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Public Accounts Committee – Approved Committee Minutes - 5 June 2017

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Public Accounts Committee Record of Meeting

Date: 5th June 2017



Deputy A.D. Lewis , Chairman

Connétable A.S. Crowcroft , Vice-Chairman (except for Item 3) Deputy J.A. Martin

Connétable C.H. Taylor


Mr M. Robinson Mr G. Drinkwater Mr R. Parker

In attendance

Mrs K. McConnell, Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG)

C. Tomlinson, PAC Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Minutes

The Committee approved the minutes of the meeting of 22nd April 2017.  



2. PAC Work Programme 2017

The Committee agreed amendments to the PAC work programme for 2017, including a public hearing on 9th October in respect of the road surfacing review.


22.05.17 Item 3 512/1(8)


3. Jersey Innovation Fund

The  Committee  agreed  written  questions  for  the  former Accounting Officer of the Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture Department and requested the Officer to send them to him via email. It agreed that, depending on the responses, further questions could also be posed to the Chief Executive in a further public hearing or by written request. The PAC agreed it would then draft an interim report.


22.05.17 Item 4 512/32

4. eGov Review

The Committee agreed the body of the report, subject to minor formatting issues, should be sent to stakeholders for comment, and that findings and recommendations should be discussed at the  19th  June  meeting.  The  report  would  therefore  not  be published until end June/early July.  


22.05.17 Item 5

5. Police Station

The Committee agreed that the broad themes of questioning should be sent to the project team, in advance of the public hearing of 19th June, together with a specific question relating to costs after the siting of the station was agreed.  


22.05.17 Item 7 512/34

6. Road surfacing

The Committee agreed the Terms of Reference and Scoping document for the planned review and noted that Connétable C.H.




Taylor would take the lead. The Committee also agreed that it would wish to appoint an expert and requested the Officer to ask the Chief Officer of the Department for Infrastructure who the Department had appointed for external expert advice. It also requested the Officer to request the Department to release emails and  other  correspondence  in  relation  to  their  road  surfacing project.  


22.05.17 Item 8 512/1(8)

7. C&AG - Audit Plan update

The Committee noted a verbal update of the Audit Plan, and further noted that the Jersey Audit Office Board of Governance was to appoint a third member and would advertise accordingly.



8. Next meeting

The Committee noted the next meeting was 19th June 2017 at 12 noon, to discuss the eGov findings and recommendations, then a public hearing would take place at 2.30pm.


Signed  Date:



Public Accounts Committee