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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 14 June 2017

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

14th June 2017



Deputy S.M. Brée, Chairman

Deputy D. Johnson , Vice-Chairman Connétable J.E. Le Maistre (items 1-4 only) Connétable M.J. Paddock





In attendance

Mr M. Orbell, Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1.  Records of meetings

The Minutes of the meetings held on 8th, 10th, 12th, 17th May and 5th June 2017 were approved and signed.


Item 1 22.06.16


2.  Dormant Accounts

The  Panel  considered  a  briefing  note  received  from  the  Financial Services  Unit  concerning  the  implementation  of  the  Dormant  Bank Accounts  (Jersey)  Law  2017.  In  response  to  questions  from  the department  it  was  agreed  that  the  Panel  had  no  objection  to  the Association  of  Jersey  Charities  becoming  the  designated  body  for distribution of any funds collected under the law. However, there was some  concern  that  this  might  limit  distribution  strictly  to  registered charities, as opposed to any other good causes. It was agreed to query whether the range of causes able to be supported could be widened, perhaps  through  some  form  of  direction  from  the  Minister  to  the Association.


Item 1 05.06.17


3.  Jersey Sport: Establishment

The Panel considered the contents of a revised Partnership Agreement between Jersey Sport Limited and Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture (EDTSC) just received from the department. Several issues were identified, although having been advised that the Minister was planning to sign the agreement later that morning it was believed to be too late to ask for further amendments.


Item 2 12.05.17


4.  Licensing Law

The Panel considered the recent lodging of the draft law. Members noted an unusual statement concerning Collective Responsibility in the Report on the Proposition, allowing the Minister for External Affairs to differ in respect of the composition of the proposed Licensing Authority. As the move  from  judicial  to  political  control  of  the  licensing  process  was considered by the Panel to be a key aspect of the proposed draft law, it was agreed that the Chairman should write to the Assistant Minister for EDTSC asking for a full explanation of the reasons behind the statement.




Members further agreed that now the draft legislation had been finalised and lodged a letter should be sent to the Bailiff asking for his comments on it. The Panel also decided to write to the Attorney General for his opinion on the inclusion of a health objective in the draft Jersey law, following comments in a recent House of Lords Select Committee report indicating that a similar objective was not considered appropriate for equivalent English legislation.

The Panel agreed to press ahead with its review, pending confirmation of  any  amendment  in  respect  of  the  composition  of  the  Licensing Authority. It was decided to look again at scoping and consider practical aspects of the law (such as policing requirements) in more detail. The Scrutiny Officer was asked to identify potential witnesses for public hearings.




5.  Digital Jersey

The meeting was adjourned at 11.30am to allow members to proceed to the Digital Hub for a meeting with Mr. Tony Moretta (Chief Executive Officer) and Mr. James Linder of Digital Jersey.



6. Forthcoming meetings

Next scheduled Panel meeting: 9.30am on 28th June 2017, Blampied Room, States Building.