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Chairmen's Committee
Record of Meeting
Date: 27th February 2018
Present | Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré, President and Chairman, Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel Deputy S.M. Brée, Chairman, Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel (except Item 11) Connétable C.H. Taylor , Chairman, Public Accounts Committee Deputy D. Johnson , Chairman, Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel (except Item 11) Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman, Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel |
Apologies | Deputy J.M. Maçon, Chairman, Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel |
Absent |
In attendance | Mr T. Oldham , Head of Scrutiny |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Records of meetings The Committee approved the records of its meetings held on 23rd and 31st January, 8th and 14th February 2018. The records were signed by the President. |
| 2. Activity Reports Panel and PAC activity reports were noted by the Committee. |
21.11.17 Item 3 | 3. Privileges and Procedures Committee: update The Committee considered a briefing paper on the recent activity of the Privileges and Procedures Committee (PPC). It noted correspondence from the Chairman of PPC regarding the purdah period It was agreed that as far as possible Chairmen would aim to complete all Panel work by 10th April, with only legacy reports and administrative matters to follow. |
23.01.18 Item 3 | 4. Codes of Practice The Committee received an update from the President on the progress of the Engagement and Proceedings Codes of Practice. The Committee noted that the Engagement Code of Practice and an associated amendment of the States of Jersey (Powers, Privileges and Immunities) (Scrutiny Panels, PAC and PPC) Regulations 2006, had been lodged for debate on 10th April 2018. Work would now continue to complete the Proceedings Code of Practice. | JLF/TO |
23.01.18 Item 4 | 5. Care of Children in Jersey Review Panel The Committee received and noted an activity update report detailing the work of the Review Panel. |
23.01.18 Item 5 | 6. Residential Property Transactions Review Panel |
| The Committee received and noted an activity update report detailing the work of the Review Panel. |
23.01.18 Item 6 | 7. Brexit Review Panel The Committee received and noted an activity update report detailing the ongoing work of the Review Panel. |
23.01.18 Item 7 | 8. Future Hospital Review Panel The Committee received and noted an activity update report detailing the ongoing work of the Review Panel. |
| 9. Machinery of Government Review Panel Having approved the scoping document and terms of reference for the review, the Committee received an activity update report detailing the work of the Review Panel. The Committee separately discussed the volume of legislation recently lodged for debate before the end of the current session. It was agreed that individual Panels would consider their approach to prioritising work and, where required, call in legislation that it had received insufficient time to scrutinise. The President would also raise the matter with the Chief Minister at their meeting scheduled for 12th March 2018. | JLF |
| 10. Legacy Report The Committee considered the publication of a legacy report of the Committee's work during this term of office, and agreed a number of matters for inclusion. |
| 11. Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel: Complaint The Committee considered a complaint in relation to the conduct of the Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel's Licensing Review. It was agreed that, as with the comparable situation when the Committee was presented with a complaint in 2017 against the Electoral Reform Sub-Panel, the Committee was not the appropriate body to investigate the complaint due primarily to the number of conflicts of interest amongst the membership. It was agreed that the matter should therefore be referred to PPC in accordance with the Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the PAC. | TO |
| 12. Future Meetings It was noted that the Committee's next meeting was scheduled to take place on 27th March 2018 at 9.30am, Le Capelain Room, States Building. |