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Education and Home Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 11 September 2017

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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 11th September 2017



Deputy L. M. C. Doublet , Chairman Deputy T. A. Vallois  

Deputy S. Y. Mezec


Deputy J. M. Maçon, Vice-Chairman



In attendance

Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted the records of the meetings held on 3rd, 13th and 14th July 2017. Minor changes were requested in relation to the records dated 3rd and 13th July. The amended records would be added to the Panel's next  agenda  for  final  approval.  The  records  dated  14th  July  were approved by the Panel and signed by the Chairman.


12/07/17 Item 2

2. Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted that the Chairman had lodged a Proposition - "United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Compliance of Draft Laws and Employees" (P.63/2017) – which could be perceived as a conflict in relation to the Care of Children in Jersey Review Panel. The Chairman advised that this would be managed accordingly should the Review Panel undertake any reviews relating to the Proposition.


13/07/17 Item 8


3. Nursey Education Fund (NEF)

The Panel received a document from the Jersey Early Years Association which calculated the estimated costings for a nursery (under the NEF) catering  for  40  children  based  on  20  hours  per  week.  The  Panel requested the Officer to undertake further calculations based on 30 hours per week.

The Panel noted that a meeting would be organised with the Early Years and Childcare Partnership in due course. It was agreed that the Panel's Proposition in relation to the NEF would be drafted after this meeting had taken place.


13/07/17 Item 9


4. School Starting Age

The Panel noted that an updated Ministerial Response was due to be received from the Minister for Education. It was noted that the Chairman had met with the Minister and the Education Department regarding the response in order to agree a way forward.


13/07/17 Item 12


5. Tertiary Education: Student Finance

The Panel noted that it was due to hold a Public Hearing with the Chief Minister on 16th October at 2:00pm. The Panel agreed several areas of




questioning for the Chief Minister and noted that a question plan would be drafted in due course.


13/07/17 Item 11


6. Tertiary Education: Departmental Funding

The  Panel  received  an  update  regarding  tertiary  education  and department funding. It was noted that the Treasury and Resources Department  had  not  received  any  requests  from  the  Education Department to separate the higher education budget from the overall education budget. The Panel agreed to discuss the matter further at its next meeting.



7. Personal and Social Health Education (PSHE)

The Panel noted a briefing paper from the Officer regarding PSHE and agreed not to undertake a review into the matter. However, the Panel agreed that a line of questioning would be added to the question plan for the Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Education.

The Panel also agreed that PSHE would be included on the Panel's legacy report as a potential review for the next Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel.



13/07/17 Item 7


8. Care of Children in Jersey Review Panel

The Panel noted that a Review Panel had been established to review the implementation of the recommendations of the Jersey Care Inquiry. It was noted that Deputy S. Y. Mezec was Chairman of the Panel and would provide further updates in due course. In that regard, it was agreed that the Care of Children in Jersey Review Panel would be added as an item to every agenda.

The Chairman thanked Deputy S.Y Mezec and Deputy T.A. Vallois for their efforts in assisting with the establishment of the Review Panel over the summer recess.



9. Jersey Youth Service

The Panel noted a briefing paper from the Officer regarding Jersey Youth Service Funding.



10. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Education

The Panel noted a draft question plan in preparation for a Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Education on 22nd September at 11:30am. The Panel also noted and approved an engagement plan in relation to the Hearing.

The Panel recalled that it had asked members of the public, via Facebook and Twitter, to submit questions and noted that these would be collated and added to the question plan.


13/07/17 Item 14

11. Panel Recommendations

The Panel received a list of accepted recommendations it had made since its inception. The Panel agreed that these would be followed up during Quarterly Hearings with Ministers.


13/07/17 Item 5

12. Digital Skills




The  Panel  noted  that  a  letter  had  been  drafted  to  the  Director  of Resources and School Support at the Education Department requesting an update on progress as a result of S.R.9/2014 "Digital Skills". The Panel requested that this was recirculated for final approval.



13. Sexual Offences (Jersey) Law 201-

The Panel noted that the Sexual Offences Law was currently out for consultation. The  Panel  requested  the Officer to find  out  when  the consultation was due to end.



14. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting would take place on 2nd October 2017 at 1:30pm in the Blampied room, States Building. Deputy S.Y. Mezec gave his apologies for the next meeting.