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Public Accounts Committee - Approved Committee Minutes - 20 March 2017

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Public Accounts Committee Record of Meeting

Date: 20th March 2017



Deputy A.D. Lewis , Chairman Connétable C.H. Taylor Deputy J.A. Martin

Mr G. Drinkwater

Mr R. Parker

Mr M. Robinson


Connétable A.S. Crowcroft , Vice-Chairman

In attendance

Mrs K. McConnell, Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG)

C. Tomlinson, PAC Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Minutes

The Committee approved the minutes of the meeting of 13th February 2017.  



2. PAC Work Programme 2017

The Committee agreed amendments to the PAC work programme for 2017, including the postponement of certain public hearings and additional meeting dates.


13.02.17 Item 3 512/1(8)


3. Jersey Innovation Fund

The Committee noted that a meeting had taken place between the  Chairman  and  the  Chief  Executive  whereby  the  Chief Executive had requested certain measures to be taken in view of the ongoing Chief Minister's Department reviews. The Committee agreed that it should postpone the proposed public hearing until 16th May 2017 and requested the Officer to draft a schedule of witnesses.


13.02.17 Item 4 512/30

4. Travel and Accommodation Expenses Review

The  Committee  agreed  the  follow  up  hearing  with  the  Chief Executive and Treasurer of the States, on 13th March, had been successful and invited Deputy J.A. Martin to follow up with further investigations into all officer entertainment expenses.


13.02.17 Item 5 512/32

5. eGov Review

Mr M. Robinson advised he had met with the eGov team and the Committee considered documentation relating to a number of points raised at that meeting. The Committee amended the draft question plan for the public hearing of 27th March and noted Mr

M. Robinson would have another meeting with the Director of the eGov Programme and the Director of Public Sector Reform in advance of that hearing, to receive any updated information.  


30.01.17 Item 10

6. Police Station




The Committee noted that the Chairman was to accompany the Vice-Chairman on his planned visit to the new Police Station on Thursday 23rd March 2017 at 2.30pm.  


30.01.17 Item 11

7. Entertainment and Hospitality Expenses

The  Committee  noted  a  detailed  response  from  the  Chief Minister's Department, dated 15th March 2017, together with a spreadsheet in relation to departmental expenses. However it noted no actual figures had been received and requested the Officer to write to the department, requesting a breakdown of entertainment expenses incurred by each department. It also noted the Officer would meet with Deputy J.A. Martin later in the week to draft terms of reference for the planned review.


13.02.17 Item 8

8. Road surfacing

The Committee noted a detailed response to queries raised by Connétable C.H. Taylor , dated 10th March 2017, from the Chief Officer of the Department for Infrastructure.(DfI) It also noted the Chairman had spoken to the proprietor of Ronez Quarries in respect  of  road  surfaces  provided  by  that  company.  The Committee  agreed  it  should  send  a  further  letter  to  the  DfI, requesting clarification, and also formally request Ronez Quarries to provide detailed information about the type of road surfacing it provides, so that the Committee could make a true like-for-like comparison and consider associated costs of each technique. The Committee agreed that subject to satisfactory responses from both parties, it could then properly frame terms of reference for a review.  


13.02.16 Item 9 512/1(8)

9. C&AG – Private Patients' Income Follow-Up

The Committee noted that a letter, received from the Chief Officer of the Health and Social Services Department, dated 10th March 2017, responded in detail to the Private Patients' Income follow up  Report.  However  the  Committee  concluded  that  the department  had  not  provided  a  strategy  report  and  other information which was now overdue. The Committee requested its Officer to liaise with the C&AG to produce a further letter seeking  clarification  and  updated  information  from  the department.  



10. UK PAC Network

The Committee noted an invitation to the UK PAC Network event in Cardiff Bay, Wales, on 12th June 2017. It agreed the Chairman and the Officer should attend.



11. Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel and Jersey Sport

The  Committee  noted  that  a  draft  proposition  regarding  the establishment of Jersey Sport had been sent to the Officer, for circulation to the PAC on 28th February 2017. It noted that the Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture Department had not advised it was being sent in accordance with P.170/2010, as part of the necessary consultation process, namely that "the PPC,  PAC  and  Economic  Affairs  Scrutiny  Panel  have  been consulted  on  this  matter."  However,  having  noted  that  the




Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel was likely to undertake a review into aspects of the establishment of Jersey Sport, the Committee agreed that it would not undertake a review of its own. It also agreed to query the apparent anomaly of the requirement for the PAC to be consulted prior to the establishment of such a body, as it  seemed  at  odds  with  the  PAC's  remit  to  retrospectively scrutinise the implementation of policies and hold officers rather than ministers to account.



12. Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel and Aircraft Registry

The  Committee  noted  that  the  Minister  for  Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture (EDTSC) was due to attend an Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel Public Hearing on Wednesday 22nd March, in relation to the establishment of an Aircraft Registry in Jersey. It agreed there may be areas relating to value for money which the PAC and/or the C&AG would wish to explore at a later date.



14. Next meeting

The Committee noted that it would meet for the public hearing in relation to eGov on 27th March at 2pm. It would then hold its next general PAC meeting on 24th April at 1pm.


Signed  Date:



Public Accounts Committee