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Chairmen's Comittee - Approved Care of Children in Jersey Review Panel Minutes - 20 September 2017

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Review Panel – Care of Children in Jersey

Record of Meeting

Date: 20th September 2017



Deputy S.Y. Mézec , Chairman Deputy T.A. Vallois, Vice-Chairman

Senator S.C Ferguson Deputy J.A. Hilton





In attendance

Mr A. Harris , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Record of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the minutes of its meeting on Tuesday 5th September. The Chairman signed them accordingly.



2. Conflict of Interest

The Chairman explained that the Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel maintained Conflict of Interest as a standing agenda item in the interest of transparency. It was proposed that this be added to all future agendas for the Review Panel. The Panel agreed that this item would be added to future agendas.



3. Briefing Paper– Executive Response to the Care Inquiry

The Panel noted and discussed a briefing paper containing information regarding the appointment of a Children's Commissioner. The Panel noted that the information provided was comprehensive, however further questions would need to be asked of the Chief Minister.

The Panel requested a timetable for the proposed inspection of services be provided for further information. The Officer advised that this would be requested in due course.



4. Public Hearing with the Chief Minister

The Panel agreed that it would hold a public hearing with the Chief Minister and tasked the Officer to make the necessary arrangements. The Panel agreed that it would focus its questions on the appointment of the Children's Commissioner, the proposed inspection of services and general questions surrounding the recommendations in the Care Inquiry. The Officer advised that a question plan would be drafted and circulated to Members for discussion in due course.




5. Work Programme

The Panel noted that a paper detailing the response of the Executive to the Care Inquiry was to be discussed by the Council of Ministers on the 18th  October  2017.  The  Panel  agreed  that  further  work  would  be identified upon receipt of this document.




The Panel noted that the Safeguarding Partnership Board was holding a conference on Monday 16th October and that all Members would be attending. It was observed that the Children's Commissioner for England and Wales would be attending this Conference as a guest speaker. The Panel requested the Officer to contact the Safeguarding Partnership Board to enquire as to the availability of the Commissioner to meet during the conference. The Officer advised that this would be requested in due course.



6. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 9:30am on Wednesday 6th October 2017 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building. Deputy S.Y. Mézec gave his apologies for the next meeting.