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Chairmen's Committee - Approved Care of Children in Jersey Review Panel Minutes - 4 October 2017

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Review Panel – Care of Children in Jersey

Record of Meeting

Date: 4th October 2017



Deputy T.A. Vallois, Vice-Chairman Senator S.C Ferguson

Deputy J.A. Hilton


Deputy S.Y. Mézec , Chairman



In attendance

Mr A. Harris , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Record of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the minutes of its meeting on Tuesday 5th September. In the absence of the Chairman the Vice-Chairman signed them accordingly.


Item 2 20/09/17

2. Conflict of Interest

The Panel recalled that this item was to be placed on future agendas. No conflicts of interest were declared by the Panel.



3. Briefing Paper – Children's Services in Guernsey

The Panel noted and discussed a briefing paper outlining the services offered by the Children's Service in Guernsey. The Panel requested the Officer to establish what provision was in place in Jersey for a community nursing team. The Panel agreed to compare the services offered in Guernsey with the current provision in Jersey. The Officer advised that a comparative  document  would  be  circulated  in  advance  of  the  next meeting with this information as well as corresponding children's laws from Guernsey and the United Kingdom.

The Panel requested that a meeting with the Managing Director of Children's Services be organised in due course to discuss the current plans of the service in relation to the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry.



Item 4 20/09/17

4. Public Hearing with the Chief Minister

The Panel noted that the Public Hearing with the Chief Minister was scheduled for 5:00pm on Monday 9th October. A draft question plan was discussed and the Panel agreed additional questions. The Panel agreed to meet at 4:00pm prior to the hearing in order to discuss the plan further.

The Panel agreed that it would look to hold a meeting with the newly appointed Chief Executive Officer of the States of Jersey and tasked the Officer to arrange accordingly.

The Panel also agreed that subsequent to this meeting it would look to arrange public hearings with all Ministers in order to question them on the  work  being  undertaken  across  Departments  in  relation  to  the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry.




The Panel agreed to extend the meeting scheduled for the 18th October to the whole day in order to discuss further actions in greater detail.



5. Inspection of Services

The Panel received a briefing paper outlining the anticipated inspection of children's services.

It was noted that any future inspections would be carried out via the regulation  of  care  regulation  and  the  newly  appointed  Care Commissioner.  The  Panel  recalled  that  the  Regulation  of  Care Regulations was due to be brought before the States Assembly before Christmas. The Panel requested the Officer to ascertain whether or not the Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel was planning to undertake work in relation to these regulations. It was agreed that if the Health and Social Security Panel was not able to undertake any work then the Panel would look to issue comments on the regulations.

The Panel also requested to see the draft regulations prior to being lodged for debate.




6. P.84/2017 – Elected Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the States Assembly: Selection and Appointment.

The Panel noted that P.84/2017 Elected Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the States Assembly: Selection and Appointment' had been lodged by the Chief Minister with reference made to recommendation seven of the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry.

The Panel agreed that it would not undertake a review at this time as the proposition asked States Members to agree to an in principle decision, after which the necessary regulations would be brought forward by the Privileges  and  Procedures  Committee  (PPC).  It  was  noted  that  the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel would usually review any pieces of legislation brought forward by PPC, but should it be unable to then the Panel would review the proposals.



7. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 9:30am on Wednesday 18th October 2017 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.