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Policing of Events - User Pays - J Bowey - Submission - 19 October 2007

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Dear Sirs

I am emailing to add my opinion to the above debate relating to the cost to consumers of providing policing to outside events. As a taxpayer, I would not consider additional charges for extra policing at certain and not all outdoor events fair. If a charge is to be levied then it must be across the board and not allow "traditional" or what would be perceived as "States selected events", to be exempt. I do object to paying for our police

force and then having to pay again for the additional work created, but a fair and transparent policy for all, definately makes the cost burden easier to manage. However, if the public are required to pay for additional policing of outside events, then as a paying consumer I would have significant concern regarding the numbers of police deployed and their behaviour at such public events. No one wants to feel that they are paying for an "afternoon freebie" for police staff, or indeed that there are nearly as many police as there are public at such events. With regard to policing of charity events, like most people in general I support the use of public services in the assistance of charitable work, however, it should be remembered that not all charities have a blanket public mandate. As it would be impossible to select some and not all charities for publically provided support, perhaps if a charge is to be levied then even charitable events should also have to find sponsorship for such costs, a sobering thought. Perhaps on balance therefore, as the public have already paid once, we should manage these events within existing budgets.

Yours faithfully

Julia Bowey