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Education and Home Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 9 October 2017

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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 9th October 2017



Deputy L. M. C. Doublet , Chairman Deputy T. A. Vallois  

Deputy S. Y. Mezec


Deputy J. M. Maçon, Vice-Chairman



In attendance

 Mr A. Harris , Scrutiny Officer  


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved records of the meetings held on 3rd and 13th July and 11th and 22nd September. The Chairman signed them accordingly.  


Item 2 11/09/17

Item 2 03/07/17

2. Conflict of Interest

Deputy S.Y. Mézec informed the Panel that a potential conflict raised at the meeting on 3rd July 2017 had now been resolved as the property in question had now been sold.

No other conflicts were raised by Panel members.


Item 3 11/09/17


3. Nursery Education Funding

The Panel recalled that figures had been provided by the Jersey Early Years Association as to approximately how much funding would be provided to a 40 place private nursery provider at the current hourly rate paid from the Nursery Education Fund. It was noted that these figures were not based on a specific nursery but gave an overview of the likely costs. The Panel noted calculations provided by the Scrutiny Office showing equivalent funding for 30 hours free nursery care per week as opposed to the 20 hours that was provided by the Jersey Early Years Association.

The Panel noted that it had not been possible to organise a briefing with the  Education  Department's  Officer  responsible  for  its  Early  Years review, and agreed to request a briefing from the Education Department as a matter of urgency.

The Panel agreed to draft a written question for the Minister for Education detailing his interpretation of the amount that would be paid to a 40 place nursery at both 20 hours per week and 30 hours per week per child. The Panel also agreed to draft an oral question asking the Minister why a decision taken during the Medium Term Financial Plan, to bring forward changes to the Nursery Education Fund, was not being followed up within his department. The Panel agreed that this question should also ask the Minister how he could guarantee a place in a nursery for every child that needed one.





The Panel agreed that a briefing pack should be compiled, including the financial information received from the Jersey Early Years Association and any previous correspondence in relation to the Nursery Education Fund.


11/09/17 Item 4


4. School Starting Age

The Panel noted correspondence from the Minister for Education in relation to the Panel's request for an updated Ministerial Response to its School Starting Age report. It was noted that the Minister did not feel an update was necessary, as information provided to the department by the Panel subsequent to the original Ministerial Response did not change his position.

The Panel requested the Officer to cross reference the recommendations in the upcoming Early Years report with those contained in the School Starting Age report in order to see if any further information could be put to the Minister.


11/09/17 Item 5


5. Tertiary Education: Student Finance

The Panel noted a draft question plan for the hearing with the Chief Minister on Monday 16th October, and agreed changes. The Officer advised that the question areas would be sent to the department later that day. An updated question plan would be sent to the Panel in advance of the hearing.

Deputy S.Y. Mézec informed the Panel that his party, Reform Jersey, had put forward an election pledge in relation to student finance and was considering the possibility of bringing forward an amendment to the budget. The Panel noted that any Member could bring forward a private Member's proposition or amendment, and as the Panel's review on Student Finance had not put forward any particular recommendations with regard to funding options, it was agreed that this did not constitute a conflict of interest.


11/09/17 Item 6


6. Tertiary Education: Department Funding

The Panel noted that Deputy J.M. Maçon was taking a lead on this potential review. In lieu of his absence, the Panel agreed to defer further discussion until its next meeting.


11/09/17 Item 12

7. Digital Skills

The Panel recalled that it had sent a letter to the Education Department requesting  an  update  on  the  recommendations  contained  within S.R.9/2014 Digital Skills, and noted that a response was due on Friday 6th October, however this had yet to be received. The Panel agreed that this should be followed up with the department and forwarded to the Panel once received.


11/09/17 Item 8


8. Independent Jersey Care Inquiry

The Panel received an update from Deputy S.Y. Mézec and Deputy T.A. Vallois as to the progress made by the Care of Children in Jersey Review Panel. It was noted that a public hearing with the Chief Minister was due to take place directly after the Panel meeting.




Deputy L.M.C Doublet requested that her comments on the scoping document be brought to the Review Panel's attention at its next meeting.


11/09/17 Item 13


9. Sexual Offences (Jersey) Law 201-

The Panel noted that the draft Sexual Offences (Jersey) Law 201- was subject to a consultation that would end on Friday 13th October. The Panel recalled that at the quarterly public hearing with the Minister for Home Affairs on 5th October 2017, it was stated that the legislation would be brought forward for debate during the first quarter of 2018.

The Panel agreed to begin scoping a review of the draft legislation. The Panel also agreed that it would look to identify potential advisors with expertise in sexual offences law and sexual offences policy.



10. Independent Review of Education – Proposition

In light of previous discussion held in regard to P.41/2017 Medium Term Financial Plan 2017-2019, Amendment to funding for fee-paying schools, the Panel recalled its comments paper in which it suggested that an independent review of the education system should be undertaken. The Panel discussed bringing forward a proposition asking the Minister for Education to organise an independent review of the education system in Jersey, and tasked the Officer to prepare a draft for its consideration based on its discussions.



Item 8 14/11/16

11. Work Programme

The Panel discussed and approved its meeting dates for 2018 and requested the Officer to send out the meeting requests.



12. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Monday 6th November 2017 in the Blampied Room, States Building.