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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 30 October 2017

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:  30th October 2017



Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré, Chairman Deputy S.M. Brée, Vice-Chairman Senator S.C. Ferguson


Deputy K.C. Lewis

In attendance

Mrs R. Johnson , Director of Social Policy

Mr S. Spottiswoode, Scrutiny Officer Mr T. Nicolle, Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1.  Records of Meetings

The records of the meetings held on 21st, 22nd, 25th September and 3rd, 9th, 11th October 2017 were approved and signed.


Item 1 23/10/17


2.  Draft Marriage and Civil Status Law

The Panel received a private briefing from the Director of Social Policy on the Draft Marriage and Civil Status (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law.


Item 1 23/10/17


3.  Draft Marriage and Civil Status Law

The Panel recalled that it had published a public call for evidence that was due to close on 3rd November 2017. The Panel reviewed the public submissions received to date.

The Panel noted that a number of amendments to the Draft Marriage Law had been lodged as P.91/2017 Amd. and was of the view that it was unusual for so many amendments to be brought by a Minister to his own proposition.

In consideration of the key points emerging from the review so far and the amendments lodged by the Chief Minister, the Panel agreed that when the draft law was debated on 14th November 2017, it would be necessary to ask for the law to be referred to it under Article 72 of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey to allow sufficient time for it to complete its work.

The Panel reviewed and approved a letter to the Chief Minister to inform him of the Panel's intentions. It was agreed to publish the letter on the scrutiny website.


Item 1 22/09/17


4.  Draft  Asian  Infrastructure  Investment  Bank  (Immunities  and Privileges) Regulations

The Panel discussed the question plan for its public hearing with the Minister for External Relations on 2nd November 2017.



5.  Charities (Jersey) Law 2014




The Panel noted that draft Regulations were due to be published which would support the implementation of a charities register in Jersey in 2018. The Panel agreed to receive a briefing on the matter on a date to be arranged.



6.  Castle Quay Phase 2

A recent Ministerial Decision of the Minister for Treasury and Resources in relation to Castle Quay Phase 2 was reviewed by the Panel.

It was noted that approval had been given for the States of Jersey Development Company (SoJDC) to enter into a revolving credit facility of £6 million to advance Castle Quay Phase 2.

The Panel agreed to ask for a copy of the Confidential Written Report attached to the Ministerial Decision and also identified the following key points to seek answers from the Minister on:

  • The exact nature of the charge to be taken by the lender as part of the loan arrangement
  • The purposes that the money borrowed will be used for
  • Any further borrowing required to complete the project
  • Confirmation  as  to  SoJDC's  financial  solvency,  taking  into account previous borrowings


Signed  Date: ..  


Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel