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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 8 February 2017

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

8th February 2017



Deputy S.M. Brée, Chairman Deputy D. Johnson , Vice-Chairman Connétable J.E. Le Maistre Connétable M.J. Paddock





In attendance

Mr M. Orbell, Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1.  Records of meetings

The Minutes of the meeting held on 25th January 2017 were approved and signed.



2.  Digital Policy Framework

The Panel noted a new media release announcing the launch of the Digital  Policy  Framework  the  same  day;  members  expressed  some surprise that no information about this had been communicated to the Panel in advance. It appeared that the proposed policy could have implications not only in terms of its own funding, but also potentially for any  future  population  policy.  There  was  some  doubt  about  where ministerial responsibility for the initiative now lay, following the stepping aside' of the former Assistant Chief Minister, Senator P.F.C. Ozouf . The Scrutiny Officer was asked to contact the department to request a full briefing for the Panel.


Item 3 25.01.17

3.  Rural Economy Strategy (RES)

The  Panel  provisionally  approved  draft  scoping  for  a  review  of  the strategy. The Scrutiny Officer was asked to prepare suitable terms of reference  for  the  review  based  on  the  objectives  in  the  scoping document. As it was still unclear when the strategy would be presented to the States, Chairmen's Committee approval would not be sought until this was known. The Panel would then consider the timing of its review. Bearing  in  mind  prior  agreement  with  the  department  that  any recommendations would be aimed towards implementation from 2018 onwards, early completion of the review was not necessarily urgent, although the Panel would consider the seasonal workload of the industry to ensure that participation was not compromised.


Item 4 25.01.17

4.  Tourism (Jersey) Law 1948 - Proposals for Reform

The  Panel  discussed  a  consultation  paper  released  by  Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture on 24th January. The paper highlighted a potential conflict between the desire to increase visitor numbers, and the need for effective regulation and monitoring of the




industry. Popular hospitality services such as Airbnb owed much of their success to the ease and apparent lack of formalities when booking over the Internet, but this could raise concerns about potential abuse of population controls and the suitability of letting arrangements. Members agreed to request a detailed briefing.


Item 2 25.01.17


5. Licensing Law

The Panel commenced detailed examination of the draft Licensing Law. It was noted that the latest version received awaited final checks on Human Rights compliance and was thus still subject to amendments, although Department Officers had confirmed that no other significant changes were expected. A number of questions about individual Articles were noted for future reference. It was agreed to hold an additional Panel meeting on Friday 17th February to continue scrutiny of the draft law.