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Approved Panel Minutes - Government Plan Review Panel - 2020

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Government Plan Review Panel

Records of Meetings

Year: 2020

The following records of meetings have been approved by the Panel. Signed


Senator Kristina Moore

Date:  7th April 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Senator Sarah Ferguson Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Rob Ward


Connétable Mike Jackson

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  General Business

The Panel was briefed on the potential impact of COVID-19 upon in the creation of the 2021  to  2024  Government  Plan  following  discussions  held  at  officer  level.  This included a likely delay to the originally proposed timings. The Panel decided that concurrent activity should continue as far as possible.

The Panel discussed concerns that decisions were being made that could affect the Government Plan, were potentially falling in the remit of the States Assembly, and the oversight of Scrutiny. It was decided that efforts would be made to gain further information on where funds were being reallocated from and to, as well as ascertain the impact that this would have on the Government Plan. Furthermore, the Panel agreed that a statement should be released reminding of the importance of political oversight.

The Panel decided that relevant Scrutiny Panels would be asked to highlight areas of the existing Government Plan that should be guarded, and conversely areas that were of a lower priority.


2.  Future Meetings

It was noted that the Panel had no scheduled next meeting and it was agreed that ad- hoc meetings be held as needed.


Date:  21st May 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Senator Sarah Ferguson Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Rob Ward Connétable Mike Jackson



In attendance

Catherine Madden, Chief of Staff

Andrew Metcalfe, Head of Strategic Planning and Accountability

Tom   Walker ,  Director  General,  Strategic  Policy,  Performance  and Population

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Government Plan timeline update

The Panel received a briefing from officers on proposed changes to the timeline of the 2021 to 2024 Government Plan production following the impact of Covid-19. The record of this meeting was classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended).


Date:  26th May 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Senator Sarah Ferguson Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Rob Ward Connétable Mike Jackson



In attendance

Senator John Le Fondré, Chief Minister

Charlie Parker, Chief Executive Officer and Head of the Public Service Richard Bell, Treasurer of the States

Catherine Madden, Chief of Staff

Andrew Metcalfe, Head of Strategic Planning and Accountability

Tom Walker , Director General, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Paul Bradbury, Head of Ministerial Support

Timothy Nicolle, Private Secretary to the Chief Minister

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Government Plan timeline update

The Panel received the Chief Minister to discuss changes to the timeline of the 2021 to 2024 Government Plan production following the impact of Covid-19. The record of this meeting was classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended).


Date:  1st June 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Senator Sarah Ferguson Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Rob Ward Connétable Mike Jackson



In attendance

Senator John Le Fondré, Chief Minister

Charlie Parker, Chief Executive Officer and Head of the Public Service Richard Bell, Treasurer of the States

Andrew Metcalfe, Head of Strategic Planning and Accountability

Tom Walker , Director General, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Timothy Nicolle, Private Secretary to the Chief Minister

Tim Oldman, Assistant Greffier (Committees and Panels) Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer

Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Government Plan timeline update

The Panel received the Chief Minister to discuss changes to the timeline and lodging period of the 2021 to 2024 Government Plan production following the impact of Covid-

19. The record of this meeting was classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended).


Date:  11th September 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Rob Ward


Senator Sarah Ferguson Connétable Mike Jackson

In attendance

Caro Tomlinson, Committee & Panel Officer Theo Stone, Research & Project Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Upcoming meetings

The  Panel  discussed  a  request  to  reschedule  the  upcoming  monthly  Ministerial meeting with the Chief Minister and the Minister for Treasury and Resources on Monday 14th September 2020. The Panel was informed that the Chief Minister had requested that the meeting be rescheduled as he had been requested to attend the Assize d'Heritage ceremony. It was agreed that as the meeting had been scheduled earlier in the year and that the Chief Minister was not a required attendee to the ceremony, that the meeting would go ahead as planned.


2.  Government Plan Review

The Panel noted papers from the Council of Ministers meeting held on 4th September 2020, as well as the Government Plan 2020-23 6-month Progress Report and agreed that these documents would be reviewed further to aid in its later review of the Government Plan 2021-24.

The Panel agreed that each Scrutiny Panel would be asked to produce its own report following review of relevant sections of the Government Plan 2021-24. It was agreed that the Government Plan Review Panel would review overarching themes such as accountability  of  decision  making  and  prioritisation  of  the  5  Common  Strategic Priorities.

The Panel noted that a confidential draft of the Government Plan 2021-24 was still on schedule to be received by 28th September 2020.


Date:  8th October 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Connétable Mike Jackson


Senator Sarah Ferguson Deputy Kirsten Morel Deputy Rob Ward

In attendance

Caro Tomlinson, Committee & Panel Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Minutes

The Review Panel approved the public records of the meetings held on 21st and 26th May 2020, and 1st June 2020.


2.  Letter to Stakeholders

The Panel considered a draft letter to stakeholders, seeking their views on whether they were content with Government's engagement with them, prior to and during the preparation of the Government Plan 2021-2024. The Review Panel approved the letter and requested that it be sent on Monday 12th October 2020, following the lodging of the Government Plan.


3.  Terms of Reference and Scoping document

The  Panel  approved  the  Terms  of  Reference  and  Scoping  document  for  the Government Plan Review.


4.  Public Hearing with Chief Minister

The Panel considered topics it would wish to ask the Chief Minister at the public hearing of 16th October 2020, and agreed that, in accordance with its overarching review, the questions should not focus on the granular detail of the Government Plan but rather encompass themes such as whether capital projects and continued revenue budgets met common strategic priorities. It requested the officer to circulate a draft question plan for further consideration.


5.  Meeting dates

The Panel approved a draft meeting schedule and agreed they should meet in person on the following dates (depending on States Assembly sittings):

14 October 4pm

22 October 4pm

29 October 3pm

29 October 3pm



5 November 4pm

12 November 3.30pm 19 November 4pm 25 November 3pm


Date:  14th October 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Mike Jackson Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Rob Ward


Senator Sarah Ferguson Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

In attendance

Caro Tomlinson, Committee & Panel Officer

Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theo Stone, Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Submission from Jersey Citizens' Advice

The Review Panel noted the submission dated 13th October 2020, from Jersey Citizens' Advice, in response to its stakeholder letter dated 12th October.


2.  Question Plan for Public Hearing with the Chief Minister

The Panel amended a draft question plan for its public hearing with the Chief Minister on 16th October 2020 and asked for it to be circulated to members on 15th October for final approval.


3.  Question Plan for Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury & Resources

The Panel considered a draft question plan for the public hearing with the Minister for Treasury & Resources on 19th October 2020, and agreed to further amend and approve the final version on Friday 16th October at a meeting to be held after the Panel's Public Hearing with the Chief Minister.


Date:  29th October 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Rob Ward


Connétable Mike Jackson Senator Sarah Ferguson

In attendance

Caro Tomlinson, Committee & Panel Officer

Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theo Stone, Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Submission from Jersey Farmer's Union, Jersey Business and Citizen's Advice Jersey

The Review Panel noted these submissions in response to their stakeholder letters dated 12th October.


2.  Question Plan for Public Hearing with the Chief Minister and Minister for Treasury and Resources

The Panel discussed potential lines of questioning for their upcoming public hearings with the Chief Minister and Minister for Treasury and Resources. The Panel agreed to ask questions on the use of unallocated monies not spent for the Government Plan, potential charging for test and trace, deferral of projects, self-reflection from the Government  on  the  implementation  of  projects,  the  performance  framework, involvement of SPPP, and methods of paying down the debt accumulated as a result of COVID-19.


3.  Future Briefings

The Panel agreed to request a briefing from the Director General of the Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance (SPPP) Department on the performance framework and the department's influence on the Government Plan 2021-24.

The Panel further agreed to write to the Institute for Good Governance to request a briefing on the implementation of policy.


4.  Next Meeting

The Panel noted that its next meeting would be held on Thursday 5th November at 4pm in the Blampied Room.


Date:  5th November 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Kirsten Morel Connétable Mike Jackson


Deputy Rob Ward Senator Sarah Ferguson

In attendance

Caro Tomlinson, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theo Stone, Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Submissions to the Government Plan Review

The Panel noted submissions in response to their stakeholder letters dated 12th October from the Institute of Directors, Jersey Finance (given in confidence) and the Jersey Banking Association.


2.  Public Hearings

The Panel discussed potential lines of questioning for their upcoming public hearing with the Chief Minister, scheduled for Friday 20th November 2020. The Panel reviewed a draft question plan and agreed to include additional questions on the actions taken to negate potential rises in unemployment, the performance framework, monitoring of project success, use of public consultation in formulation of the Government Plan, and what actions had been undertaken to enable Scrutiny of the Government Plan.

The Panel agreed that a question plan would be developed for their public hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources scheduled Monday 23rd November 2020.



3.  Future Briefings

The Panel noted that a briefing from the Director General of the Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance (SPPP) Department on the performance framework and the department's influence on the Government Plan 2021-24 had been scheduled for 16th November at 4pm (in private).

The Panel noted that the Institute for Good Governance had been contacted to request a briefing on the implementation of policy.


4.  Progress of Scrutiny Reviews

The Panel noted that reports of potential non-adherence to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government and the Panel had been received from a number of standing Scrutiny Panels. This included cancellation of public hearings and the missing of deadlines for information requests. The Panel agreed as the issues had



not been faced by all, those who had experienced problems should write to their relevant Ministers in the first instance. The Panel further agreed if the issues continued the Panel would then write to the Chief Minister.


5.  Vote of No Confidence

The Panel noted that a vote of no confidence in the Chief Minister was due to be debated by the States Assembly on Tuesday 10th November 2020. It was agreed that a document outlining potential impact upon the scrutiny of the Government Plan 2021- 24 would be formed, based on various outcomes if there was a change of Government.


6.  Appointment of Chair of Public Accounts Committee

The Panel noted the appointment of a new Chair of the Public Accounts Committee, Deputy Inna Gardiner , and agreed that invitation to all scheduled meetings should be forwarded. The Panel expressed gratitude to the service of Senator Sarah Ferguson to the Panel.


7.  Next Meeting

The Panel noted that its next meeting would be held on Thursday 12th November at 3.30pm in the Blampied Room.


Date:  12th November 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Rob Ward Connétable Mike Jackson


Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Inna Gardiner

In attendance

Caro Tomlinson, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theo Stone, Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Submissions to the Government Plan Review

The Panel noted a submission from Digital Jersey dated 12th October 2020, in response to its call for evidence on the effectiveness of the communications and engagement programme by the Government in respect of the Government Plan.


2.  Public Hearings

The Panel discussed potential lines of questioning, including income forecasting, the labour  market,  allocations  to  education,  population,  the  performance  framework, efficiencies and potential underspend, for its upcoming public hearing with the Chief Minister on Friday 20th November 2020, and with the Minister for Treasury and Resources on Monday 23rd November 2020. The Panel amended the question plans and asked that they be circulated for further review.

The Panel agreed the hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources should be held at the earlier time of 3.30pm on Monday 23rd November 2020.


3.  Future Briefings

The Panel noted that the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel had extended an invitation to a briefing from its CIPFA advisor on Monday 16th November 2020 at 11am, prior to receiving his final report.


4.  Next Meeting

The Panel noted that its next meeting would be held on Wednesday 25th November at 3:00pm in the Blampied Room.


Date:  19th November 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Inna Gardiner

Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Kirsten Morel Deputy Rob Ward Connétable Mike Jackson



In attendance

Caro Tomlinson, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on the 11th September, 14th and 29th October, and 5th and 12th November 2020.


2.  Public Hearings

The Panel discussed their upcoming public hearing with the Chief Minister, scheduled for Friday 20th November 2020, and agreed a question plan.

The Panel discussed their upcoming public hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources scheduled Monday 23rd November 2020, and agreed a question plan.


3.  Amendments to the Government Plan

The Panel discussed amendments to the Government Plan 2021-24 that were being considered by Scrutiny Panels. It was agreed that a reduction in borrowing would be beneficial, as such it requested officers to draft an amendment reducing the borrowing amount through a blended solution of creating conditions for local investment in community bonds and realisation of Government assets held in property.


4.  Next Meeting

The Panel noted that its next meeting would be held on Wednesday 25th November 2020 at 3pm in the Blampied Room.


Date:  20th November 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Rob Ward

Deputy Inna Gardiner

Deputy Kirsten Morel Connétable Mike Jackson



In attendance

Senator John Le Fondré, Chief Minister Charlie Parker, Chief Executive Officer Richard Bell, Treasurer of the States Tom Walker , Director General, SPPP Ian Burns, Director General, CLS

Nick Vaughan, Chief Economic Advisor Christian May, Head of Communications

Caro Tomlinson, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theo Stone, Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Government Plan review: Public Hearing with the Chief Minister

The Panel received the Chief Minister and officials for a Public Hearing to discuss the Government Plan 2021 to 2024. The hearing was recorded and transcribed.


Date:  23rd November 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Rob Ward Connétable Mike Jackson


Deputy Inna Gardiner Deputy Kirsten Morel

In attendance

Deputy Susie Pinel, Minister for Treasury and Resources

Deputy Lindsay Ash, Assistant Minister for Treasury & Resources Senator Ian Gorst , Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources Richard Bell, Treasurer of the States

Alison Rogers, Director, Investment Appraisal and Business Management Nick Vaughan, Chief Economic Advisor

Kevin Hemmings, Head of Financial Governance

Caro Tomlinson, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theo Stone, Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Government Plan review: Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources

The Panel received the Minister for Treasury and Resources and officials for a Public Hearing to discuss the Government Plan 2021 to 2024. The hearing was recorded and transcribed.


Date:  25th November 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Rob Ward Connétable Mike Jackson Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Inna Gardiner

In attendance

Caro Tomlinson, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theo Stone, Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Amendment to the Government Plan

The Panel received a draft copy of its amendment to the Government Plan 2021-2024 and agreed to revise and re-circulate it in time to meet the lodging deadline of 27th November 2020.


Date:  7th December 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Rob Ward

Deputy Mary Le Hegarat


Deputy Inna Gardiner Connétable Mike Jackson

In attendance

Caro Tomlinson, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Government Plan Review

The Panel considered a draft report of its Review of the Government Plan 2021-24. Having determined it would need further time to consider it fully and amend the findings and recommendations as necessary, the Review Panel agreed to meet on Tuesday 8th December 2020 at 8:30am.


Date:  8th December 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Rob Ward

Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Inna Gardiner Connétable Mike Jackson

In attendance

Caro Tomlinson, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theodore Stone, Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Government Plan Review

The Panel discussed a draft report of its Review of the Government Plan 2021-24. It was agreed that the main body of the draft report should be sent to the relevant Ministers and Government officers for fact-checking. The Review Panel agreed to meet at 2pm on Wednesday 9th December 2020 to review a final draft of the report.