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Health and Social Security Panel
Records of Meetings
Year: 2021
The following records of meetings have been approved by the Panel. Signed
Deputy Mary Le Hegarat
Health and Social Security Panel
Date: 14th January 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent | Deputy Geoff Southern | |
In attendance | Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 11th (public and private) and 16th December (public and private) 2020. |
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2. Government Plan The Panel noted it had received a joint Ministerial Response from the Minister for Social Security and Minister for Health and Social Services, on the 8th January 2021, following presentation of its Government Plan 2021-2024 report on 27th November 2020. The Panel further noted that the Ministerial Response accepted all of the Panel's recommendations and it considered the comments made by the Ministers. The Panel agreed to follow up on the accepted recommendations at its Quarterly Hearings with the respective Ministers, and, to consider the recommendations regarding mental health during the Panel's next review of Mental Health Services. |
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3. Jersey Care Model (JCM') The Panel noted written questions it had received from a member of the public and considered a draft response, which had been circulated to the Panel prior to the meeting. The Panel approved the drafted response and the Officer was requested to send it to the member of the public. | SM | |
4. Coronavirus Review The Panel considered the use of the Fort Regent facility as a COVID-19 vaccination centre and noted that GP surgeries and pharmacies were not included as centres for the COVID-19 vaccination. The Panel expressed concern that elderly and vulnerable candidates for the COVID- 19 vaccine, who regularly visited their GP surgery or pharmacy, would have to make a separate trip to Fort Regent in order to receive their COVID-19 vaccine. |
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The Panel discussed areas of questioning and asked the Officer to draft correspondence to the Minister for Health and Social Services, to include questions on the COVID-19 vaccine distribution agreement in place between Jersey and the UK and how it operated in practice. The Panel also identified questions relating to the funding allocated to the COVID-19 vaccine; availability of data on the numbers of persons vaccinated; and whether any individuals outside the scope of the current COVID-19 Vaccine Programme had received the vaccine. | BW |
5. Review of Maternity Services The Panel noted that it had previously agreed to undertake a review of maternity services. Consideration was given to a briefing paper which outlined possible areas of attention for the Panel's review. The Panel agreed with the specific areas that had been identified and the Officer was asked to draft Terms of Reference and a Scoping Document for its review. It was recalled that Deputy Doublet had previously expressed an interest for being co- opted onto the Panel for a review of maternity services. The Chair agreed to seek confirmation from Deputy Doublet as to whether she still wished to join the Panel for its review and would advise the Panel accordingly. | SM MLH |
6. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 10am on 28th January 2021 via Teams. |
Date: 4th February 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves Deputy Louise Doublet [Item 1 only] | |
Apologies |
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Absent | Deputy Geoff Southern | |
In attendance | Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Review of Maternity Services It was noted that Deputy Doublet had agreed to be co-opted onto the Panel to assist with its review of maternity services. The Panel welcomed Deputy Doublet to the Panel. The Panel received an update from the Officer on its review of maternity services and the progress that had been made to date. It was noted that the Scoping Document, and the budget contained within, had been approved by the Scrutiny Liaison Committee. It was further noted that a draft letter to the Minister for Health and Social Services, informing him of the review's Terms of Reference, had been sent to the Panel prior to the meeting. The Panel approved the draft letter and requested the Officer to circulate it to the Minister as soon as possible. It was noted that a press release, announcing the launch of its review of maternity services, had been drafted and was currently being checked by the States Greffe Digital and Public Engagement team. It was further noted that the press release would be sent to the Panel for approval prior to it being circulated to the media. The Panel agreed to launch its review on Monday 8th February, ahead of the States Assembly sitting on Tuesday 9th February. The Panel considered and approved the draft Engagement Brief, albeit with a few minor amendments. The Officer advised the Panel that a number of potential expert advisers had been identified and the intention was to begin the tendering process immediately. | SM SM | |
2. Panel Membership It was noted that Deputy Geoff Southern had agreed to resign as a member of the Panel due to other work commitments. The Panel thanked the Deputy for his hard work since being appointed onto the Panel in 2020. |
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3. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services The Panel noted that it was due to receive the Minister for Health and Social Services for a Quarterly Hearing at 10am on Thursday 18th February. The Panel identified a |
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number of areas of questioning and the Officer was asked to draft a question plan for its consideration. The Panel noted that the areas of questioning were due to be sent to the Health and Community Services Department on 11th February. | SM |
4. Work Programme The Panel considered and approved a work programme for the remainder of 2021. It was agreed that the Panel would reassess the work programme at regular intervals during the year to ensure that it was still achievable. |
5. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 10am on 18th February 2021 via Teams. |
Date: 22nd February 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves Deputy Louise Doublet (Item 1 only) |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Item 1: Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services Deputy Trevor Pointon, Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services Rose Naylor, Chief Nurse, Health and Community Services Patrick Armstrong, Medical Director, Health and Community Services Item 3: Senator Kristina Moore , President, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Connétable Mike Jackson , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy Robert Ward , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services Deputy Hugh Raymond, Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services Deputy Trevor Pointon, Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services Mark Richardson, Private Secretary to the Minister for Health and Social Services Ivan Muscat, Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Health and Community Services Rebecca Sherrington, Associate Chief Nurse, Health and Community Services Martin Knight, Head of Public Health, Health and Community Services Tom Walker , Director General, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Alex Khaldi, Interim Director, Public Health Policy, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Cynthia Folarin, Interim Director of Public Health Practise, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Andrew Heaven, Head of Policy, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance |
| Ruth Johnson , Head of Policy, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Nathan Fox, Head of Policy, Criminal Justice, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Department Marguerite Clarke, Principal Officer Public Health Intelligence, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Donna Regan, Secretary, Health and Community Services Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Review of Maternity Services The Panel received the Minister for Health and Social Services, Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services and Departmental Officers to discuss the Panel's Review of Maternity Services. The Panel was informed that the Government, along with Health and Community Services, welcomed the Panel's review. It was also advised that the Minister had called for the meeting in order to discuss how he and his Department could best support the review going forward. Consideration was given to how the review could be communicated most appropriately to members of the public, in order to avoid raising any unnecessary concerns or anxieties, particularly amongst expectant parents. The Panel assured the Minister and his Officers that this matter was at the forefront of its discussions and had been given a lot of thought when the review was launched on the States Assembly website and on its social media pages. |
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2. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services The Panel noted it was due to receive the Minister for Health and Social Services for a Quarterly Hearing at 10am on 25th February 2021. The Panel considered a draft question plan and identified a number of amendments which the Officer was requested to enact. The Panel agreed to meet half an hour before the start of the hearing on Thursday to have a final run through of the agenda. The Officer was asked to send out a meeting request. | SM SM | |
3. COVID-19: Public Health Briefing The Panel and Members of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee (Scrutiny Members') received the Minister for Health and Social Services and his Officers for a briefing on the latest COVID-19 Public Health Intelligence, Analytical Cell work, the progress of COVID-19 vaccination and the reconnection of school outdoor sports and music education. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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Date: 24th February 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves Deputy Louise Doublet | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Struan Coad, Panel Adviser, Attain Health Management Paul O'Conner, Panel Adviser, Attain Health Management Dame Cathy Warwick, Panel Adviser, Attain Health Management Andrew Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Review of Maternity Services: Meeting with Advisors The Panel received Advisers from Attain Health Management (Advisors') for a meeting to discuss their professional backgrounds, expertise and role in the Panel's Review of Maternity Services. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 36. |
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Date: 25th February 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Item 2 only: Deputy R.J. Renouf of St. Ouen , The Minister for Health and Social Services Deputy T. Pointon of St. John , Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services Ms. C. Landon, Director General for Health and Community Services Mr. P. Armstrong, Medical Director, Health and Community Services Ms. R. Naylor, Chief Nurse Mr. R. Sainsbury, Group Medical Director, Health and Community Services Ms. A. Muller, Director, Improvement and Innovation, Health and Community Services Ms. I. Watson, Associate Manager and Director, Mental Health and Adult Social Care Mr. T. Walker , Director General, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Mr. A. Khaldi, Director, Public Health Policy Mr. A. Noon, Medical Director, Primary Care and Associate Medical Director, Primary, Prevention and Intermediate Care Ms. J. Tardivel, Head of Strategic Planning and Reporting, Health and Community Services Ms. M. Roach, Head of Finance Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 14th January and 4th February 2021 |
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2. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services The Panel received the Minister for Health and Social Services and Departmental Officers for a Quarterly Hearing. The proceedings were webcast live and a recording was made so that a transcript could be produced. |
3. Review of Maternity Services The Panel recalled that it had met with its advisers Attain Health Management (Advisers') to discuss their role in the Panel's review of maternity services on 24th February 2021. The Officer informed the Panel she was due to liaise with the Advisers on 26th February to discuss the approach to communications and the creation of a maternity services survey. The Officer updated the Panel on recent public and key stakeholder submissions that had been received in relation to the Panel's review. The Panel considered its use of focus groups as part of its maternity services review and discussed the aims, objectives and variables that would be fed into the focus group sessions. The Panel discussed its budget for six focus group sessions and was informed by the Officer that there was an option to hold two additional sessions with health care professionals. It was noted that if the Panel wished to extend the scope of the focus groups to include the additional groups then its budget would need to be reviewed. The Panel agreed to the additional groups and to extending its budget and the Officer was requested to amend the Scoping Document accordingly for approval by the Scrutiny Liaison Committee. | SM |
4. Mental Health Services Improvement Plan The Panel considered the Target Operating Model (TOM') for the Health and Community Services Department (HCS') and recalled that HCS had agreed to provide an update on the Mental Health Services Improvement Plan. The Panel asked the Officer to make enquiries with HCS for an update on the Mental Health Services Improvement Plan. | SM |
5. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security The Panel noted it was due to receive the Minister for Social Security for a Quarterly Hearing on 8th March 2021 and discussed areas of questioning. The Panel requested that the Officer draft a Question Plan for the Panel to consider and approve. | BW |
6. Assisted Dying Citizens' Jury The Panel noted it was due to receive an Officer briefing on the technical details relating to the operation of the Assisted Dying Citizens Jury sessions on 9th March 2021. |
7. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 10am on 11th March 2021 via Teams. |
Date: 8th March 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Deputy Judy Martin, Minister for Social Security Ian Burns, Director General, Customer and Local Services Paul McGinnety, Director of Local Services, Customer and Local Services Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security The Panel received the Minister for Health and Social Services and his Officers from the Department for Health and Community Services for a Public Hearing. The proceedings were webcast live and a recording was made so that a transcript could be produced. |
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Date: 11th March 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 22nd (public and private), 24th (public and private) and 25th February 2021. |
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2. Review of Maternity Services The Panel received an update from the Officer in respect of its review of maternity services. It was noted that the advisers had begun arranging evidence gathering meetings with key stakeholders which were due to commence on Friday 19th March 2021. It was further noted that the Panel's advisers had met with 4insight to consider possible discussion areas for the focus groups with expectant mums, parents and health care professionals. It was advised that the focus groups were due to be conducted over the next two weeks and that, to date, twenty people had expressed an interest to participate. The Panel recalled that it was due to meet with the Minister for Health and Social Services and his Officers at 12:30pm on Monday 15th March 2021 to discuss maternity services and, in particular, to ascertain their views on the current position of the service and whether any recent work had been undertaken to improve it. The Panel noted that it was also due to receive the Minister for Health and Social Services for a Public Hearing at 3:30pm on 29th March. The Officer advised that a meeting request would be sent out in due course once the attendees had been confirmed. The Panel considered a draft survey that had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was noted that the survey was intended for mums who had given birth in Jersey in the last five years. The Panel made a number of amendments which the Officer was asked to enact. It was noted that the survey had also been sent to the advisers for their input and comments. The Panel was asked whether it could provide any further comments by Tuesday 16th March 2021, as the intention was to release the survey the following week. | SM SM | |
3. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security The Panel considered any actions that arose from the Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security on 8th March 2021. It was noted that the opening of the Customer and Local Services Department in La Motte Street was an area which the |
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Panel wished to consider further. The Panel agreed that it would keep abreast of this matter with the Minister during question time and in Quarterly Hearings. |
4. Assisted Dying Citizens' Jury The Panel recalled that it had received an Officer briefing on the technical details relating to the operation of the Assisted Dying Citizens Jury sessions on 9th March 2021. The Panel agreed that the briefing had been extremely helpful and that it was looking forward to receiving further updates on the Jury's progress in due course. |
5. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 2pm on 18th March 2021 via Teams. |
Date: 22nd March 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Senator Kristina Moore , President, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy David Johnson , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services Ivan Muscat, Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Health and Community Services Alex Khaldi, Interim Director, Public Health Policy, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Ruth Johnson , Head of Policy, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Claire Newman, Senior Policy Officer, Health and Community Services Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. COVID-19: Public Health Briefing The Panel and Members of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee (Scrutiny Members') received the Minister for Health and Social Services and Departmental Officers for a COVID-19 Public Health private briefing on the Future Testing Strategy, which included an update on options for charging fees to undertake COVID-19 testing. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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Date: 1st April 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent | Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair | |
In attendance | Deputy Louise Doublet [Item 2 only] Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 8th and 11th March 2021. |
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2. Review of Maternity Services The Panel received an update from the Officer in respect of its review of maternity services. It was noted that its advisers had, with the exception of one meeting, completed their evidence gathering sessions with key stakeholders. It was further noted that the Panel's survey on maternity services was due to finish at the end of the day. The Panel requested that the survey's deadline be extended until after the easter weekend to encourage further respondents. The Panel was advised that the focus groups, being undertaken by 4insight, were also nearing completion, with only the fathers/dads and the health care professionals' sessions outstanding. It was recalled that 4insight was due to present its findings to the Panel mid-April via a presentation and written report. The Panel recalled that it was due to receive the Minister for Health and Social Services for a Public Hearing at 10:30am on 13th April 2021. The Panel requested that a meeting be arranged with its advisers for the week beginning the 5th April to discuss the draft question plan. The Officer advised that she would look into arranging the meeting on Thursday 8th April, as the Panel was already due to meet that day for a regular meeting. The Panel further requested that a meeting be arranged for an hour directly prior to the Hearing. The Panel agreed to invite Family Nursing and Home Care to a private meeting to discuss the health visitor provision and the work that the organisation had been undertaking on breastfeeding and parental mental health care. The Officer was requested to make the necessary arrangements. | SM SM SM SM | |
3. Government Plan 2022-2025 Review The Panel considered possible Public Hearing dates for both the Minister for Health and Social Services and Minister for Social Security in respect of its review of the 2022- 2025 Government Plan. The Panel identified 14th October and 21st October as | SM | |
potential dates. The Officer advised the Panel that she would provide these dates to the Government Plan Review Panel. |
4. Jersey Care Model The Panel considered a paper that had been circulated prior to the meeting which contained outstanding recommendations from its review of the Jersey Care Model. The Panel noted that, to date, it had not received an update in respect of the recommendations that were now overdue. It was agreed that the Panel would write to the Minister asking for an update on recommendations that should have already been addressed and ones that were due to be addressed in the near future. The Officer advised that she would draft a letter and circulate to the Panel for approval. | SM |
5. Work Programme The Panel considered its work programme for the remainder of the year. It was noted that the Panel was due to begin a follow up review of its Mental Health Review in April. The Panel agreed to postpone the follow-up review until later on in the year and look to undertaking a review on a different subject beforehand. The Panel agreed to consider a topic area that had already been reviewed by a previous Health and Social Security Panel and identified respite care for children and young adults as a potential review subject. The Officer was requested to circulate previous reports that had been undertaken on Respite Services to the Panel along with any Ministerial Responses. | SM |
6. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 2pm on 8th April 2021 via Teams. |
Date: 8th April 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies | Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Louise Doublet | |
Absent |
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In attendance | Struan Coad, Panel Adviser, Attain Health Management Paul O'Conner, Panel Adviser, Attain Health Management Dame Catherine Warwick, Panel Adviser, Attain Health Management Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Review of Maternity Services The Panel met with its advisers to consider and discuss the draft question plan for its Public Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services that was due to take place on Tuesday 13th April. The Panel made a number of minor amendments to the questions and structure of the question plan, which the Officer was requested to enact. It was noted that the question plan would be re-circulated to the Panel and Advisers following the amendments. The Officer was asked to request the recruitment and retention figures for maternity staff within the last 5 years from the Health and Community Services Department. | SM SM | |
Meeting held by video conference
Date: 13th April 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves Deputy Louise Doublet (Co-Opted for Review of Maternity Services) |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Item 2 only: Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services Caroline Landon, Director General, Health and Community Services Robert Sainsbury, Group Managing Director, Health and Community Services Rose Naylor, Chief Nurse, Health and Community Services Dr Anuschka Muller, Director of Improvement and Innovation, Health and Community Services Dana Scott , Head of Midwifery and Associate Chief Nurse for Health and Community Services Patrick Armstrong, Medical Director, Health and Community Services Dame Cathy Warwick, Panel Adviser, Attain Health Management Paul O'Connor, Panel Adviser, Attain Health Management Struan Coad, Panel Adviser, Attain Health Management Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda Matter | Action |
1. Review of Maternity Services: Question Plan for Public Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services The Panel discussed the question plan in preparation for the Public Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services. The Panel noted that its areas of questioning included existing maternity facilities and services, continuity of care, antenatal care, care during labour and feeding support. |
2. Review of Maternity Services: Public Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services |
The Panel held a Public Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services, Assistant Minister and Government Officials via video conference. The proceedings were webcast live and a recording was made so that a transcript could be produced. |
3. Review of Maternity Services: Meeting to discuss Public Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services The Panel met with its advisers to discuss the outcome of its Public Hearing with the Minister. The record of this meeting was classified as exempt in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26. |
Date: 16th April 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda Matter | Action |
1. Review of Maternity Services The Officer provided the Panel with an update on the status of its Report for the Maternity Services Review. The Officer advised that she was expecting to receive the 4Insight Focus Group Report on 19th April 2021 and noted that the Panel's Advisers had informed the Officer that they expected to present their draft Report in the week commencing 19th April 2021. It was further advised by the Officer that further questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services had been drafted, and that this would conclude the evidence gathering stage of the Panel's Review. |
Date: 19th April 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Senator Kristina Moore , President, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Connétable Mike Jackson , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy David Johnson , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy Inna Gardiner , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services Ivan Muscat, Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Health and Community Services Alex Khaldi, Interim Director, Public Health Policy, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Rebecca Sherrington, ``Associate Chief Nurse, Health and Community Services Marguerite Clarke, Principal Officer Public Health Intelligence, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Claire Newman, Senior Policy Officer, Health and Community Services Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. COVID-19: Public Health Briefing The Panel and Members of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee (Scrutiny Members') received the Minister for Health and Social Services and his Officers for a briefing on the latest COVID-19 Public Health Intelligence and a progress update on the COVID- 19 Status Certification. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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Date: 29th April 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves Deputy Louise Doublet (Co-opted for Review of Maternity Services) | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 22nd March (public and private) and 1st and 8th April 2021. |
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2. Review of Maternity Services The Panel noted the 4Insight focus group Report that it received on 28th April 2021 and discussed the contents of the Report and the outcome of the focus group sessions. The Officer informed the Panel that 4Insight had also offered to meet the Panel to discuss the contents of the Report. The Panel then discussed the submissions it had received, as well as the responses to its Review of Maternity Services Survey, which supported the findings contained within the 4Insight focus group Report. The Officer updated the Panel on the status of the Report drafted by the advisers from Attain Health Management (Advisers). It was noted that further work was being undertaken by the Advisers on specific sections of the Report, in preparation for it to be circulated to the Panel for its consideration. |
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3. Jersey Care Model The Panel recalled that it had received a response from the Minister for Health and Social Services (Minister) on 26th April 2021, to its letter dated 8th April 2021, in relation to the Panel's request for updates to the recommendations in its Jersey Care Model Review. The Panel discussed areas of questioning in response to the Minister's update and agreed to draft Written Questions, as individual Members, for the next States Assembly Order Paper. |
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4. Follow-up review of Respite Care for Children and Young Adults The Panel received an update from the Officer in relation to developments in respite care for children and young adults in Jersey, following the Respite Care for Children and Young Adults Review, which was published by a previously constituted Panel in 2012. The Panel considered the provision of respite care for children and young adults in Jersey and discussed its next steps. The Panel asked the Officer to request an update from Government Officials, to the recommendations in the 2012 Respite Care for Children and Young Adults Review, and to arrange a briefing to discuss the updates to the recommendations. | BW |
5. Jersey Youth Parliament (JYP) The Panel recalled that the JYP had identified a number of topics that it wished to consider further which included mental health. The Panel was informed that Officers had met with the JYP on 30th March 2021 and provided a summary of the work undertaken by the Panel and offered the JYP an opportunity to meet the Panel. The Panel asked the Officer to arrange a suitable date and time to meet with the JYP. | SM |
6. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 2pm on 6th May 2021 via Teams. |
Meeting held by video conference
Date: 6th May 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Dame Cathy Warwick, Panel Adviser, Attain Health Management Paul O'Connor, Panel Adviser, Attain Health Management Struan Coad, Panel Adviser, Attain Health Management Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer |
Agenda Matter | Action |
1. Review of Maternity Services Consideration was given to the adviser's draft report on maternity services. The advisers discussed the executive summary, main findings and recommendations of their report. The Panel asked for further clarity or explanation on a number areas and the advisers agreed to amend the report accordingly. It was noted that a final draft would be provided to the Panel early the following week. |
Meeting held by video conference
Date: 17th May 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies | Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair | |
Absent |
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In attendance | Senator Kristina Moore , President, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy Inna Gardiner , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy David Johnson , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy Rob Ward , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services Mark Richardson, Private Secretary to the Minister for Health and Social Services Ivan Muscat, Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Health and Community Services Rebecca Sherrington, Associate Chief Nurse, Health and Community Services Alex Khaldi, Interim Director, Public Health Policy, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Cynthia Folarin, Interim Director of Public Health Practise, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Marguerite Clarke, Principal Officer Public Health Intelligence, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research and Project Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. COVID-19: Public Health Briefing The Panel and Members of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee (Scrutiny Members) received the Minister for Health and Social Services and his Officers for a briefing on changes to the COVID-19 vaccination programme following the emergence of the B.1.617 variant of COVID-19, an update on the progress of the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme and the Safer Travel Policy. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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Meeting held by video conference
Date: 18th May 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Susan Devlin, Group Director, Children's Services, Health and Community Services Natalie Spooner, Head of Service, Children's Services CIN Teams 3 4 and Children with Complex Needs, Health and Community Services Isabel Watson, Head of Adult Social Care, Health and Community Services Lisa Perkins, Children's Commissioning and Redesign Manger, Children, Young People, Education and Skills Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Briefing: Short Breaks and Respite Care for Children and Young Adults The Panel received Government Officials from the Health and Community Services Department (HCS) and the Children, Young People, Education and Skills Department (CYPES) for a briefing on the development of short breaks and provision of respite for children and young adults in Jersey. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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Date: 20th May 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Item 2 only: Deputy Louise Doublet (Co-opted for Review of Maternity Services) Item 4 only: Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services Dr Anuschka Muller, Director of Improvement and Innovation, Health and Community Services Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 13th April (public and private), 16th April and 6th May 2021. |
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2. Review of Maternity Services The Officer advised that the main body and sections of the Report for the Panel's Review of Maternity Services would be sent to key stakeholders for approval and that the Executive Summary of the Report was drafted. The Officer asked the Panel whether it had any comments or questions about the contents of the Report. The Panel agreed to provide comments and ask questions using track changes' on the Report. The Officer requested that the Panel provide any comments or questions by 10am on Monday 24th May 2021 to allow time for amendments to be made and noted that discussion about the Report's findings and recommendations would take place at the Panel meeting on 27th May 2021. The Panel requested that the Officer also draft a summary version of the Report to make the Report contents more accessible. The Officer advised that the results of the Maternity Services Survey would be published on the Maternity Services Review section of the States Assembly website. | SM SM | |
3. Follow-up review of Respite Care for Children and Young Adults The Officer recalled the 2012 Review of Respite Care for Children and Young Adults and asked whether the Panel wished to undertake a follow-up Review. The Panel expressed concern that service users of respite care in Jersey had not provided their updated views about the current respite care offering. The Panel agreed to write to key stakeholders from the 2012 Review of Respite Care for Children and Young Adults, requesting their views on the current respite care offering in Jersey and asked the Officer to draft the relevant correspondence. | BW |
4. Briefing: Jersey Care Model (JCM) Recommendations The Panel received the Minister for Health and Social Services and Government Officials from the Health and Community Services Department (HCS) to discuss the recommendations made in the Panel's Review of the JCM. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
5. Jersey Youth Parliament (JYP) The Officer informed the Panel that the JYP had asked to meet the Panel on 14th June 2021 and noted that this date would be diarised once the Panel provided confirmation. It was also advised that the JYP had been provided with links to useful resources on the States Assembly website to formulate questions that it could ask the Panel about its current workstreams. The Panel agreed to receive the JYP for a meeting on 14th June 2021 at St. James' Centre/over Microsoft Teams and asked the Officer to arrange the meeting. | SM |
6. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 2pm on 27th May 2021 via Teams. |
Date: 27th May 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves Deputy Louise Doublet (Co-opted for Review of Maternity Services) | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Andy Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security The Panel noted it was due to receive the Minister for Social Security for a Quarterly Hearing at 2:30pm on Thursday 24th June. The Panel identified a number of areas of questioning and the Officer was asked to draft a question plan for its consideration. The Panel noted that the areas of questioning were due to be sent to the Private Secretary to the Minister for Social Security on 17th June. | BW | |
2. Jersey Youth Parliament (JYP) The Officer informed the Panel that it was due to meet with the JYP on 14th June between 4pm and 5pm and asked the Panel whether it wished to meet with the JYP in-person or via Microsoft Teams. The Panel agreed to meet the JYP via Microsoft Teams and asked the Officer to send out the meeting invitations. | SM | |
3. Review of Maternity Services The Officer noted the comments made in the Review of Maternity Services Report by Deputy Louise Doublet and asked the Panel to provide its feedback about the contents of the Report. The Panel discussed and agreed a number of amendments to the Report and requested that the Officers make the necessary changes. It was also agreed that the factual accuracy checking of the report could be progressed subject to these changes. The Panel asked whether a meeting would be arranged to discuss the recommendations separately. It was advised that the Officer would arrange a separate meeting to discuss the Report recommendations. | AH/BW AH/BW | |
Meeting held by video conference
Date: 17th June 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves Deputy Louise Doublet (Co-opted for Review of Maternity Services) | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Item 2 only: Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services Ruth Johnson , Head of Policy, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Anna Hamon, Senior Policy Officer, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Dr Helen Miles , Member, Independent Advisory Panel Andy Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 19th (public and private) and 29th April, and 17th, 18th, 20th and 27th May 2021. |
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2. Briefing – Recommendations of the Assisted Dying Jury The Panel received the Minister for Health and Social Services and Government Officials for a private briefing on the Assisted Dying Citizens Jury design, process and recommendations. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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3. Review of Maternity Services The Panel recalled that the Health and Community Services Department (HCS) had provided feedback following its factual checking of the Panel's draft Report. The Panel noted and discussed the suggested amendments made by HCS and agreed to make a number of changes based on the feedback provided. The Panel requested that the Officer make the necessary changes to the Report and that a further meeting be arranged for 23rd June at 12:30pm to discuss the findings and recommendations of the report. | AH | |
4. Follow-up review of Respite Care for Children and Young Adults The Panel noted the submissions that had been received to date in response to its request for views on the current respite services for children and young adults. It was agreed that the Panel would consider these further and discuss the next steps at its next scheduled meeting. |
5. Jersey Care Model The Panel noted that it had arranged quarterly updates from Officers in relation to the progress being made implementing the Jersey Care Model. It was noted that the next meetings were due to take place on Thursday 15th July and Wednesday 20th October 2021. |
6. Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Social Security The Panel noted a draft question plan for the quarterly hearing with the Minister for Social Security at 2pm on Thursday 24th June. The Panel discussed potential question areas and additional questions and requested that the Officer make the necessary changes. The Officers advised that confirmation as to whether the hearing would take place in person or via Microsoft Teams would be sent in due course. | AH/BW |
7. Public Health Law Consultation The Panel noted that a copy of the public health law consultation which had been launched on Tuesday 15th June had been shared with it and officers had offered a private briefing to the Panel to discuss it further. The Panel noted that it had a number of questions in relation to the consultation and agreed that it would seek to arrange a briefing to discuss it further. |
8. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 10:00am on Thursday 8th July in the Le Capelain Room, States Building. |
Date: 23rd June 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves Deputy Louise Doublet (Co-opted for Review of Maternity Services) | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Andrew Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Review of Maternity Services The Panel met to discuss the findings and recommendations in its draft Report on the Review of Maternity Services (Report'). The Principal Committee and Panel Officer (Officer') informed the Panel that it was unlikely that stakeholder factual checking would impact on the Report findings and recommendations, and that once these had been agreed, the Report would be presented by 2nd July 2021. The Panel was further informed that a number of amendments had been made to the Report following discussion by the Panel at its meeting on 17th June 2020. The Panel then discussed a strategy for communication and publication of the Report, to be implemented following approval of the Report by the Panel. The Panel requested that the Officer liaise with a Communications Officer from the States Greffe, to draft a publication plan for the Report. The Panel agreed a number of further amendments to the presentation of the Report findings and recommendations, and asked that the Principal Committee and Panel Officer make the necessary changes. The Panel noted that it was due to meet to discuss the final version of the Report, on 29th June 2021 at 1pm. | BW AH | |
Date: 24th June 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Deputy Judy Martin, Minister for Social Security Deputy Scott Wickenden, Assistant Minister Social Security Ian Burns, Director General, Customer and Local Services Paul McGinnety, Director of Local Services, Customer and Local Services Sue Duhamel, Head of Policy, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Andrew Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Question Plan for Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security The Panel discussed its question plan in preparation for the Public Hearing with the Minister for Social Security. |
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2. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security The Panel received the Minister for Social Security, the Assistant Minister for Social Security and Government Officials for a Quarterly Public Hearing at 2:30pm. The proceedings were webcast live and a recording was made so that a transcript could be produced. |
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Date: 28th June 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Senator Kristina Moore , President, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy Inna Gardiner , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy David Johnson , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy Rob Ward , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Connétable Michael Jackson , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services Ivan Muscat, Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Health and Community Services Rebecca Sherrington, Associate Chief Nurse, Health and Community Services Alex Khaldi, Interim Director, Public Health Policy, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Marguerite Clarke, Principal Officer Public Health Intelligence, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Andy Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research and Project Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. COVID-19: Public Health Briefing The Panel and Members of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee (Scrutiny Members) received the Minister for Health and Social Services and his Officers for a briefing on the number of active COVID-19 case numbers, COVID-19 testing, the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme and the Borders Policy. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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Date: 29th June 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves Deputy Louise Doublet (Co-opted for Review of Maternity Services) | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Andrew Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Review of Maternity Services The Panel met to discuss and approve its draft Report on the Review of Maternity Services (Report'). The Principal Committee and Panel Officer advised that a number of amendments had been made to the Report following the Panel's discussion at its meeting on 23rd June 2020. The Panel also noted and approved the communications strategy proposed by the Communications Officer, for presentation of the Panel's Report. The Panel approved the Report, subject to a number of further changes which would be circulated for electronic approval by Friday 2nd July 2021. The Panel agreed that the Report would be embargoed until Monday 5th July 2021, when it would be made publicly available. |
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Date: 1st July 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves Deputy Louise Doublet (Co-opted for Review of Maternity Services) | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Andy Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Review of Maternity Services The Panel noted a final draft of its report and discussed the inclusion of overarching findings to sit alongside the main findings and recommendations of the report. It also agreed changes to the findings and recommendations. It was agreed that, subject to these changes, the Panel would proceed with presenting its report on Tuesday 6th June 2021. The Officers advised that a final draft would be sent in due course for final approval and the report would be sent out under embargo on Friday 2nd July. The Panel also noted a draft digital summary report for the review and approved it for publication alongside the main report. It was requested that the digital summary report would be used in all social media communications to promote the review. | AH | |
Meeting held by electronic mail
Date: 2nd July 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves Deputy Louise Doublet (Co-opted for Review of Maternity Services) | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Andy Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Review of Maternity Services The Panel approved publication of its report: Review of Maternity Services' (S.R.9/2021) and accompanying news release. It was noted that the report would be sent out under embargo before formal presentation on Tuesday 6th July 2021. | AH | |
Date: 7th July 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves (for items 3 – 6 only) | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Item 1 only: Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services Professor Peter Bradley, Director of Public Health Tara Murphy, Senior Policy Officer, Strategic Policy, Performance and Planning Mark Richardson, Private Secretary to the Minister for Health and Social Services Andy Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Katherine de Carteret, Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Briefing – Public Health Law Consultation The Panel received the Minister for Health and Social Services and his Officers for a briefing on the Public Health Law consultation. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 35 and a private record was taken. |
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2. Review of Maternity Services The Panel noted that its Review of Maternity Services report had been presented on 6th July 2021 and that it was due to receive a Ministerial Response from the Minister for Health and Social Services on 17th August 2021. |
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3. Follow up review of Respite Care for Children and Young Adults The Panel recalled that it had written to key stakeholders from the 2012 Review of Respite Care for Children and Young Adults (the Review'), requesting their views on the current respite care offering in Jersey. The Panel noted that it had received several responses and requested an Officer to contact them to request permission to publish the submissions on the States Assembly website. The Panel requested that the Officer also draft a letter to the Minister for Health and Social Services advising him that they had sought submissions as a follow up to the Review. Subject to the response from stakeholders, the letter would outline the issues identified by the submissions and would request the Minister to respond. | BW BW | |
4. Work Programme The Panel considered its work programme for the remainder of 2021. The Panel agreed that its initial primary focus would be on the review of the implementation of the Jersey Care Model. It was noted that the Panel had previously agreed to postpone the follow up to its Mental Health Review to October 2021. After some consideration, the Panel agreed to further defer this work until the end of 2021 and agreed not to call the Minister of Health and Social Services for a hearing on this subject matter until January 2022. |
5. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services The Panel noted that it was due to receive the Minister for Health and Social Services for a Quarterly Hearing at 10am on Thursday 19th August 2021. The Panel identified a number of areas of questioning and the Officer was asked to draft a question plan for its consideration. The Panel noted that the areas of questioning were due to be sent to the Health and Community Services Department on 12th August 2021. | KD |
6. Future Meetings The Panel agreed to cancel the meeting it had scheduled on 29th July 2021. The Panel re-scheduled its next meeting for 2 pm on 12th August 2021. | BW |
Date: 13th July 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair | |
Apologies | Deputy Carina Alves | |
Absent |
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In attendance | Deputy Judy Martin, Minister for Social Security Sue Duhamel, Head of Policy, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Nic Turner, Policy Principal, Customer and Local Services Andy Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Katherine De Carteret , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Briefing – Draft Discrimination (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.58/2021) The Panel received the Minister for Social Security (Minister) and Government Officials for a briefing on the Draft Discrimination (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.58/2021), in response to concerns raised by the Jersey Landlords Association (JLA) about P.58/2021 on 5th July 2021. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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Date: 15th July 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Item 1 only: Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services Dr Anuschka Muller, Director of Improvement and Innovation Jo Poynter, Associate Managing Director Andy Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer (Items 2-4 only) Katherine de Carteret, Committee and Panel Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Briefing: Jersey Care Model (JCM) Recommendations The Panel received the Minister for Health and Social Services and Government Officials from the Health and Community Services Department (HCS) for a quarterly update and to discuss the recommendations made in the Panel's Review of the JCM. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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2. Joint Urgent Hearing with the Safer Travel Guidelines Review Panel and Scrutiny Liaison Committee re Covid-19 The Panel noted that the Safer Travel Guidelines Review Panel had called an urgent joint public hearing with the Chief Minister and the Minister for Health and Social Services at 6pm on Thursday 15th July 2021. The Ministers and their officers would be questioned on the Government's policy and objectives for the Covid-19 response in Jersey in response to the significant rise in the number of Covid-19 cases on the Island. It was noted that the Panel had been invited to attend and participate as part of the questioning panel for the hearing, however, no members were available due to prior commitments. |
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3. Comments paper: Draft Discrimination (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.58/2021) The Panel noted that the Draft Discrimination (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.58/2021) would be debated by the States Assembly at the sitting commencing on 19th July 2021. |
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Following the briefing received by the Panel on 13th July 2021 and the draft guidance subsequently provided by the Department, the Panel agreed to draft a comments paper to specifically address the concerns raised by the Jersey Landlords Association. The Officer was directed to draft a comments paper and circulate it to Scrutiny Members on Teams for approval. | KD |
4. Letter received by the Health and Social Security Panel: Cancellation of Elective Surgeries The Panel noted receipt of a response from the Minister of Health and Social Services dated 15th July 2021 in respect of its queries on elective surgeries at the Jersey General Hospital. No further action was requested at this time. |
Meeting held by electronic mail
Date: 16th July 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Katherine de Carteret, Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Comments paper: Draft Discrimination (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.58/2021) The Panel approved publication of its comments paper on the Draft Discrimination (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.58/2021). It was noted that the comments paper included a lateness statement as it would be submitted to the States Greffe after the noon deadline (as set out in Standing Order 37A) due to the States Meeting at which it was due to be presented being moved forward to Monday 19th July 2021 which, in turn, affected the final lodging deadline. | KD/ BW | |
Meeting held by video conference
Date: 9th August 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair | |
Apologies | Deputy Carina Alves | |
Absent |
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In attendance | Senator Kristina Moore , President, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy Inna Gardiner , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy David Johnson , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Connétable Michael Jackson , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Ivan Muscat, Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Health and Community Services Rebecca Sherrington, Associate Chief Nurse, Health and Community Services Tom Walker , Director General, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Professor Peter Bradley, Director of Public Health Marguerite Clarke, Principal Officer Public Health Intelligence, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Andy Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Katherine de Carteret, Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. COVID-19: Public Health Briefing The Panel and Members of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee (Scrutiny Members) received the Government Officers for a briefing on the number of active COVID-19 case numbers, COVID-19 testing, the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme and the Borders Policy. It was noted that the Minister for Health and Social Services, the Assistant Minister and their Officer team were unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict with the Health and Community Services Board meeting. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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Meeting held by video conference
Date: 12th August 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Item 1 only Mark MacGregor, Senior Policy Officer, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Andy Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Katherine de Carteret, Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Briefing – Social Security (Amendment of Law – Minimum Earnings Threshold) (Jersey) Regulations 202- The Panel received the Senior Policy Officer, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance for a briefing on the Social Security (Amendment of Law – Minimum Earnings Threshold) (Jersey) Regulations 202-. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 35 and a private record was taken. |
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2. Jersey Care Model The Panel recalled that, on 15th July 2021, it had received a briefing from the Minister for Health and Social Services and Government Officials from the Health and Community Services Department (HCS) to discuss the recommendations made in the Panel's Review of the Jersey Care Model (S.R. 5/2020). The Panel agreed that the briefing had provided a good update of the status of progress with each recommendation, however, were concerned about the status of recruitment to the independent oversight board. The Panel requested that an urgent letter be drafted and sent to the Minister in advance of the quarterly public hearing on 19th August 2021. The letter would address the queries about the independent oversight board and, also, follow up on the other outstanding queries from that meeting. |
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3. Follow up review of Respite Care for Children and Young Adults The Panel recalled that it had written to key stakeholders from the 2012 Review of Respite Care for Children and Young Adults (the Review'), requesting their views on |
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the current respite care offering in Jersey and had since received the various permissions to publish the submissions on the States Assembly website. The Panel reviewed a draft letter to the Minister for Health and Social Services which advised him that submissions had been sought as a follow up to the Review and posed a number of questions following the emergence of a number of themes. The Panel suggested that the Officers check with the Children, Education and Home Affairs Panel to check there was no overlap with their workload in respect of this matter. |
4. Records of Meetings The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 17th June (Public and Private), 23rd June (Public), 24th June (Public), 28th June (Public and Private) and 29th June (Public), 1st July (Public), 2nd July (Public), 7th July (Public and Private), 13th July (Public and Private), 15th July (Public and Private) and 16th July (Public) 2021. |
5. Work Programme The Panel considered its work programme until March 2022, specifically the reviews that it wished to complete during the remainder of the political term, namely:
The Panel noted that it would also continue to review the progress made with its recommendations on the Jersey Care Model (as per SR.5/2020) on an ongoing basis. The Panel agreed that its next focus would be on a follow up review of the Respite Care for Children and Young Adults. The Panel would consider the review further following receipt of a response from the Minister for Health and Social Services (as per section 3 of these minutes) It was noted that the Government Plan 2022-25 would be debated in December and the draft plan would be available from September for the Panel to start its review. The Panel agreed to reconsider the timing of its Mental Health review at its meeting in September 2021, with a view to commencing it later in 2021. The Panel further agreed to consider a retrospective review of the Covid-19 response in early 2022. |
6. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services The Panel considered a draft question plan for the quarterly hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services, which would be held at 12 pm on Thursday 19th August 2021 on Microsoft Teams. |
The Panel agreed to the areas of questioning outlined in the draft question plan but noted that they would revert with a number edits and additional questions in advance of the hearing. |
7. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 12 pm on 19th August 2021 via Teams. |
Date: 17th August 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair | |
Apologies | Deputy Carina Alves | |
Absent |
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In attendance | Deputy Inna Gardiner , Chair of the Public Accounts Committee Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services Caroline Landon, Director General, Health and Community Services Robert Sainsbury, Group Managing Director, Health and Community Services Rose Naylor, Chief Nurse, Health and Community Services Dana Scott , Head of Midwifery and Associate Chief Nurse for Health and Community Services Jo Poynter, Associate Managing Director, Health and Community Services Andy Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Katherine de Carteret, Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Briefing – Health and Community Services Department Integrated / Quality Performance Report The Panel received the Minister for Health and Social Services and Government Officials from the Health and Community Services Department (HCS) to discuss the HCS Integrated / Quality Performance Report (the Report). This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 36 and a private record was taken. |
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Date: 19th August 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair | |
Apologies | Deputy Carina Alves | |
Absent |
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In attendance | Item 2 only: Deputy R.J. Renouf of St. Ouen , The Minister for Health and Social Services Deputy T. Pointon of St. John , Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services Caroline Landon. Landon, Director General for Health and Community Services Patrick Armstrong, Medical Director, Health and Community Services Rose Naylor, Chief Nurse Robert Sainsbury, Group Medical Director, Health and Community Services Steve Graham, Associate Director of People, Health and Community Services Graham Ramsden, Head of Corporate Change Delivery Professor Peter Bradley, Director of Public Health Jo Poynter, Associate Managing Director, Health and Community Services Michelle Roach, Head of Finance Andrew Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Katherine de Carteret, Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services: Question Plan The Panel discussed the question plan in preparation for the Public Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services. The Panel noted that its areas of questioning included the Health and Community Services (HCS) Performance Report, the Jersey Care Model, COVID-19, elective surgeries, Governance, the Government Plan, Mental Health Services, the Public Health consultation, and the Panel's review of Maternity Services. |
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2. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services The Panel received the Minister for Health and Social Services and Departmental Officers for a Quarterly Hearing. The proceedings were webcast live and a recording was made so that a transcript could be produced. |
Date: 16th September 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | William Lakeman, Senior Policy Officer, Customer and Local Services Nic Turner, Policy Principal, Customer and Local Services Katherine De Carteret , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Home Carers Allowance The Panel received William Lakeman, Senior Policy Officer, Customer and Local Services to discuss draft changes to Article 18A of the Social Security (Jersey) Law 1974, which set out the circumstances in which a person was entitled to home carer's allowanceThis meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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2. Statutory Annual Leave and Rest Breaks The Panel received Nic Turner, Policy Principal, Customer and Local Services, to discuss draft changes to the Employment (Jersey) Law 2003. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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Date: 17th September 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair | |
Apologies | Deputy Carina Alves | |
Absent |
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In attendance | Deputy Inna Gardiner , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy David Johnson , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Connétable Michael Jackson , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Dr Ivan Muscat, Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Health and Community Services Rebecca Sherrington, Associate Chief Nurse, Health and Community Services Sarah White, Marketing Manager, Office of the Chief Executive Andy Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Katherine De Carteret , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. COVID-19: Vaccination Programme Briefing The Panel and Members of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee (Scrutiny Members') received Government Officers for a briefing on the 12-15 years COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, the over-50's COVID-19 Booster programme and the provision of annual flu vaccinations for at-risk groups. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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Date: 20th September 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Katherine De Carteret , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Minimum Earnings Threshold The Panel met to discuss P.79/2021 Social Security (Amendment of Law – Minimum | KDC BW | |
produced a comments paper (P.79/2021 Com) on 10th September 2021, which had featured in the States Assembly debate on P.79/2021 on 15th September 2021. The Panel recalled that during the debate, a number of States Members had expressed concerns about the availability, scope and age of the data used to assess the potential impact of P.79/2021 on employees. The Panel expressed concern about the age of the data referenced in P.79/2021, including to the 2016 Jersey Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (JOLS) data, and the 2011 Census data, which had been collated by the Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Department (Department) in 2018. The Panel noted that following concerns expressed by States Members during the debate, it had agreed to call in P.79/2021. The Panel also noted that it agreed to gather additional evidence about the potential impact of P.79/2021 on employees, and to present this information to the States Assembly on 2nd November 2021, in a further comments paper. The Panel discussed gathering data from key stakeholders, including updated 2019 JOLS data from the Department and views from local charities, industry bodies, employee unions and cleaning businesses. The Panel requested that the Officer draft correspondence to key stakeholders, asking about their views on P.79/2021, and requested updated data from the Department about the impact of P.79/2021 on employees. The Panel then discussed a strategy to include the public's views on P.79/2021. The Panel was informed by the Officer that a short public survey could be produced and shared via the Panel's social media channels. The Panel requested that the Officer draft questions to ask in the public survey, for the Panel's consideration. | ||
Date: 23rd September 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Item 2 only: Deputy Louise Doublet (Co-opted for Review of Maternity Services) Katherine De Carteret , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Records of Meetings
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2. Review of Maternity Services The Panel noted and discussed the Ministerial Response to Key Findings and Recommendations in the Review of Maternity Services Report. The Panel asked the Officer to check whether there was scrutiny budget available for the Panel's advisers to consider and comment on the Ministerial Response. The Panel then noted and discussed the response from the Minister for Health and Social Services dated 14th September 2021, in relation to Maternity Services, following the Panel's Quarterly Public Hearing on 19th August 2021. | KDC | |
3. Follow-up review of Respite Care for Children and Young Adults The Panel noted and discussed the joint response from the Minister's for Children and Education dated 31st August 2021, and Health and Social Services dated 1st September 2021. The Panel noted its commitments under the Government Plan 2022-25 and agreed not to undertake a review of respite care for children and young adults, and instead highlight the matter in the Panel's Legacy Report. | KDC/BW | |
4. Social Security: Minimum Earnings Threshold (MET) The Officer informed the Panel that letters had been sent to stakeholders that could be affected by the introduction of the MET, with a deadline for responses of 13th October 2021. The Panel also discussed the creation of a public survey in relation to the MET and asked the Officer to draft survey questions for the Panel's consideration. | BW | |
5. Jersey Care Model (JCM) The Panel noted and discussed the response from the Minister for Health and Social Services, in relation to the JCM, dated 20th September 2021. The Officer informed the Panel that the next JCM update meeting was scheduled to take place on 20th October at 2pm. |
6. Work Programme The Panel noted and discussed its 2021 Work Programme. The Panel asked the Officer to prioritise a follow-up review of mental health services in the months of October, November and December 2021. | KDC |
7. Briefings The Panel noted the briefings it received on the 16th September 2021 in respect of the home carers allowance, draft regulations for statutory annual leave and daily rest breaks. The Officer informed the Panel that the Legislative Drafting Office had advised that the Panel's proposed amendment to statutory annual leave should be amended to 3.6 weeks per year, to reflect the legal definition of weeks. |
8. New Public Health Law The Panel noted the response from the Minister for Health and Social Services dated 2nd September 2021 and agreed to take no further action. |
9. Government Plan 2022-25 The Panel noted it was due to receive the Ministers for Social Security on 13th October 2021, and Health and Social Services on 28th October 2021, for Public Hearings in relation to Government Plan 2022-25. |
10. Quarterly Public Hearing (Minister for Social Security) The Panel agreed to receive the Minister for Social Security for a Quarterly Public Hearing on 21st October 2021 at 2pm. |
11. Correspondence from the public The Panel noted receipt of various correspondence from members of the public and agreed not to take any further action. |
12. Future meetings
Meeting held by video conference
Date: 30th September 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Item 1 and 2 only: Judy Martin, Minister for Social Security Ian Burns, Director General, Customer and Local Services Mark MacGregor, Policy Principal, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Nic Turner, Policy Principal, Customer and Local Services Katherine de Carteret, Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Social Security: Minimum Earnings Threshold (P.79/2021) The Panel received the Minister for Social Security (Minister) and Government Officers for a meeting to discuss P.79/2021. The meeting was led by Ian Burns, Director General, Customer and Local Services (Director General), who noted that the Panel had called in P.79/2021, due to concerns about the potential impact on employees. The Panel expressed concern that P.79/2021 was too focused on the improvements to business payroll administration and Government of Jersey revenue collection and asked for updated data about the impact of P.79/2021 on employees. It was advised that the Census and Jersey Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (JOLS) data, was robust and a reliable indicator of the impact of P.79/2021 on employees in Jersey and had been factored into the proposed changes. It was also advised that the 2011 Census could be corroborated with the updated 2019 JOLS data to provide the most up to date reflection of the impact of P.79/2021 on employees. The Director General then noted that the main benefit to individuals of paying social security contributions was building a pension record. It was advised that a limited number of people would be impacted by P.79/2021 and that the proposed changes had been delayed due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and changes to Revenue Jersey processes. It was also advised that not all the employees that would be impacted by P.79/2021 were low paid. The Panel asked about the relationship between payment of social security contributions and the amount an employee would receive through their social security pensions record. The Panel then cited an example of a teacher in full time employment, who also undertook part time tuition, and expressed concern that payment of social security contributions on the basis of earnings instead of hours would provide minimal uplift to an employee's public pensions record in such a |
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scenario. It was advised that a number of different categories of employee would be impacted by P.79/2021 and that various scenarios and information about the impact on Jersey's workforce would be provided to the Panel. The Panel asked whether there was data available on the number of employees that would be affected by P.79/2021 who cohabited with a primary payer of household bills. It was advised that the available data could be analysed further, and that additional work would be undertaken to assess the number of people with small jobs across a range of households. The Panel questioned how many employees affected by P.79/2021 were also living with parents. It was advised that this data was unavailable as such individuals were not paying social security contributions. The Panel wished to know whether the breakdown of employee data would include data on seasonal workers. It was advised that data about seasonal workers was analysed under the separate population policy work programme. | BW |
2. Draft Employment (Amendment of Law) (No. 3) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.88/2021) The Panel received the Minister for Social Security and Government Officers for a briefing in relation to P.88/2021. The Panel noted that employees in Jersey were only entitled to 2 weeks statutory annual leave which contrasted with higher annual leave provisions in other jurisdictions, such as the United Kingdom. The Panel also considered an amendment to introduce a minimum rest break period of at least 20 minutes. The Panel asked about the impact of extending the period of statutory annual leave by days as opposed to weeks. It was advised that there were potential issues associated with increases of less than 1 week to statutory annual leave, in relation to the remuneration paid by employers and the impact on employment law. The Director General noted that a half-week increase in the period of statutory annual leave was possible but would require a change in employment regulations. It was advised that an increase to 3 weeks would be simpler and provide a direction of travel for any future increases in statutory annual leave. The Panel thanked the Minister and Government Officers for their time, and they exited the video conference. |
3. Government Plan 2022-2025 The Panel noted that the Officer provided a list of projects under the Government Plan 2022-2025, for the Panel's consideration. The Panel discussed the relevant projects outlined in the Government Plan 2022-2025 and agreed to request more information about the projects relating to:
The Crematorium (Capital). The Panel then noted and approved the Terms of Reference and Scoping documentation for its review of Government Plan 2022-2025. |
4. Maternity Services Review The Officer informed the Panel that following internal discussions relating to the 2021 budget for scrutiny work, that there was limited budget available for the Panel's advisers to undertake work on the Ministerial Response to the Review of Maternity Services. It was noted that further advisory work could be undertaken if the Panel had very specific aims about the objectives of the work. The Panel noted the limitations on the budget available to scrutiny and agreed to discuss the options with Deputy Louise Doublet , who was co-opted onto the Review of Maternity Services. |
5. Work Programme The Panel noted its updated 2021 Work Programme. |
6. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 2pm on 13th October 2021. |
Meeting held by video conference
Date: 4th October 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair | |
Apologies | Deputy Carina Alves | |
Absent |
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In attendance | Senator Kristina Moore , President, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy Robert Ward , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services Alex Khaldi, Interim Director, Public Health Policy, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance James Lynch, Policy Principal, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Andy Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Katherine de Carteret, Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. COVID-19: Public Health Briefing The Panel and Members of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee (Scrutiny Members') received the Minister for Health and Social Services and Government Officers for a briefing on the COVID-19 Safer Travel Policy and the provision of Lateral Flow Testing (LFT). This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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Date: 13th October 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Item 2 only: Deputy Judy Martin, Minister for Social Security Deputy Jeremy Maçon, Assistant Minister for Social Security Ian Burns, Director General, Customer and Local Services Paul McGinnety, Director of Local Services, Customer and Local Services Sue Duhamel, Director, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Dr Anuschka Muller, Director of Improvement and Innovation, Health and Community Services Mark MacGregor, Policy Principal, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Matthew Viney, Senior Policy Officer, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Katherine De Carteret , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer Carla Jardim, Assistant Press Officer, Office of the Chief Executive | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Meeting - Public Hearing (Minister for Social Security): Government Plan 2022-25 The Panel noted and discussed its question plan in preparation for the Public Hearing with the Minister for Social Security at 2pm. Following the Public Hearing, the Panel discussed key topics to include in its media release, with the Assistant Press Officer. | CJ | |
2. Public Hearing (Minister for Social Security): Government Plan 2022-25 The Panel received the Minister for Social Security and Government Officers for a Quarterly Hearing. The proceedings were webcast live and a recording was made so that a transcript could be produced. |
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3. Government Plan 2022-25 Review The Panel noted and discussed the agreed items for review in the Government Plan 2022-25. The Officer informed the Panel that the Emergency and Urgent Care Vehicle Replacement item fell under the remit of the Minister for Justice and Home Affairs and the Health and Social Recovery item fell under the remit of the Chief Minister. |
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The Panel requested that the Officer draft correspondence to the Chief Minister and the Ministers for Health and Social Services, Social Security and Justice and Home Affairs. | KDC |
4. Minimum Earnings Threshold The Panel noted that the English version of the Minimum Earnings Threshold public survey was launched on 8th October 2021 and had received 26 responses as of 13th October 2021. The Officer informed the Panel that the Polish and Portuguese versions of the survey had launched on 11th October 2021 and had not received any responses. The Panel requested that the Officer provide copies of the Portuguese social media releases relating to the survey, to Deputy Alves to share on relevant social media platforms and provide the Panel with a copy of the survey results as of 13th October 2021. | BW |
5. Statutory Annual Leave The Panel recalled that the Draft Employment (Amendment of Law) (No.3) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.88/2021), had been lodged for debate on 17th September 2021. The Panel noted that P.88/2021 included proposals to increase the minimum statutory annual leave from 2 weeks to 3 weeks and the introduction of a minimum rest break period of 15 minutes in any working period lasting for at least 6 hours. The Panel discussed bringing an Amendment to P.88/2021 to increase the proposed minimum rest break period of 15 minutes to 20 minutes, in any working period lasting for at least 6 hours. |
6. Jersey Care Model (JCM) Update Meetings The Panel noted that it was due to receive Government Officers from Health and Community Services for an update on the progress of the JCM on 26th October 2021 at 2pm. The Panel asked whether any scrutiny budget was available for the Panel's JCM Advisers to consider the progress of the JCM. The Officer informed the Panel that the budget available for scrutiny work would be checked. | KDC |
7. Quarterly Public Hearings (Minister for Social Security) The Panel noted it was due to receive the Minister for Social Security for a Quarterly Public Hearing on 21st October 2021 at 2pm. |
8. Future meetings The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 10am on 11th November 2021. |
Date: 15th October 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Katherine De Carteret , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Amendment – Draft Employment (Amendment of Law) (No.3) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.88/2021) The Panel noted that the Officer had circulated an amendment to P.88/2021 as drafted by the Law Officers Department and an accompanying report. The Panel discussed and approved the comments paper for presentation to the States Assembly on 10th September 2021 via Microsoft Teams. |
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Meeting held by video conference
Date: 18th October 2021
Present | Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair | |
Apologies | Deputy Carina Alves Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair | |
Absent |
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In attendance | Senator Kristina Moore , President, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy David Johnson , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy Robert Ward , Member, Scrutiny Liaison Committee Connétable Mike Jackson , Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services Marguerite Clark, Head of Health Intelligence, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Alex Khaldi, Interim Director, Public Health Policy, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Dr Ivan Muscat, Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Health and Community Services James Lynch, Policy Principal, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Katherine De Carteret , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. COVID-19: Winter Strategy Briefing The Panel and Members of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee received the Minister for Health and Social Services and Government Officers for a briefing on the COVID-19 Winter Strategy, Safer Travel Policy and the Extended Lateral Flow Testing Programme. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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Date: 21st October 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Item 2 only: Deputy Judy Martin, Minister for Social Security Deputy Jeremy Maçon, Assistant Minister for Social Security Ian Burns, Director General, Customer and Local Services Paul McGinnety, Director of Local Services, Customer and Local Services Sue Duhamel, Director, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Mark MacGregor, Policy Principal, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Nic Turner, Employment and Discrimination, Policy Principal, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Matthew Viney, Senior Policy Officer, Policy Principal, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Item 3 only: Deputy Judy Martin, Minister for Social Security Ian Burns, Director General, Customer and Local Services Paul McGinnety, Director of Local Services, Customer and Local Services Katherine De Carteret , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Meeting – Quarterly Public Hearing (Witness: Minister for Social Security) The Panel noted and discussed its question plan in preparation for the Public Hearing with the Minister for Social Security at 2pm. |
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2. Quarterly Public Hearing (Witness: Minister for Social Security) The Panel received the Minister for Social Security and Government Officers for a Quarterly Hearing. The proceedings were webcast live and a recording was made so that a transcript could be produced. |
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3. Briefing: Disability Strategy Research – Survey Results & Focus Group The Panel received the Minister for Social Security and Government Officers for a private briefing on the results of the disability strategy survey and focus group. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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Date: 26th October 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Dr Anuschka Muller, Director of Improvement and Innovation, Health and Community Services Katherine De Carteret , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
3. Briefing: Quarterly Update on Jersey Care Model (JCM) Recommendations The Panel received Dr Anuschka Muller, Director of Improvement and Innovation, Health and Community Services (Director), for a quarterly update on the status of the recommendations accepted by the Minister for Health and Social Services, following the Panel's 2020 review of the JCM. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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Meeting held by video conference
Date: 28th October 2021
Present Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair
Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves
In attendance Item 2 only:
Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services
Deputy Trevor Pointon, Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services Caroline Landon, Director General, Health and Community Services
Dr. Anushka Muller, Director, Improvement and Innovation, Health and Community Services
Rose Naylor, Chief Nurse, Health and Community Services
Isobel Watson, Associate Managing Director, Mental Health and Adult Social Care, Health and Community Services
Grace Norman, Interim Public Health Consultant, Health and Community Services
Graham Ramsden, Head of Corporate Change Delivery, Modernisation and Digital, Office of the Chief Executive
Michelle Roach, Head of Finance, Health and Community Services
Peter Bradley, Director, Public Health, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance
Rachel Williams, Director, COVID Testing and Tracing, Justice and Home Affairs
Steve Graham, Associate Director of People, Health and Community Services
Katherine De Carteret , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer
Agenda matter Action
- Meeting - Public Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services re Government Plan 2022-2025
The Panel noted and discussed its question plan in preparation for the Public Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services at 10am.
- Public Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services re Government Plan 2022-2025
The Panel welcomed the Minister for Health and Social Services to a Public Hearing on the Government Plan 2022-2025. The hearing was recorded, and webcast live via Microsoft Teams and a transcript was produced.
- Post Hearing Communications
Following the Public Hearing, the Panel discussed key topics to include in its media release, with the Communications Officer.
4. Comments Paper - Minimum Earnings Threshold (P.79/2021) The Panel noted that the Officer had circulated a second comments paper in relation to P.79/2021. The Officer informed the Panel that following approval of the comments paper, the supporting documentation would be uploaded to the States Assembly website, and relevant links inserted on the comments paper. The Panel discussed and approved the comments paper for presentation to the States Assembly on 29th October 2021 via Microsoft Teams. |
Date: 3rd November 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | ||
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | |||
Senator Kristina Moore Senator Tracey Vallois Deputy Steve Ahier Deputy Judy Martin, Minister for Social Security Deputy Jeremy Macon, Assistant Minister for Social Security (for part of the meeting) Sue Duhamel, Head of Policy, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Department Richard Summersgill, Comptroller of Taxes, Revenue Jersey Jean-Marc Blanchard, Manager, Operations, Treasury and Exchequer Graham Moore , Programme Manager, Treasury and Exchequer Katherine de Carteret, Committee and Panel Officer Katie Griffiths, Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |||
Agenda matter | Action | ||
1. Social Security: Minimum Earnings Threshold (P.79/2021) The Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel and the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel (Scrutiny Members) received the Minister for Social Security (Minister) and Government Officers for a joint meeting to discuss the Draft Social Security (Amendment of Law – Minimum Earnings Threshold) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.79/2021). This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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Date: 4th November 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Senator Sam Mézec | |
Apologies | Deputy Carina Alves | |
Absent |
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In attendance | Anna Hamon, Senior Policy Officer, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Ruth Johnson , Head of Policy, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Katherine de Carteret, Committee and Panel Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Assisted Dying: P.95/2021 The Panel received the Government Officers for a private briefing on the proposition Assisted Dying' (P.95/2021). This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26 and a private record was taken. |
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Meeting held by video conference
Date: 17th November 2021
Present Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair
Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves
Senator Sam Mezec
In attendance Item 2 only:
Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services
Deputy Trevor Pointon, Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services Caroline Landon, Director General, Health and Community Services Robert Sainsbury, Group Managing Director, Health and Community Services
Claire Thompson, Deputy Chief Nurse, Health and Community Services Dr. Anushka Muller, Director, Improvement and Innovation, Health and Community Services
Steve Graham, Associate Director of People, Health and Community Services
Patrick Armstrong, Medical Director, Health and Community Services Michelle Roach, Head of Finance, Health and Community Services Adrian Noon, Primary Care, Health and Community Services
Rebecca Sherrington, Associate Chief Nurse, Health and Community Services
Peter Bradley, Director, Public Health, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance
Dr Ivan Muscat, Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Health and Community Services
Jackie Tardivel, Head of Strategic Planning and Reporting, Health and Community Services
Marguerite Clarke, Principal Officer Public Health Intelligence, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance
Rachel Williams, Director, COVID Testing and Tracing, Justice and Home Affairs
Katherine De Carteret , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer
Agenda matter Action
- Meeting - Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services
The Panel noted and discussed its question plan in preparation for the Public Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services at 2:30pm.
- Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services
The Panel welcomed the Minister for Health and Social Services to a Quarterly Public Hearing. The hearing was recorded, and webcast live via Microsoft Teams and a transcript was produced. |
3. Post Hearing Communications Following the Public Hearing, the Panel discussed key topics to include in its media release, with the Communications Officer. |
Date: 18th November 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Katherine De Carteret , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 16th (Public and Private), 17th (Public and Private), 20th and 30th September and 4th October 2021 (Public and Private). |
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2. Minimum Earnings Threshold (MET) The Officer informed the Panel that the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel did not provide any further comments in relation to the Panel's draft correspondence, addressed to the Minister for Social Security (Minister), in respect of the MET following its joint meeting with the Minister and Government Officers on 3rd November 2021. The Panel discussed the recent correspondence and meeting with the Minister and agreed to draft a final comments paper summarising its work on the MET. The Panel requested that the Officer draft a comments paper for the Panel's approval by 22nd November 2021. | BW/KDC | |
3. Incapacity Review Briefing The Panel noted it had been invited to receive a briefing from the Minister for Social Security in respect of the Incapacity Review in January 2022. |
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4. Government Plan 2022-2025 Review The Panel noted and discussed the response it received from the Minister for Justice and Home Affairs on 8th November in relation to Government Plan 2022- 2025. The Officer informed the Panel that it was due to receive further responses from the Chief Minister and the Minister for Health and Social Services, and that these responses would be followed up with the relevant Department. The Panel noted it had received four submissions as part of its review of the Government Plan 2022-2025. The Panel noted and discussed six potential amendments to the Government Plan 2022-2025. The Panel agreed to a proposed amendment to establish several political commitments in relation to the use of the Health Insurance Fund and a proposed amendment to increase the funding for Mental Health Services. | KDC | |
5. Comments Paper on P.95/2021: Assisted Dying The Panel noted and approved its comments paper on P.95/2021: Assisted Dying. |
6. Site Visits The Panel noted it was due to visit the Maternity Ward at the GeneralHospital on 2nd December 2021. The Panel noted it was due to visit the Personal Protective Equipment storage warehouse on 8th December 2021. |
7. Work Programme The Panel noted its 2021 work programme and discussed completing a targeted review of mental health services. The Panel requested that the Officer draft Terms of Reference and Scoping documentation for its review of mental health services. | KDC |
8. Meeting Dates for 2022 The Panel noted and approved the proposed dates for Panel meetings in 2022 and requested that the Officer schedule the meetings into the Panel's diary. | BW/KDC |
9. Future Meetings The Panel noted that it was due to receive the Minister for Social Security for a Quarterly Public Hearing at 10am on 2nd December 2021. |
Date: 22nd November 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves Senator Sam Mézec | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Katherine De Carteret , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Comments Paper - Minimum Earnings Threshold (P.79/2021) The Panel noted that the Officer had circulated a third comments paper in relation to P.79/2021. The Officer informed the Panel that following approval of the comments paper, the supporting documentation would be uploaded to the States Assembly website, and relevant links inserted on the comments paper. The Panel discussed and approved the comments paper for presentation to the States Assembly on 23rd November 2021 via Microsoft Teams. |
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Date: 29th November 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves Senator Sam Mézec | |
Apologies |
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Absent |
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In attendance | Katherine De Carteret , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Amendment – Proposed Government Plan (P.90/2021): Health Insurance Fund (HIF) The Panel noted and approved the proposed amendment to establish several political commitments in relation to the use of the HIF. |
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2. Amendment – Proposed Government Plan (P.90/2021): Mental Health The Panel noted and approved the proposed amendment to increase the funding for Mental Health Services. |
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3. Quarterly Public Hearing (Witness: Minister for Social Security) The Panel noted it was due to receive the Minister for Social Security for a Quarterly Public Hearing on 2nd December at 10am. The Panel noted and discussed its question plan. |
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Meeting held by video conference
Date: 2nd December 2021
Present Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair
Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Deputy Carina Alves
Senator Sam Mezec
In attendance Item 2 only:
Deputy Judy Martin, Minister for Social Security
Ian Burns, Director General, Customer and Local Services
Paul McGinnety, Director of Local Services, Customer and Local Services Sue Duhamel, Head of Policy, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Mark MacGregor, Policy Principal, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance
Nic Turner, Policy Principal, Customer and Local Services
Matthew Viney, Senior Policy Officer, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance
Samantha Sugden, Senior Policy Officer, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance
Janice Hales , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer
Agenda matter Action
- Meeting - Question Plan: Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Social Security
The Panel noted and discussed its question plan in preparation for the Public Hearing with the Minister for Social Security at 10am.
- Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Social Security
The Panel welcomed the Minister for Social Security for a Quarterly Public Hearing. The hearing was recorded, and webcast live via Microsoft Teams and a transcript was produced.
- Post Hearing Communications
Following the Public Hearing, the Panel discussed key topics to include in its media release, with the Communications Officer.
Meeting held by video conference
Date: 8th December 2021
Present | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chair Senator Sam Mézec | |
Apologies | Deputy Carina Alves | |
Absent |
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In attendance | Katherine de Carteret, Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer | |
Agenda matter | Action | |
1. Minutes The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 13th October 2021, 15th October 2021 and 21st October 2021 (public and private). |
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2. Briefing: Covid-19 The Panel noted that it had received an update on Covid-19 measures by the Chief Minister and Government Officers on 30th November 2021. |
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3. Briefing: Child Dental Fitness The Panel noted that the Minister for Social Security had provided the Panel with a briefing on a new one-off dental scheme for children in income support households on 2nd December 2021. |
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4. Site Visit: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Warehouse The Panel noted Deputy Kevin Pamplin represented the Panel at a site visit to one of the Island's PPE Warehouses in St. Lawrence at 11am and provided the Panel with a brief verbal update of the visit. |
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5. Government Plan 2022-2025 Review The Panel reviewed its draft Government Plan Review 2022-2025 report. The Panel noted the Findings and Recommendations' and the Conclusion' section of the draft Government Plan 2022-2025 report. Following discussion and consideration, the Panel requested a number of changes to the draft. The Committee and Panel Officer advised the Panel that this would be updated and circulated to the Panel for approval, with the intention of presenting it to the States Assembly on Friday 10th December. The Panel noted that it's Amendments to the Government Plan 2022-2025 had been lodged as Amendment number nine (relating to funding for Mental Health Services) and Amendment number 15 (relating to the Health Insurance Fund), which had been circulated for approval on Teams. | KDC | |
6. Mental Health Review The Panel noted that its next review would be a follow up review of Mental Health Services. |
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The Committee and Panel Officer confirmed that the draft Scoping documentation and Terms of Reference would be prepared. | KDC |
7. Quarterly Hearing Dates for 2022 The Panel noted the timing of the election and pre-election period (from May) in 2022 and requested that it wanted to schedule a second hearing with each Minister in the second quarter of 2022. | BW |
8. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 10am on 27th January 2022. |