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Health and Social Security - Approved Panel Minutes - 23 November 2017

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 23rd November 2017



Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman Deputy T. McDonald

Senator S. Ferguson

Deputy J. Hilton





In attendance

Deputy S. Pinel, Minister for Social Security [Item 2 only]

Mr I. Burns, Chief Officer [Item 2 only]

Mrs S. Duhamel, Director – Policy and Strategy [Item 2 only]

Ms K. Morel , Policy Principal, Employment & Social Security [Item 2 only] Mr M. McGregor, Policy Principal, Employment & Social Security [Item 2 only]

Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer Mr T. Leveridge, Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the records of its meetings held on 19th October  and  9th  November  2017.  The  Chairman  signed  them accordingly.


09/11/17 Item 8

2. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security

The Panel received the Minister for Social Security and her Officers for a Quarterly Public Hearing. The proceedings were recorded in order that a transcript could be made.


09/11/17 Item 2


3. Long-Term Care Scheme

The Panel received the advisors' reports and briefly discussed their findings. The Panel asked the Officer to clarify a certain section of the report received from Professor M. Johnson , with a view to determining if any changes were necessary

The Panel agreed that the report by BWCI should be sent to the Social Security Department for factual checking, as suggested by the advisor.

The Officer advised that the Panel's draft report would be circulated for discussion in December.


09/11/17 Item 3


4. Redesign of Health and Social Services Governance Model

The Panel noted that the report on the "Redesign of Health and Social Services Governance Model" (S.R.9/2017) was presented to the States on 10th November 2017.



5. Living on Low Income: Proposition



Item 4

The Panel noted that its Proposition "Income Support: Reinstatement of Single Parent Component" (P.113/2017) was lodged on 15th November and was due to be debated on 16th January 2018.


09/11/17 Item 5


6. Future Hospital Review Panel

The Panel noted that the Review Panel aimed to present its report on 6th December 2017.


09/11/17 Item 6


7. Care of Children in Jersey Review Panel

Deputy J. Hilton advised that progress was being made in relation to the review. The Panel noted that the Review Panel had organised meetings to take place every other month with the Chief Minister in order to be updated on the progress of the Inquiry's recommendations.


09/11/17 Item 7


8. Brexit Review Panel

The Chairman explained that progress was being made in relation to the review.


09/11/17 Item 10

9. Consideration of Future Reviews

The Panel noted a paper from the Officer regarding future reviews for 2018. The Panel acknowledged that three possible pieces of legislation would be lodged during 2018 - Disability Discrimination Regulations, Regulation of Care Regulations and Organ Donation.

The Panel tasked the Officer to produce a second paper detailing how the Panel could review all three pieces of work and the timescales. The Panel  also  requested  that  the  paper  included  advice  in  relation  to Standing Order 83 "Proposal for reference back" and what this would mean in practical terms in relation to the purdah period.



10. Any Other Business

The Chairman gave his apologies for the next meeting. It was noted that the Vice-Chairman would chair the meeting.



11. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 7th December 2017 at 9:30a.m in the Le Capelain room, States Building.