Committee agreed the next Public Hearing would be held on 5th  October  at  2pm  and  both  the  Chief  Officer,  Economic Development, Sport, Tourism and Culture Department and the Chief Officer, Department for Infrastructure, had been asked to attend.



9.  C&AG – Jersey Audit Office Audit Plan

The C&AG presented a report on the Management Information in  Education,  and  the  PAC  agreed  to  request  an  Executive Response to the 12 recommendations contained therein. It also noted the approved and signed copy of the Annual Report and Accounts.  The  PAC  also  received  a  confidential  update  in respect of the Review into the Use of Consultants, and noted it may be published later than intended as the C&AG was awaiting the Treasurer's comments.


09.09.16 Item 10


10. eGov Report

The  Officer  reported  on  a  meeting  held  between  the  eGov Programme  Director  and  Mr  M.  Robinson  where  information relating to the Review had been requested and discussed. The Committee  agreed  that  its  review  would  investigate  which recommendations of the C&AG had been put in place up to and including Quarter 4 of 2016.  It also requested the Officer to organise a meeting with the Director of Digital Jersey, to explore his views on the eGov programme.


09.09.16 Item 11

11. PAC Symposium

The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and PAC Officer would attend the 4th Public Accounts Committees Symposium in London on 17th- 18th October 2016.