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Health and Social Security - Approved Panel Minutes - 9 March 2017

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 9th March 2017



Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman Deputy T. McDonald Senator S. Ferguson

Deputy J. Hilton


Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman



In attendance

Mr A. Harris , Scrutiny Officer Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 9th, 23rd and 24th February 2017. The Chairman signed them accordingly.


23/02/17 Item 4


2. Long-Term Care Scheme Review

The Panel noted that the Chairman's conflict of interest had been raised at the recent Chairman's Committee meeting and it was agreed that the Chairman could partake in the review.

The Officer circulated a revised version of the Terms of Reference for the review. The Panel discussed changes to the Terms of Reference and subsequently approved them. The Officer explained that the approved document would be sent with the Scoping Document to the Chairman's Committee for approval.

The Officer explained that letters had been drafted to send to the Minister for  Social  Security  and  the  Minister  for  Health  and  Social  Services informing them of the Terms of Reference of the review, and that these would be circulated to the Panel to approve in due course.

In order to prepare for the launch of the review, the Panel requested that the Officer organise a briefing with Officers from Social Security on the Long-Term  Care  Scheme.  The  Officer  advised  that  this  would  be organised in due course.

The Panel also requested background information on the Long-Term Care Scheme in addition to the transcripts from the previous Panel's review into the Long-Term Care Scheme. The Officer advised that these would be circulated in due course.

The Panel discussed engaging an expert advisor during the course of its review and agreed that it would be beneficial to engage an advisor with regards to the financial aspects. The Officer explained that research







would be undertaken in order to identify a suitable advisor and this would be circulated to the Panel.

The Panel discussed the media engagement plan for the review and agreed to issue a call for evidence through the Jersey Evening Post and Channel 103 asking for written submissions from the public. The Officer advised that letters had been drafted to send to various stakeholders including care homes, charities and agencies on the approved provider's framework. The Panel noted that these would be sent out once the review had started.



24/02/17 Item 1


3. Service Users of Home Care Review

The Panel noted that the Ministerial Response to the review was due on Monday 10th April 2017.


23/02/17 Item 3


4. Living on Low Income

The Panel noted the recent visit to Brighter Futures to speak with single parents regarding the demise of the single parent component of Income Support. The Officer presented a file note detailing the case studies received from the visit.

The Panel noted the case studies and agreed to defer the discussion until its next meeting.


06/10/16 Item 6

5. Work Programme

The Panel received an updated Work Programme from the Officer and discussed the areas it would undertake in 2017.

The Panel noted that the Chief Minister's Department was in the process of finalising a consultation on the Disability Strategy and that the Panel had  been  offered  the  opportunity  to  review  the  strategy  upon  its completion. The Panel agreed that it would wait until the regulations had been presented and then undertake a review. The Officer advised that this would be confirmed with the Chief Minister's Department.

The Panel discussed undertaking a review into Mental Health provision in the prison. In preparation for this review the Panel requested a briefing from the Prison Governor and for the Officer to ascertain the person with overall responsibility for Mental Health services in the prison. The Officer advised that a meeting would be organised in due course.




6. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security: Question Plan

The Panel received a draft question plan from the Officer in preparation for the quarterly hearing with the Minister for Social Security. The Panel discussed the plan and agreed on further questions. The Officer advised that an updated plan would be circulated in due course for approval. Once approved the question areas would be sent to the Department in advance of the hearing.


23/02/17 Item 6

7. Safeguarding

The Panel noted the meeting with the Chairman of the Ministerial Policy Group for Children and Vulnerable Adults was due to take place on Monday 13th March at 2:30pm




8. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 23rd March 2017 at 9:30am in the Le Capelain room, States Building.