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20th March 2009
Deputy Roy Le Herissier, Scrutiny Panel
Dear Deputy Le Herissier,
Re: Fort Regent Review
Thank you for your letter dated 10th March attached to an Email from Mrs Liddiard.
As a member of the Fort Users' Association, I am writing to submit a few observations for the Panel to consider in their review:
- The Fort is widely used by the population of Jersey – some 15,000 uses per week. I amvery aware that there are some people who consider it to be an "expensive white elephant", but I would venture to suggest that they are people who rarely, if ever, visit the Fort and certainly not at times when it is being well-used.
- The report by Roger Quinton Associates back in April 1997 stated the fact that the Fort wasdatedandwentontooutline several areas whichcouldbeimprovedand even sports that could be introduced.
- Further tothisreport, I wouldemphasisethatquickaccessfromthetownareaviaSnow Hill would enable people to use the Fort for their particular activity during their lunch hour, or before or after theirwork day. Furthermore, if there was a really good restaurant up there with a viewover St Aubin'sBay (one ofthebest views in the island in my opinion!) business people could entertain their clients up there.
- While in Australia, a few years ago, I obtained a report on a similar centre at Tweed Headswithmany facilities and activities which wedonothavein Jersey. Agreed the catchment area was much more extensive, but, scaleddown I could see something likeitat Fort Regent,giventhe[politicalwill power and vision. I wouldbe pleased to share this with you should you be interested.
- As to staffing levels Etc.. one thing I find quite frustrating isthatsome offices have beenmovedto areas where the general public are unable to find them, withno indication as to where they have gone. A classic example is the Technical Services Office, so if we have a problem, apart from going all the way down to thefrontdesk,onedoesn'tknowwheretogo. TheBooking Office arrangements are not very satisfactory. If the main person is not in his office, or is away on a course, there does not seem to be anyone deputising for him. I would have
thought that Bookings were of key importance.
- Facilities have been provided in the past, e.g. the skateboardareaonly for ittobe ignored by the youngsters and vandalised. What a waste of money!
- It was a great pity thatthe Pool was closedand the arrangement made with the private company restricting the States from building another pool in the vicinity, and now its costing the island a lot of money in subsidies.
- Talking oftheold Pool area, we suggested that another floor should beput into the existing building and the two bowls clubs could have a floor eachtolook after and use both floors if numbers dictated. Now I Understand that the whole building is not in a safe condition for public use another example of the States neglecting property!
I have to say that, although the RQA report was in 1997 – over 12 years ago, there does not seem to have been any action on it. Again, what a waste of money! That money could have been put to far better use!
I look forward to seeing the outcome of this report, and, apart from the dates that I have given to Mrs Liddiard when I shall be out of the island, I would be pleased to meet with you and other members of the Panel should you feel it to be beneficial.
Yours sincerely, Ann J Chamier