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Public Accounts Committee - Approved Committee Minutes - 13 February 2017

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Public Accounts Committee Record of Meeting

Date: 13th February 2017



Deputy A.D. Lewis , Chairman

Connétable A.S. Crowcroft , Vice-Chairman (except Item 3) Connétable C.H. Taylor

Deputy J.A. Martin

Mr R. Parker

Mr M. Robinson


Mr G. Drinkwater

In attendance

Mrs K. McConnell, Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) Mr Stephen Warr en, Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General

C. Tomlinson, PAC Officer.


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Agenda matter



1. Minutes

The Committee approved the minutes of the meeting of 30th January 2017  



2. PAC Work Programme 2017

The Committee agreed amendments to the PAC work programme for 2017, including additional hearing and meeting dates.


30.01.17 Item 3 512/1(8)


3. Jersey Innovation Fund

Connétable A.S. Crowcroft , Vice-Chairman, declared a conflict of interest in the proposed review of the Jersey Innovation Fund and was not present at the meeting when it was discussed.

The Committee noted that the Attorney General had indicated he was content for the PAC to undertake a review on the terms and scope  as  proposed.  The  Committee  agreed  the  Terms  of Reference and Scoping document accordingly and requested that it be circulated to the Chairmen's Committee for approval.


30.01.17 Item 6 512/30

4. Travel and Accommodation Expenses Review

The Committee agreed that the Chief Executive and Treasurer of the States should be invited to an earlier public hearing than originally agreed, namely 13th March, and requested the Officer to invite them accordingly.


30.01.17 Item 7 512/32

5. eGov Review

Mr M. Robinson advised he would meet with the Officer on Friday 17th February to go through a number of issues arising from the latest communications received by the eGov team. Following consultation with the C&AG and her Deputy , a full update and question plan for the planned public hearing of 27th March would be considered at the Committee's meeting of 13th March.  



6. Police Station



Item 10

The Committee noted that the terms of reference and scope for the review had been approved. It agreed to request the Chief Officer  to  extend  an  invitation  to  members  to  visit  the  new headquarters on 22nd February 2017 at 2.15pm.


30.01.17 Item 11

7. Entertainment and Hospitality Expenses

Deputy J.A. Martin confirmed that she would take the lead on the planned review and would await the response from the Chief Minister's  Department,  expected  on  28th  February,  before presenting terms of reference and a scope of the review to the Committee.


30.01.17 Item 12

8. Road surfacing

Connétable C.H. Taylor agreed to meet the Officer to explore whether  the  planned  review  could  be  undertaken  in  a  more expedient way, namely research to aid questions in the States Assembly or a comments paper.


30.01.16 Item 13 512/1(8)

9. C&AG – Jersey Audit Office Audit Plan

The Committee received an update on the C&AG's Audit Plan for 2017, including a project specification for the Management of Land and Property Review.

The Committee also noted a Private Patients' Income Follow up Report which had been published on 9th February, and agreed to ask  the  Health  and  Social  Services  Department  why  certain recommendations  of  the  previous  report  had  not  yet  been implemented.  



14. Next meeting

The Committee agreed that it would hold its next meeting on 13th March at 12pm in the Blampied Room, which would include a public hearing at 2pm with the Chief Executive regarding the implementation of recommendations of the Committee's Travel and Accommodation Review. .