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Policing of Events - User Pays - GW - Submission - 19 October 2007

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Further to the email I received from the Jerseylive organisers.

Not fully appreciating how our tax funds are split into various different pots or departments, this is a tough question to answer.

Plus, not being aware of how much an event costs to police in comparison to the money it may make for the organisers.

Jerseylive has the potential to increase in popularity year after year and it would seem unreasonable to take all policing costs of an increasing event from tax funds. It would only be a small percentage of the total local population attending along with non-locals.

This however does not mean that I am in agreement with our tax funds been whittled away

on pointless other things like keeping non-local offenders in our full prison at our expense even if they are being taxed at source!

Events like these are fantastic (and log awaited) major events for the island and a huge tourism- puller. Could some of the cost not come from the tourism budget, no doubt they advertise the forthcoming event and the hospitality industry benefits. Fair enough the tourism budget might be funded from our taxes, but the cross would seem easier to bear if it was taken from the correct pot of funds.

It would seem reasonable that our taxes be used to police charitable and smaller events that are always going to bring in a similar size crowd year after year.

If event-goers weren't led to feel that the organisers of an event were making a fortune but passing most of the organisational costs onto the participants, it would seem sensible to pass on some of the cost to the participants, locals and non-locals. Knowledge is power..................and give people freedom to make a proper judgement.

Could there not be a half-way point where the cost could be split between organiser and taxes (tourism funds)?