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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 9th February 2017
Present | Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman Deputy T. McDonald Senator S. Ferguson |
Apologies | Deputy J. Hilton |
Absent |
In attendance | Mr A. Harris , Scrutiny Officer Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Records of Meetings The Panel noted and approved the record of its meeting held on 26th January 2017. The Chairman signed the record accordingly. |
26/01/17 Item 2 517/35 | 2. Service Users of Home Care The Panel received a draft report from the Officer on the Service Users of Home Care report. The Panel agreed changes to the report and to proceed with factual checking from stakeholders. The Officer advised that the final draft would be circulated to the Panel and sent to stakeholders in due course. | AH |
26/01/17 Item 3 517/34 | 3. Living on Low Income The Panel noted a visit to Brighter Futures to speak with single parents regarding issues they may face, had been organised for Tuesday 28th February. The Panel agreed questions to be provided in advance to Brighter Futures and requested the Officer to compile a question plan for the visit. The Officer advised this would be circulated in due course. The Panel received an update from the Officer regarding potential visits to the St. Helier and St. Clement Community Support Team to speak with single parents. The Officer advised that the team would pass on the Panel's invitation to any interested parties, but could not guarantee any take-up from single parents. The Panel agreed that it would be more appropriate to receive written submissions in place of a visit. The Panel noted submissions from the Jersey Child Care Trust and St. Vincent de Paul detailing issues faced by single parents. The Officer advised further submissions were expected from other organisations. These would be circulated upon receipt. | AH AH |
26/01/17 Item 7 517/36 | 4. Long Term Care Scheme Review The Panel received a draft Scoping Document and noted in particular the "Risks and Constraints" section and that there were two potential conflicts of interest in relation to the review. It was noted that Senator S. Ferguson was potentially conflicted as Chairman of Age Concern. The Panel noted |
| that 4.27 of the Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee stated: "it is inappropriate for a Panel member who represents, or is a member of, a particular interest, stakeholder group or other organisation to participate in a review of a topic directly related to the group". Senator S. Ferguson formally declared an interest in the review, and it was agreed that, as Age Concern did not directly relate to the review topic, Senator S. Ferguson would participate in the review and, in order to mitigate the interest issues, would not have any interaction with Age Concern in their dealings with the Panel. The Panel noted that the Chairman was also potentially conflicted financially as his spouse was registered under the Long-Term Care Scheme. In addition, the Chairman advised that clarification was currently being sought from the Social Security Department about the benefit but it was hoped this would be obtained by Monday 13th February. The Panel noted that 4.26 of the Code of Practice stated: "a member of the Panel must declare an interest and withdraw from part or all of a review being conducted if he/she considers that this interest would prejudice, or appear to prejudice, his or her ability to participate in the Panel proceeding in an impartial manner." The Panel acknowledged the Chairman's desire to participate in the review and agreed that, subject to clarification being sought from the Social Security Department, the Chairman could participate. The Officer advised that, in line with the Code of Practice, the matter would be passed on to the Chairmen's Committee for its consideration. The Officer also advised that the Scoping Document and draft Terms of Reference would be circulated during the week commencing 13th February. | KB KB |
| 5. Safeguarding The Panel noted an invitation from the Chairman of the Ministerial Policy Group for Children and Vulnerable Adults (CAVA) to attend training regarding safeguarding. It was agreed that the Chairman along with Deputy T. McDonald and Deputy J. Hilton would attend, accompanied by the Officer. The Panel tasked the Officer to make the necessary arrangements. | KB |
| 6. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 23rd February 2017 at 9:30a.m in the Le Capelain room, States Building. |