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Approved Panel Minutes - Care of Children in Jersey Review Panel - 2019

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Care of Children in Jersey Review Panel

Records of Meetings

Year: 2019

The following records of meetings have been approved by the Panel. Signed


Deputy Rob Ward


Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon

Deputy Mike Higgins


Senator Kristina Moore



In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Record of Meetings

The Review Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 3rd, 11th and 13th December 2018.


2. Response to the Care Inquiry: Update Report Quarter Four 2018

The Review Panel noted that its report S.R.17/2018 Response to the Care Inquiry: Update Report Quarter Four 2018 had been published on Friday 14th December 2018 and the Ministerial Response was due by Friday 25th January 2019.


3. Children's Commissioner Legislation

The Review Panel noted a draft scoping document and Terms of Reference for a review of the legislation that would underpin the role of the Children's Commissioner. It was noted that the legislation was due to be lodged, with an intended debate taking place in March 2019.

It was agreed that the Panel had received adequate briefings on the draft legislation and was satisfied that the draft Law in its current form did not require further detailed scrutiny. The Review Panel did agree, however, that it would write to the Minister for Children and Housing in order to seek points of clarification once the draft Law had been lodged, and would publish those answers alongside Comments in support of the draft Law prior to the debate.


4. Children's Plan

The  Review  Panel  noted  and  discussed  documentation  relating  to  the  revised Children's Plan which had been approved by the Council of Ministers. It agreed to arrange a briefing on the contents of the Children's Plan after which it would consider any further actions.


5. Corporate Parenting Framework

The  Review  Panel  noted  documentation  in  relation  to  a  proposed  Corporate Parenting Framework for the States of Jersey. It was agreed that the Panel would arrange a briefing on the proposals, after which it would consider any further actions.


6. Children's Legislation Transformation Programme

The Review Panel noted and discussed a report from the Minister for Children and Housing which set out the legislative priorities in relation to children and young



people. The Review Panel agreed it would arrange a briefing on the programme after which it would consider any further actions.


7. Review of Children's Services Improvement Plan

The Review Panel discussed the merits of undertaking a review of the Children's Services Improvement  Plan (CSIP) which had been put in place following the OFSTED and Jersey Care Commission review of the service in September 2018. It was agreed that given the amount of time since the Plan's inception it would be beneficial to look at the progress that had been made.

The Review Panel agreed that it would arrange a meeting with the Minister for Children and Housing in order to discuss the progress made in implementing the CSIP.  It  also  agreed  that  it  would  schedule  a  meeting  with  the  Jersey  Care Commission in order to establish whether there was any potential crossover with the follow up work it would be undertaking.


8. Divorce Law submission

The Review Panel noted a submission from a member of the public asking for it to review the impact of existing divorce law on children. The Review Panel noted that a review of divorce law was currently underway and agreed that it would seek a briefing on the current Law in order to better understand the context of the submission. It was agreed that subsequent to this briefing, it would invite the member of the public in to speak about their concerns further.


9. Visit to children's charities

The Review Panel discussed arranging visits to local children's charities in order to learn more about the work being undertaken. It was therefore requested that visits to the NSPCC and Brighter Futures be arranged. The Review Panel also requested that a visit to the Move on Café be arranged to take place during a session for young people.


10. Quarterly Hearing dates 2019

The Review Panel recalled that it had agreed to hold public hearings with the Minister for Children and Housing throughout 2019 during planned Panel meetings. It was noted that due to existing Ministerial meetings, the Minister was unable to attend during the morning of the suggested dates, however, was available during the afternoon. The Review Panel agreed that it would reschedule the meetings on those dates in order to accommodate a hearing with the Minister. The Officer advised that updated meeting requests would be sent out in due course.


11. Future Meetings

The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 9:30am on Monday 28th January in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Trevor Pointon

Deputy Mike Higgins





In attendance

Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing [item 2]

Mark Rogers, Director General, Children, Young People, Education and Skills [item 2]

Andrew Heaven, Director Children's Policy [item 2]

Susan Devlin, Group Director, Children's Services [item 2]

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Record of Meetings

The Review Panel noted and approved the record of the meeting held on 14th January 2019.


2. Briefing – Children and Young People's Plan

The Review Panel received Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing, Mark Rogers, Director General, Children, Young People, Education and Skills, Andrew  Heaven,  Director  Children's  Policy  and  Susan  Devlin,  Group  Director, Children's Services for a briefing in relation to the Children and Young People's Plan and  the  governance  structure  that  would  be  created  in  order  to  manage  its implementation.

The Minister for Children and Housing (hereafter "the Minister") explained that the idea of a Children's Plan was directly referenced in the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry (IJCI) and that previous attempts at implementing a plan had not been supported by the correct governance or funding arrangements. The plan had been developed in collaboration with a wide range of parties, including children, young people and their families, professionals working with children and young people and politicians and senior civil servants.

It was explained that the purpose of the plan was to ensure that "all children will be safe, able to flourish and fulfil their potential". This was to be achieved by focusing on the following four key indicators which contained measures that would ultimately lead to tangible results:

  • Grow up safely
  • Valued and involved
  • Learn and achieve
  • Live health lives  



The Director for Children's Policy explained that the plan had been approved by the Council of Ministers and was due to be discussed further at an engagement day with representatives from 30 local schools. Once this had taken place it was likely that the plan would be formally published either before or after half term.

The Panel discussed aspects of the plan with the Minister and Officers and noted the emphasis that one outcome was to increase the number of pupils achieving five or more good GCSE's. The Panel questioned the reasons for including this outcome and agreed that it would question the Minister publically about it.

The Minister explained that in order to support the delivery of the plan, a Children's Strategic Partnership Board had been established, chaired by the Minister, with representatives from across the wide range of agencies that worked with children and  young  people.  It  was  noted  that  the  main  function  of  the  board  was  to commission and engage the children's system in order to implement the children and young people's plan. It was noted that the board was likely to meet four times a year.

The Panel thanked the Minister and Officers for attending and they withdrew from the  meeting.  The  Panel  agreed  it would  question  him  further  on  the  intended outcomes of the plan at its upcoming public hearing.


3. Response to the Care Inquiry: Update Report Quarter Four 2018

The Panel noted the Ministerial Response to its report S.R.17/2018 Response to the Care Inquiry: Update Report Quarter Four 2018 had been published by the Minister for Children and Housing.

The Review Panel discussed the response to its key findings and agreed further questions that it would seek to ask at the quarterly public hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing on Monday 11th February.


4. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing

The Review Panel noted that it was due to hold a quarterly public hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing on Monday 11th February 2019. The Panel discussed and agreed question areas for the hearing and the Officer advised that a question plan would be circulated for Panel approval in due course.


5. Children's Legislation Transformation Programme

The Review Panel noted that a briefing on the Children's Legislation Transformation Programme was due to take place on 14th February 2019.


6. Review of Children's Services Improvement Plan

The Review Panel noted that a briefing on the Children's Services Improvement Plan was due to take place on 14th February 2019.


7. Divorce Law submission

The Review Panel noted that it was due to receive a briefing from Officers in the Department for Strategic Policy, Performance and Population on Monday 11th March about the current Divorce Law and results of the consultation on divorce reform which was due to end on 25th February. Once the Panel had received a briefing it would arrange to meet with the member of the public that had submitted this as a review topic to discuss their views further.


8. Site Visits

The Review Panel noted that it was due to attend Brighter Futures on Monday 4th February. It requested that the visit be expanded in order to visit the Bridge as a whole (of which Brighter Futures was one organisation). The Officer advised that this would be arranged in due course.



The Review Panel noted that contact had been made with NSPCC Jersey regarding a visit, however, it had yet to be confirmed. The Officer advised that this would be followed up and confirmed in due course.


9. Future Meetings

The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 1:30pm on Monday 11th February in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon Deputy Mike Higgins


Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Senator Kristina Moore



In attendance

Wendy Hurford MBE, President, Brighter Futures Ruth Brunton, Chief Executive, Brighter Futures Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Visit to Brighter Futures

The Review Panel attended the Bridge Centre at Le Geyt and met with Wendy Hurford, President, Brighter Futures and Ruth Brunton, Chief Executive, Brighter Futures for a meeting to discuss the work being undertaken by the charity.

It was noted that the charity worked predominately with families who required support at Tiers 2 and 3, which was above that offered by universal services and below the highest level of support for families with complex needs. The charity catered for up to 150 families at any one time, although throughout 2018 it had worked with 250 different families. It would cost the charity £600,000 to run its programmes in 2019. A service level agreement for £82,000 was currently in place with the States of Jersey, although £20,000 of this funding was used to rent the space in which the charity operated. The rest of the funding requirement was met from applications to external funders on an ongoing basis.

The charity worked with families throughout a three year programme which was bespoke, and targeted assistance where it was needed most for families. This was based on an educational model, which placed emphasis on relationships, mental health and wellbeing and education in order to help break inter-generational issues (i.e. children of parents who did not value education tended to not value it also). This programme was based on evidence, identified outcomes for the families and was constantly evaluated to ensure it was meeting their needs. Families were usually referred in to the service, however it was possible to self-refer. Each family was assigned a key worker who would support them throughout the 3 year programme and helped them to develop skills and support networks. 102 clients had been discharged from the service in 2018 of which 44% had entered work or were actively seeking work, 19% were currently volunteering and 23% had become full time parents.

It was noted that the Chief Executive was a voluntary sector representative of the Children's Strategic Partnership Board and that the recent changes within the States of Jersey had been positive for the sector, especially in regards to involving it more in the development and implementation of policy.



The Review Panel were then given a tour of the facilities and met families who were engaged in the programmes offered by the charity. The Review Panel thanked the President and Chief Executive for meeting with it and agreed it would continue to seek to views of the charity in relation to any future reviews.



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon

Deputy Mike Higgins


Senator Kristina Moore



In attendance

Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing [item 2]

Mark Rogers, Director General, Children, Young People, Education and Skills [item 2]

Andrew Heaven, Director Children's Policy [item 2]

Susan Devlin, Group Director, Children's Services [item 2]

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Record of Meetings

The Review Panel noted and approved the record of the meeting held on 28th January 2019.


2. Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing

The Review Panel received Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing, Mark Rogers, Director General, Children, Young People, Education and Skills, Andrew  Heaven,  Director  Children's  Policy  and  Susan  Devlin,  Group  Director, Children's  Services  for  a  quarterly  public  hearing  relating  to  progress  made implementing the recommendations from the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry. A recording was made so that a transcript could be produced.


3. Children's Legislation Transformation Programme and Children's Services improvement plan briefing

The Review Panel noted that a briefing on the Children's Legislation Transformation Programme and Children's Services improvement plan was due to take place at 12:30pm on Thursday 14th February. The Officer advised that the relevant papers would be circulated in advance of the meeting.


4. Site Visits  

The Review Panel noted that the NSPCC had provided it with dates in order to undertake a visit to find out more about the work it was doing. The Review Panel agreed to visit on Wednesday 10th April during the morning and requested the Officer to make the necessary arrangements. The Officer advised that meeting request would be circulated in due course.

The Review Panel also noted that the Care Commissioner was available to meet on Thursday 14th March at 2:30pm. The Review Panel agreed to proceed with this meeting and the Officer advised a meeting request would be sent out.



5. Future Meetings



The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 9:30am on Monday 25th February in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon


Senator Kristina Moore Deputy Mike Higgins



In attendance

Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing

Mark Rogers, Director General, Children, Young People, Education and Skills

Andrew Heaven, Director Children's Policy

Susan Devlin, Group Director, Children's Services

Nancy Meehan, Director, Children's Services

Steve Hart , Chair, Operational Improvement Board

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Briefing – Children's Services Improvement Plan

The Review Panel received Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing, Mark Rogers, Director General, Children, Young People, Education and Skills, Andrew Heaven, Director Children's Policy, Susan Devlin, Group Director, Children's Services,  Nancy  Meehan,  Director,  Children's  Services  and  Steve   Hart ,  Chair, Operational  Improvement  Board  for  a  briefing  update  on  the  progress  of  the Children's Services Improvement Plan, which had been developed in response to the OFSTED inspection and subsequent Care Commission report on Children's Services.

The record of this meeting is classified as exempt in accordance with the Freedom

of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26.



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon


Senator Kristina Moore Deputy Mike Higgins



In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201-

The Review Panel noted that the Minister for Children and Housing had provided a response to its letter requesting further information on the significant changes that had been made to Article 8 of the draft Law. The Review Panel discussed the response and agreed that it would review the change to Article 8.

The Officer advised that a scoping document and Terms of Reference for the review would be drafted and circulated to Panel Members for approval, after which it would be sent to the Chairmen's Committee for final approval.


Date: 11th March 2019



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon


Senator Kristina Moore Deputy Mike Higgins



In attendance

Ruth Johnson , Director, Social Policy [item 2 only] Ben Sandeman, Programme Manager [item 2 only] Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of meetings

The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on the 4th, 11th, 14th and 26th February 2019.


2. Briefing – Divorce Law reform consultation

The Panel received Ruth Johnson , Director, Social Policy and Ben Sandeman, Programme Manager for a briefing in relation to the findings of a public consultation process around family law, namely, age of marriage and divorce reform.

The record of this meeting is classified as exempt in accordance with the Freedom

of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


3. Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201-

The Review Panel noted that the scoping document and Terms of Reference for the review had been approved and it had written to a wide range of stakeholders to gather  views  on  the  Children's  Commissioner's  proposed  powers  to  request information within the Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201-.

It was noted that the Panel had written to the Minister for Children and Housing to inform him that it was its intention to call the draft Law in under Standing Order 72 if the principles were adopted on 26th March. The Review Panel agreed that it would look to report back in order for the debate to continue in second reading at the sitting on 30th April 2019. The Review Panel agreed that it would publish comments prior to the debate on 26th March setting out the work it was undertaking and its intention to call in the law.

The Review Panel noted the Information Commissioner had made a submission and requested to speak with it about the draft Law. The Review Panel agreed potential dates to meet and requested that the Officer arrange a meeting accordingly.



4. Work Programme

The Review Panel noted and discussed its forward work programme.



It was noted that the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry Panel, chaired by Frances Oldham QC, was due to return to the Island in May 2019 in order to review the progress that had been made to date in implementing the recommendations from the report. The Review Panel would request a meeting with the Panel in order to discuss its work and thoughts on the process so far.

The Review Panel noted that it was due to meet with the Care Commissioner at 2:30pm on Thursday 14th March in order to discuss his thoughts on the progress that had been made implementing the recommendations from the OFTSED inspection of Children's Services.

The Review Panel agreed that it would focus on the review of the Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201- , after which it would consider its work programme further.


5. Transfer of functions

The Review Panel noted that the responsibility for Children's Services and the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAHMS) had been transferred from the Minister for Health and Social Services to the Minister for Children and Housing.

It was agreed that the Review Panel would consider the changes further once it had completed its review of the Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201-.


6. Future Meetings

The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 9:30am on Monday 25th March 2019 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.


Date: 14th March 2019



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Senator Kristina Moore


Deputy Trevor Pointon Deputy Mike Higgins



In attendance

Glenn Houston, Care Commissioner

Christine Blackwood, Head of Professional Care Regulation Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Meeting – Care Commissioner

The Panel received Glenn Houston, Care Commissioner and Christine Blackwood, Head of Professional Care Regulation to discuss the views of the Commission in relation to the progress made since it published its report of the inspection of Children's Services in September 2018.

The record of this meeting is classified as exempt in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26(b).


Meeting held by electronic mail

Date: 21st March 2019



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Trevor Pointon

Deputy Mike Higgins





In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201-

The Panel noted the submissions it had received setting out concerns in relation to Article 8 of the Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201-

The Panel agreed that the amendment should reflect the previous draft of the article which had been presented to it on 3rd December 2019, and subsequently supported in numerous submissions to the review.

The Officer advised that the Legislative Drafters would be issued with the necessary law drafting instructions in order to achieve the amendment.


Meeting held by electronic mail

Date: 22nd March 2019



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Trevor Pointon

Deputy Mike Higgins





In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201-

The Panel agreed its comments in relation to P.18/2019 Draft Commissioner for Children  and  Young  People  (Jersey)  Law  201-.  It  was  noted  that  due  to  the requirements of Standing Orders, the comments would be presented in the name of the Chairmen's Committee


Date: 25th March 2019



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon

Deputy Mike Higgins


Senator Kristina Moore



In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Review Panel agreed records of the meetings held on 11th and 14th March 2019


2. Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201-

The Review Panel noted that it had published comments in respect of the draft Law prior to the debate on the principles on Tuesday 26th March which explained its intention to call in the draft Law under Standing Order 72.

The Review Panel noted that it had agreed to proceed with an amendment to the Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201- and was due to receive a draft of the amendment from the Legislative Drafter. The Officer advised that this would be circulated to the Panel upon its receipt for comments and further discussion.  The  Review  Panel  agreed  that  it  would  consider  a  draft  report  to accompany the amendment at its next scheduled meeting on Monday 8th April.


3. Meeting with the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry Panel

The Review Panel noted that Frances Oldham QC and members of the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry Panel had extended an invitation to it to meet with them in private on Wednesday 27th March at 3pm subject to Members' availability. The Officer advised that a meeting request would be circulated accordingly.


4. Visit to NSPCC

The Review Panel noted that it was due to visit the NSPCC on Wednesday 10th April at 10:00am. It was requested, due to Members' commitments, that the visit be moved to  11:00am.  The  Officer  advised  that  the  organisation  would  be  contacted  to ascertain whether such a change was possible, after which confirmation would be circulated to Panel Members.


5. Future Meetings

The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 9:30am on Monday 8th April 2019 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.


Date: 8th April 2019



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon

Deputy Mike Higgins


Senator Kristina Moore



In attendance

Frances Oldham QC, IJCI Panel Chair [item 2 only via conference call] Alyson Leslie, IJCI Panel Member [item 2 only via conference call] Deborah McMillan, Children's Commissioner [item 3 only]

Tara Murphy, Policy Officer, Children's Commissioner's Office [item 3 only] Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Review Panel agreed records of the meetings held on 21st, 22nd and 25th March 2019.


2. Conference Call – Independent Jersey Care Inquiry Panel

The Review Panel received Frances Oldham QC, IJCI Panel Chair, and Alyson Leslie, IJCI Panel Member, via conference call to note arrangements for the return visit of the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry Panel to assess the progress made in the implementation of the recommendations from the IJCI.

It was explained that the IJCI Panel was due to visit between 13th and 24th May 2019.  During  the  first  week  the  IJCI  Panel  would  meet  in  private  with  key stakeholders and then hold public hearings during the second week. It was agreed that the Review Panel would meet both in private and in public with the IJCI Panel in order to discuss the work it had undertaken and highlight its thoughts on the process of implementing the recommendations to this point.

The Review Panel agreed to discuss potential dates for both meetings and confirm with the IJCI Panel in due course. The IJCI Panel encouraged the Review Panel to contact  stakeholders  it  had  encountered  in  order  to  gather  views  on  the implementation of the recommendations so far.


3. Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201-

The Review Panel received Deborah McMillan, Children's Commissioner, and Tara Murphy, Policy Officer, Children's Commissioner's Office, for a meeting to discuss its amendment to the Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201-. The record of this meeting is classified as exempt in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26.


4. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing



The Review Panel noted that it was due to hold a scheduled quarterly public hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing on Monday 20th May 2019. The Review Panel agreed to postpone the hearing to Monday 3rd June due to the planned visit of the IJCI Panel during the week beginning 20th May. The Review Panel discussed and agreed question areas for the hearing and the Officer advised that a draft question plan would be circulated for the next meeting for further discussion.


5. Future Meetings

The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 9:30am on Monday 29th April 2019 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.


Meeting held by electronic mail

Date: 11th April 2019



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Trevor Pointon

Deputy Mike Higgins





In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201-

The Review Panel approved its amendment to the Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201. The Officer advised that this would be circulated to the Chairmen's Committee for final approval, after which it would be lodged au Greffe.


Date: 29th April 2019



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon

Deputy Mike Higgins





In attendance

Deborah McMillan, Children's Commissioner [item 2 only] Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Review Panel approved the records of the meetings held on 5th, 8th and 11th April 2019.


2. Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201-

The Review Panel received Deborah McMillan, Children's Commissioner in order to discuss the Minister for Children and Housing's amendment to its amendment (hereafter,  "the  amended  scrutiny  amendment")  of  the  Draft  Commissioner  for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201- (hereafter, "the draft Law").

The Commissioner explained that the amended scrutiny amendment would create a suitable framework for a Children's Commissioner to discharge their duties in respect of  requesting  information  relating  to  Law  Officer's  advice  privilege.  Under  the proposed amended scrutiny amendment, the Attorney General would be required to give consent to release Law Officer advice to the Commissioner, who in turn would not be able to disclose that advice. It was noted however, that the Commissioner would be able to instigate an investigation into any matters if it was deemed that the legal  advice  had  not  been  in  the  best  interest  of  the  child  and  make recommendations.

It was noted that the Attorney General, Chief Minister, Minister for Children and Housing and the Children's Commissioner were all due to sign a protocol agreement for the sharing of information which was legally privileged. It was also noted that this would be reviewed after six months and fully after a year. The Commissioner explained that she was due to meet regularly with the Attorney General and would also be meeting every four weeks with the Group Director for Children's Services and the Director General for Children, Young People, Education and Skills. It was expected that if the protocol was for whatever reason seen to not be working effectively, then the Commissioner would have recourse to raise concerns with the Review Panel and to the general public.

The  Commissioner  thanked  the  Review  Panel  for  its  work  bringing  the  initial amendment and agreed that the process had helped strengthen an important piece of legislation. The Commissioner agreed that she would write to the Review Panel to relay her support of the amended scrutiny amendment which in turn would be sent



to all States Members and published on the States Assembly website. The Review Panel thanked the Commissioner for attending and she withdrew from the meeting.

The Review Panel noted that the Minister for Children and Housing was due to lodge the amended scrutiny amendment prior to the debate and an email had been sent to all States Members to inform them that they would be asked to accept a reduced lodging period in order to debate it on 30th April. The Review Panel agreed that it was not feasible to present a Comments paper at this late stage before the debate, and therefore agreed that it would write to all States Members by email setting out its  acceptance  of  the  amended  scrutiny  amendment.  It  would  also  attach  the correspondence from the Commissioner and publish both as a letter on the States Assembly website the following day.


3. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing

The Review Panel noted that the quarterly hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing had been moved to Monday 3rd June 2019. The Review Panel discussed and agreed areas of questioning for the hearing. The Officer advised that a draft question plan would be circulated for discussion at the next Review Panel meeting on Monday 20th May 2019.


4. Future meetings with the IJCI Panel

The Review Panel noted that the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry Panel (IJCI Panel) was due to conduct an official follow up to its report from 13th to 24th May 2019.

The Review Panel recalled that it had agreed to meet twice with the IJCI Panel during this period, once in private, the other in public and agreed potential dates for the meetings to take place. The Officer advised that these would be communicated to the IJCI Panel and arranged accordingly.


5. Future meetings

The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 1:30pm on Monday 20th May 2019 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building. The Chairman  offered  his  apologies  for  the  meeting  due  to  his  attendance  at  a Commonwealth Parliamentary Association meeting in Guernsey.


Date: 20th May 2019



Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon

Deputy Mike Higgins


Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman



In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Review Panel approved the records of the meetings held on 29th April 2019.


2. Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201-

The Review Panel noted that the Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201- had been adopted as amended on the 30th April 2019. The Review Panel recalled that it had accepted the Minister for Children and Housing's amendment to its own amendment, and would continue to monitor the protocol that had been signed by all parties in respect of the sharing of legal advice between the Law Officers' Department and the Children's Commissioner.

The Review Panel agreed that the review process had been positive and it had brought to light and resolved a serious deficiency within the draft Law. The Review Panel  also  agreed  that  the  review  had  been  a  success  due  to  the  ongoing communication with relevant stakeholders throughout. It was noted that the last minute amendments to the Panel's amendment had presented significant challenges to the Panel's time and resources, however, the outcome of the whole process had been generally positive.


3. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing

The Review Panel noted that the quarterly hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing had been moved to Monday 3rd June 2019. The Review Panel discussed additional areas for inclusion at the hearing. The Officer advised that a question plan would be circulated in due course.


4. Public meeting with the IJCI Panel

The Review Panel noted that it was due to meet in public with the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry Panel (IJCI) on Thursday 23rd May at 3:00pm. The Review Panel noted a briefing paper outlining the areas to be discussed at the hearing and requested that the Officer compile any necessary information relevant to the question areas prior to the meeting.

The Review Panel recalled that it had met in private with the IJCI Panel on 15th May and requested that the minutes were circulated as soon as possible


5. Future meetings

The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 1:30pm on Monday 3rd June 2019 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.




Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon


Deputy Mike Higgins



In attendance

Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing [item 2 only]

Mark Rogers, Director General, Children, Young People, Education and Skills [item 2 only]

Andrew Heaven, Director Children's Policy [item 2 only]

Susan Devlin, Group Director, Children's Services [item 2 only]

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Review Panel approved the records of the meetings held on 15th and 20th May 2019.


2. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing

The Review Panel received Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing, Mark Rogers, Director General, Children, Young People, Education and Skills, Andrew  Heaven,  Director  Children's  Policy  and  Susan  Devlin,  Group  Director, Children's Services for a quarterly public hearing in relation to the implementation of the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry recommendations. The proceedings were webcast live and a recording was made so that a transcript could be produced.


3. Public meeting with the IJCI Panel

The Review Panel recalled that it had attended a public hearing with the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry Panel (IJCI) in order to discuss its role and give its view on the progress made implementing the recommendations from the IJCI. The Review Panel agreed that it was a positive hearing which had raised several observations about the manner in which the Review Panel could operate into the future. It was noted that one particular area for consideration was how the Review Panel would scrutinise the wider cultural issues that were raised by the Inquiry.

The Review Panel agreed it would review the transcript of the hearing and request the proposed timeline for the IJCI Panel's report to be published.


4. Work Programme

The Review Panel noted and agreed a proposed forward work programme from June to December 2019. The Review Panel agreed that it would seek to publish an update report setting out the work it had undertaken during the first six months of 2019. The Officer advised that a scoping document would be drafted for discussion at the next Panel meeting.

The Review Panel agreed that it would seek to arrange visits to Greenfields and Barnardos.  It  also  agreed  that  it  would  arrange  to  meet  the  Children's Commissioner's Youth Advisory Panel and Jersey Cares.



5. Visit to NSPCC



The Review Panel noted that it was due to visit the NSPCC centre on Wednesday 12th June at 9:30am.


6. Future meetings

The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 9:30am on Monday 17th June 2019 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Trevor Pointon

Deputy Mike Higgins





In attendance

Jacky Moon, Service Manager, NSPCC

Selina Winter, Team Manager, NSPCC

Katherine McGovern, Consultant Social Worker, NSPCC Sabrina Charpentier, Consultant Social Worker, NSPCC Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Visit to NSPCC

The  Review  Panel  attended  the  NSPCC  Gower  Centre  in  order  to  receive  a presentation in relation to the work of the organisation.

It was noted that the organisation was generally funded through donors, however, it had received funding from the States of Jersey which had recently ended. It was expected  that  funding  bids  for  2020  onwards  would  be  discussed  with  the Government in due course.

The Review Panel noted that the organisation had set out within its business plan to identify areas of need within geographical locations where it had little to no presence. Once this need had been identified it would commission research that would identify programmes best suited to meeting the identified needs. Once the programmes had been fully established the NSPCC would generally hand over the responsibility for the programme to an organisation already working within the district or town.

It was explained that the NSPCC was established in Jersey in 2013 and since its inception it had been responsible for developing the "Baby steps" programme for young, vulnerable parents which was now being managed by Family Nursing and Home Care as the main ante-natal service in the Island. It was noted that the focus of the programme was to give young parents the skills and confidence to manage once the child had been born. It was noted that this service was at first rolled out in a targeted manner, but after a successful evaluation process it became a universal service.

It was also due to launch the "Pregnancy In Mind" programme later in 2019 which would also focus on developing coping and mindfulness skills among young parents.

The organisation also ran the "Letting the future in" programme which focussed on working with young people that were dealing with the effects of abuse. It was noted that the programme was young person led and bespoke to the individual in order to allow for the young person to grow and deal with their abuse in their own way.



The Review Panel then received a tour of the facilities and thanked the team for the meeting. It was agreed that the Panel would continue to meet with local organisations working with children in order to gather further information about the work being undertaken.



Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Trevor Pointon

Deputy Mike Higgins


Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman



In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Review Panel noted and approved the record of the meeting held on 3rd June 2019.


2. Update Report – Summer 2019

The Review Panel noted and discussed a draft scoping document in relation to is proposed  review  of  the  progress  implementing  the  key  actions  arising  from recommendations five to eight of the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry (IJCI).

The Review Panel agreed additional stakeholders to approach to gather evidence and agreed to undertake a public call for evidence through social media channels. It was agreed that the scoping document would be updated and sent to the Review Panel for approval, after which it would be sent to the Chairmen's Committee for final approval.


3. IJCI Panel reporting

The Review Panel noted that the IJCI Panel had circulated the transcript from its hearing on 23rd May requesting any comments on factual accuracy. The Review Panel agreed to review the transcript and revert to the Officer with any comments by Thursday 20th June.

It was noted that the IJCI Panel was intending to report on its recent visit at some point during the summer. The Review Panel agreed to request details on the manner in which the report would be presented, and any associated planned events or coverage.



4. Work Programme

The  Review  Panel  noted  and  discussed  a  proposed  work  programme  for  the remainder of 2019.

It was noted that the Government Plan was due to be lodged in July 2019 with the debate taking place in November 2019. The Review Panel agreed that, given its remit,  it  would  be  best  placed  to  scrutinise  any  proposals  linked  to  the  IJCI recommendations through the Minister for Children and Housing's role as lead on the response to the IJCI. The Officer advised that a detailed plan would be scoped out as soon as further detail on the plan became available.

The Review Panel also agreed its forward work programme, subject to any outcomes from the IJCI Panel's upcoming report. It was agreed that the Review Panel would



scrutinise any Government response to the follow up report and any additional recommendations it may contain.

It was noted that Jersey Cares had been approached in order to discuss the ongoing work of the charity. It was noted that an evening meeting had been proposed, however, dates had yet to be finalised. The Officer advised that a meeting request would be sent out as soon as the date had been confirmed.


5. Visit to Greenfields

The Review Panel noted that a visit to Greenfields had been arranged on Monday 15th July 2019 at 3:30pm.


6. Future Meetings

The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 9:30am on Monday 1st July in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon

Deputy Mike Higgins


Senator Kristina Moore



In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Review Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 12th and 17th June 2019.


2. Update Report – Summer 2019

The Review Panel noted that the scoping document and Terms of Reference had been circulated to the Chairmen's Committee for approval. The Review Panel noted and discussed the timeline for the review and agreed to report by the start of October 2019. Subject to approval by the Chairmen's Committee, the Review Panel agreed to proceed with evidence gathering prior to the summer recess.

The  Review  Panel  agreed  to  request  an  updated  organisation  chart  for  the Department  for  Children,  Young  People,  Education  and  Skills  (CYPES)  which contained the job titles sitting at each of the top three tiers. It also agreed to request the respective job descriptions for those roles.



3. Meeting with Jersey Cares

The Review Panel recalled that it had agreed to arrange a meeting with Jersey Cares in order to find out more about the work it was undertaking. Due to conflicting schedules it was not possible to meet with the group prior to the summer recess, and it was therefore agreed that the meeting should take place in September. The Officer advised that this would be arranged and meeting request sent out accordingly.


4. Government Plan

The Review Panel noted that the Government Plan was due to be lodged in mid-July with a view to being debated in November 2019. The Review Panel noted that the Chairmen's Committee had held initial discussions relating to the manner in which the Government Plan should be scrutinised. It was agreed that due to the nature of the Review Panel and its strict Terms of Reference relating to the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry (IJCI), it would limit its focus to identifying themes within the Plan that were  directly  linked  to  the  IJCI  recommendations.  It  was  agreed  that  further discussion was required once the Government Plan had been formally presented.


5. Remit of the Review Panel

The Review Panel recalled its previous discussion relating to its remit, specifically the  ongoing  scrutiny  of  matters  arising  out  of  the  implementation  of  the  IJCI recommendations. It was agreed that the Review Panel was best placed to continue to scrutinise the response to the IJCI recommendations, however, this should be limited specifically to the actions as set out within P.108/2017 Independent Jersey



Care Inquiry Report: implementation of recommendations. It was expected that as these actions were completed, additional actions would fall out of this that may not directly relate to the remit of the Review Panel.

The Review Panel agreed that further consideration as to which Panel was best placed to scrutinise the ongoing work of the Minister for Children and Housing was required.


6. Corporate Parenting Board

The Review Panel noted that the Chairman had recently attended a meeting of the Corporate Parenting Board which had been established to advise the States of Jersey (including the Government and States Assembly) on its duties relating to Looked After Children and Care Leavers and also develop a Corporate Parenting strategy.

The Chairman advised that given the overarching nature of Corporate Parenting it was important that scrutiny was represented on the Board, however, his attendance was only as a participant observer, meaning he did not have a vote. It was noted that should the Review Panel undertake any review of the work being done by the Corporate Parenting Board then the Chairman would not participate.


7. E-Petition: Higher Sentences for Paedophiles

The Review Panel noted that an e-petition calling for mandatory minimum sentences for convicted paedophiles had reached 5,000 signatures and was now eligible for an in-committee debate in the States Assembly.

It was noted that the Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel was liaising with the Minister for Home Affairs over the date for a proposed in-committee debate and had agreed to arrange a briefing from the Offender Management Unit (OMU) and write to the Prison and Probation Service requesting details of the work it carried out with convicted sex offenders. The Review Panel requested that it also be invited to any briefing in relation to the OMU in order to help inform it prior to the debate.


8. Future Meetings

The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 9:30am on Monday 15th July 2019 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building. The Review Panel agreed that all future meetings would begin at 10:00am and requested the Officer to update the meeting requests accordingly.



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon


Senator Kristina Moore Deputy Mike Higgins



In attendance

Senator Sam Mézec , Minister Children and Housing [Item 2 only] Dr. Megan Mathias, Group Director Policy [Item 2 only]

Andrew Heaven, Director Children's Policy [Item 2 only]

Susan Devlin, Group Director, Children's Services [Item 2 only] Francis Walker , Policy Principal [Item 2 only]

Paul Sullivan, Registered Manager Greenfields [item 7 only] Joanne Cowen, Service Manager, Short Breaks [item 7 only] Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Review Panel noted and approved the record of the meeting held on 1st July 2019.  


2. Briefing – Children's Legislative Transformation Programme

The Review Panel received Senator Sam Mézec , Minister Children and Housing, Dr. Megan Mathias, Group Director Policy, Andrew Heaven, Director Children's Policy, Susan  Devlin,  Group  Director,  Children's  Services  and  Francis   Walker ,  Policy Principal  for  a  briefing  in  relation  to  the  Children's  Legislative  Transformation Programme.

The record of this meeting is classified as exempt in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exempt Article 35.


3. Update Report – Summer 2019

The Review Panel noted that the review had been launched and it had already received  submissions  from  members  of  the  public.  It  was  noted  that  targeted submissions  had  been  sent  to  various  stakeholders  and  media  coverage  had prompted engagement from community groups with the review. It was further noted that the deadline for submissions was Friday 16th August.

The Review Panel agreed to meet once the deadline had passed in order to agree the next steps for the review and plan potential public hearings. The Panel thereafter agreed to meet at 1pm on Monday 19th August.


4. Meeting with Jersey Cares

The Review Panel noted that arrangements for a meeting with Jersey Cares would be  confirmed  once  the  group  had  met  and  had  the  opportunity  to  consider arrangements on Wednesday 17th July. It was noted that it was anticipated that a date in September would likely be circulated if agreed by Jersey Cares.



5. E-Petition: Higher Sentences for Paedophiles

The Review Panel noted that the in-committee debate in respect of the e-petition was due to take place at the upcoming States Assembly sitting on Tuesday 16th July. The Review Panel noted that the Education and Home Affairs Panel had received submissions from the States of Jersey Prison Service and Probation and After-Care Service about the work they carried out with registered sex offenders. It was also noted that the Chairman had met with the Offender Management Unit in order to understand the work carried out with those on the sex offenders register.


6. Future Meetings

The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 10:00am on Monday 9th September in the Le Capelain Room, States Building. The Review Panel agreed that it would meet on Monday 19th August in order to consider the submissions it had received from its review and also consider its work programme in respect of scrutiny of the Government Plan. The Officer advised that a meeting request would be sent to confirm.


7. Visit to Greenfields

The Review Panel attended the Greenfields Secure Unit and met with Paul Sullivan, Registered Manager Greenfields and Joanne Cowen, Service Manager Short Breaks in order to discuss the work of the service and receive a tour of the facilities.



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Mike Higgins


Senator Kristina Moore Deputy Trevor Pointon



In attendance

Frances   Oldham  QC,  Independent  Jersey  Care  Inquiry  Chair  [via conference call Item 1 only]

Sandy Cameron, Independent Jersey Care Inquiry Panel Member [via conference call Item 1 only]

Alyson  Leslie,  Independent  Jersey  Care  Inquiry  Panel  Member  [via conference call Item 1 only]

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Conference call: Independent Jersey Care Inquiry Panel

The Review Panel received Frances Oldham QC, Independent Jersey Care Inquiry (IJCI) Chair, Sandy Cameron, IJCI Panel Member and Alyson Leslie, IJCI Panel Member via conference call to discuss the IJCI Panel's upcoming two year report on the progress made implementing its original eight recommendations.

The Review Panel noted that the IJCI Panel would not be returning to the Island after the presentation of the follow up report. It was further noted that the report was likely to offer constructive advice as to how the Review Panel could continue to scrutinise the work of the Government in respect of Children's Services.


2. Update Report: Summer 2019

The Review Panel noted that the closing date for submissions to its review was Friday 16th August and noted that it was due to meet on Monday 19th August in order to consider the submissions and discuss the next steps of the review.


3. Government Plan

The Review Panel noted arrangements for scrutinising aspects of the Government Plan that fell within its remit. It was noted that the Education and Home Affairs Panel was due to discuss this at its next scheduled meeting on Wednesday 14th August, after which the relevant projects for the Review Panel would be allocated to it. It was agreed that this would be discussed further at the next meeting on Monday 19th August.


4. Future Meetings

The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 1:00pm on Monday 19th August in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon

Deputy Mike Higgins


Senator Kristina Moore



In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 15th July and 9th August 2019


2. Update Report: Summer 2019

The Review Panel noted and discussed the submissions it had received and agreed to review them further at its next scheduled meeting on 22nd August.

It was noted that a member of the public had approached the Panel to submit evidence,  however,  they  had  requested  further  information  about  the  legal protections given to those submitting evidence to a review. The Panel agreed it would clarify the position and revert to the member of the public.

The Panel recalled that it had questioned the Minister for Children and Housing in relation to the four recommendations at its last quarterly hearing. The Panel agreed to review the transcript and request a written update on the progress made since the last hearing.



3. Government Plan Review

The Review Panel noted arrangements for scrutinising aspects of the Government Plan that fell within its remit. The Review Panel discussed and agreed the Scoping Document and Terms of Reference for the review and agreed to discuss its approach to each individual project at its next scheduled meeting.


4. Meeting with Jersey Cares

The Review Panel noted that it was due to meet with Jersey Cares at 6:00pm on Wednesday 4th September. The Officer advised that a meeting request would be sent out.


5. Future Meetings

The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 10:00am on Thursday 22nd August in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman Senator Kristina Moore Deputy Trevor Pointon


Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Mike Higgins



In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Update Report: Summer 2019

The Review Panel discussed the submissions it had received for the review, noting that a large number had been received in confidence. The Panel agreed to arrange a meeting with the Citizen's Panel to discuss its submission further.

The Panel noted that it had questioned the Minister for children and Housing on the response to recommendations five to eight of the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry at its last quarterly hearing on 3rd June 2019. The Panel agreed to submit written questions to the Minister requesting an update on the information shared during the hearing. It also agreed to submit questions in relation to a number of points arising from the submissions it had received.

The Panel noted that it had yet to receive clarification in relation to a point raised by a member of the public about the legal protections afforded to those making a submission  to  a  review.  The  Officer  advised  that  this  would  be  followed  up immediately.

The Panel noted the timeline for its review and agreed to proceed with publication of its report prior to the end of September. The Officer advised that draft Heads of Report would be produced for consideration at its next meeting.




2. Government Plan Review

The Panel noted that the Scoping Document and Terms of Reference for the review had been approved and circulated to the Chairmen's Committee for final approval.

The Panel noted a draft letter to the Minister for Children and Housing informing him of the Terms of Reference for the review, and requesting information relevant to each of the projects and actions it was reviewing. The Panel agreed, subject to minor changes, that the letter could be sent. The Panel agreed to request a hearing with the Minister on Monday 30th September in order to discuss the projects and actions it was reviewing. It also noted that it was due to receive a briefing on the in-direct incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) on Friday 27th September.

The Panel discussed the actions, projects and capital projects it had been assigned and agreed areas for further questioning. The Panel also agreed to write to various stakeholders requesting views on specific actions contained within the plan. The Panel agreed to meet at 11:30am on Tuesday 27th September to discuss this further.




Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Mike Higgins

Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Trevor Pointon





In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Government Plan Review

The Panel discussed the actions, projects and capital projects it had been assigned and agreed areas for further questioning. The Officer advised that these would be collated into a question plan for consideration at the next Panel meeting. The Panel also agreed to write to various stakeholders requesting views on specific actions contained within the plan.

The Panel noted that it had written to the Minister for Children and Housing additional information had been requested about the projects it had been assigned.


Date: 23rd September 2019



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman Senator Kristina Moore Deputy Trevor Pointon


Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Mike Higgins



In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 4th and 9th September 2019.


2. Update Report – Summer 2019

The Panel recalled its meeting with the Citizen's Panel on Thursday 19th September to discuss their submission to the review and agreed it had been a productive discussion.

The Panel discussed and agreed areas for inclusion within the report and agreed to begin drafting. A draft would be circulated for discussion in due course.


3. Government Plan

The Panel noted the question plan regarding the projects within the Government Plan that it was reviewing. The Panel agreed areas that it would prioritise during the public hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing and to update the question plan accordingly.


4. Independent Jersey Care Inquiry Report

The Panel noted that the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry (IJCI) had published its two-year review of the progress implementing the recommendations made in its initial report. The Panel agreed to consider the document further at the next scheduled meeting.


5. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 10:00am on Monday 7th October in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.


Date: 27th September 2019



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon


Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Mike Higgins



In attendance

Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing Andrew Heaven, Director Children's Policy

Michelle Moffat, Policy Principal

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer

Lindsey Power, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Briefing – UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Preferred Policy Option

The Review Panel received Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing, Andrew Heaven, Director Children's Policy and Michelle Moffat, Policy Principal, for a briefing in relation to the indirect incorporation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child ("the Convention").

The record of this meeting is classified as exempt in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exempt Article 35.



Deputy Rob Ward , Chair

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Mike Higgins

Deputy Trevor Pointon





In attendance

Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing

Mark Rogers, Director General, Children, Young People, Education and Skills

Dr. Megan Mathias, Group Director, Policy.

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Government Plan Review: Public Hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing

The Review Panel received Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing, Mark Rogers, Director General, Children, Young People, Education and Skills and Dr. Megan Mathias, Group Director, Policy for a public hearing to discuss aspects of the Government Plan. The proceedings were webcast live and an audio recording was made so that a transcript could be produced.



Deputy Rob Ward , Chair

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Louise Doublet

Deputy Mike Higgins

Deputy Trevor Pointon





In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer [items 1 – 2 only] Sammy McKee , Scrutiny Officer [items 2 – 4]


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Review Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 23rd and 27th September 2019.


2. Update Report – Summer 2019

The Review Panel noted a draft of the report for its consideration. The Panel discussed the report and agreed changes. The Officer advised that an updated draft would be circulated shortly.

The Review Panel recalled that it had previously agreed to seek advice from the Greffier of States on legal and procedural matters with regards to the handling of evidence collected during its review. It was noted that the Officer was in the process of liaising with the Greffier of the States to make the necessary arrangements to meet with the Panel.


3. Government Plan

It  was  noted  that  the  Panel  would  receive  an  update  on  the  progress  of  its Government Plan review via email or at its next scheduled meeting.

The Review Panel noted the Public Hearing that took place with the Minister for Children and Housing on Thursday 3rd October. The Panel agreed that the Hearing went well and that the evidence received would positively add to the Panel's review.


4. Future Meetings

The Panel agreed to change the time of all future meetings to begin at 10:30am, rather than 10:00am.

The Panel noted that its next meeting was due to take place at 10:30am on Monday 21st October in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.



Deputy Rob Ward , Chair Deputy Louise Doublet Deputy Mike Higgins Deputy Trevor Pointon


Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair



In attendance

Dr. Mark Egan, Greffier of the States [item 1 only] Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Meeting with Greffier of the States

The Review Panel received Dr. Mark Egan, Greffier of the States in order to discuss legal and procedural matters arising from evidence received in its current review of the response to the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry. The record of this meeting is classified in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 31.


2. Update Report

The Review Panel noted the most recent draft of its update report and agreed changes. The Officer advised that an updated draft would be circulated for Panel approval.


3. Government Plan

The Review Panel received an update from the Officer on the progress of its review of actions and projects within the Government Plan. It was noted that the Review Panel had received responses to all but one project (Public Services Ombudsman) which was due by 5:00pm on Tuesday 15th October.

The Review Panel agreed to proceed with drafting the report and agreed to discuss a draft at its meeting on Monday 21st October, where it would rate each project in line with the Government Plan Review Panel's template.



Deputy Rob Ward , Chair

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Mike Higgins

Deputy Trevor Pointon


Deputy Louise Doublet



In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Review Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 3rd and 7th October 2019.


2. Update Report

The Review Panel noted that a revised version of the report would be circulated shortly for approval, after which it would be sent for factual accuracy checking.


3. Government Plan

The Review Panel noted that a draft version of the report would be circulated in due course. The Review Panel discussed and rated each of the projects it had been assigned.

The Review Panel noted the timeline for publication of its report. It was agreed that the Review Panel would meet on Friday 25th October at 11:00am to confirm the content of the report prior to factual accuracy checking. It was further agreed that the Review Panel would meet at 1:00pm on Thursday 31st October in order to finalise the report and its findings and recommendations. The Officer advised that meeting requests would be sent shortly to confirm.



4. Family Friendly Legislation

The Review Panel noted that P.100/2019 Draft Employment (Amendment No.11) (Jersey) Law 201- was due to be debated on 22nd October. It was noted that Deputy Doublet had requested some research be undertaken in to the impact on a child's development when cared for by a parent in the first year or two, rather than being placed in child care. The Officer advised that the research would be circulated prior to the debate.


5. Future Meetings

The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 10:30am on Monday 11th November 2019 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.


Date:  25th October 2019



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon Deputy Kevin Pamplin


Deputy Mike Higgins Deputy Louise Doublet



In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer

Lindsey Power, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Government Plan Review

The Panel reviewed and approved the draft Report and authorised the Officer to send extracts of the Report to the relevant stakeholders who had made submissions referred to in the Report for factual checking.


Date:  31st October 2019



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon Deputy Kevin Pamplin


Deputy Mike Higgins Deputy Louise Doublet



In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Government Plan Review

The Review Panel noted comments arising from factual accuracy checking of its draft report and agreed to reflect the issues raised. The Review Panel discussed and agreed  its  Findings  and  Recommendations  and  agreed  that,  subject  to  minor alterations, the report could be submitted as final to the Government Plan Review Panel.


Date:  7th November 2019



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon Deputy Kevin Pamplin


Deputy Mike Higgins Deputy Louise Doublet



In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Update Report – November 2019

The Review Panel approved its final report S.R.12/2019 Response to the Care Inquiry: Update Report November 2019. The Officer advised that the report would be circulated  to  States  Members  and  the  media  under  embargo  before  formal presentation on Friday 8th November.


Date:  14th November 2019



Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon Deputy Kevin Pamplin


Deputy Mike Higgins Deputy Louise Doublet



In attendance

Sue Butcher, Interim Director, Children's Services Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Briefing - Ofsted Inspection

The Review Panel received Sue Butcher, Interim Director of Children's Services for a briefing on the findings of the recent Ofsted inspection of the service. The record of this meeting is classified in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 36(1).


Date:  19th November 2019



Deputy Rob Ward , Chair

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Trevor Pointon

Deputy Mike Higgins


Deputy Louise Doublet



In attendance

Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing [item 1 only]

Mark Rogers, Director General, Children, Young People, Education and Skills [item 1 only]

Andrew Heaven, Director Children's Policy [item 1 only]

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Public Hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing

The Review Panel received Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing, Mark Rogers, Director General, Children, Young People, Education and Skills and Andrew Heaven, Director Children's Policy for a public hearing to discuss the response to the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry's two-year report. The proceedings were webcast live and a recording was made so that a transcript could be produced.


2.  Meeting dates 2020

The Review Panel noted and approved a schedule of meetings for 2020. The Officer advised that meeting requests would be sent out shortly.


3.  Future Meetings

The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 10:30am on Monday 25th November. The Panel agreed that it would postpone the meeting and consider the agenda at its subsequent scheduled meeting on Monday 9th December.


Date:  9th December 2019



Deputy Rob Ward , Chair

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Trevor Pointon

Deputy Louise Doublet


Deputy Mike Higgins



In attendance

Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Review Panel noted and approved the minutes of the meetings held on 15th, 21st, 25th and 31st October and 7th, 14th and 19th November 2019.


2.  Redress and Accountability Systems in Jersey Review

The Review Panel noted a draft scoping document and Terms of Reference for its proposed review of redress and accountability systems in Jersey.

It was recalled that the Review Panel had agreed in conclusion to its previous update report (S.R.12/2019), that it would conduct a review into matters that contributed to the negative perception of the Jersey Way' as set out by the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry (IJCI). It was noted that the review would examine the complaints systems  and  means  of  redress  available  to  members  of  the  public  within  the Government of Jersey, Court System and Parish administrations. It would also examine how these structures were held accountable for their decisions.

The Review Panel discussed the scoping document and Terms of Reference and agreed changes. The Officer advised that a revised version would be circulated for Panel approval.


3.  Update Report – November 2019

The Review Panel recalled that it had published its report S.R.12/2019 Response to the Care Inquiry: Update Report November 2019 on 8th November 2019. It was noted that the Ministerial Response was due on Monday 6th January 2020.


4.  Government Plan

The Review Panel recalled that it had submitted its report on assigned projects within the  Government  Plan  to  the  Government  Plan  Review  Panel  on  Monday  4th November.  It  was  noted  that  the subsequent  consolidated  report,  S.R.13/2019 Scrutiny Review of the Government Plan 2020-2023, was presented on Monday 11th November 2019. The Ministerial Response to the Review Panel's report was due on Friday 10th January 2019.


5.  Work Programme and Remit of Panel



The Review Panel received a briefing from the Officer on proposed changes to its remit and work programme and that of the Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel.

The Officer explained that the Scrutiny Liaison Committee had agreed in principle to amend Standing Orders to allow for the work of the Minister for Children and Housing to be scrutinised by the Education and Home Affairs Panel. It was noted that the children's remit of the Minister's portfolio had been scrutinised by the Review Panel to date, however, in doing so it had necessarily been operating outside of its Terms of Reference. Given the Government of Jersey priority to put children first' it was deemed appropriate that children's matters should be given similar emphasis by a Standing Panel. Once this change had been implemented, it would fall to the Education and Home Affairs Panel to undertake quarterly hearings with the Minister and review any proposed policy or legislative developments going forward.

The Review Panel would still continue, however, its Terms of Reference would be updated to reflect the changing position, and the focus of its work programme would be sharpened to examine matters arising from the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry that fell outside the scope of the Minister for Children and Housing's remit. It was explained that the change to Standing Orders was currently being drafted and was intended to be lodged au Greffe in order for the debate to take place in early 2020.

Further to the discussion, the Review Panel noted and agreed changes to its Terms of Reference and discussed and agreed its work programme for 2020. The Officer advised that the amended Terms of Reference would be circulated to the Scrutiny Liaison Committee.


6.  Public Hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing

The Review Panel recalled the public hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing  that  took  place  on  Tuesday  19th  November.  No  further  actions  were identified arising from the hearing.


7.  Corporate Parenting Board

The Chair advised the Review Panel that he had attended the recent meeting of the Corporate Parenting Board and appraised the Panel of its work. It was noted that discussions were continuing to clarify the role of the Corporate Parent in Jersey and how this would link to the various departments and functions of Government.

Deputy Doublet questioned why there were no backbench States Members present on the Board and which Minister currently held sole responsibility as Corporate Parent. The Review Panel agreed to clarify the questions with the Board.


8.  Future Meetings

The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 10:30am on Monday 20th January 2020 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.