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Income Support - Public Submission 20 - Submission - 26 February 2009

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Mr xxxxx is the main carer for his sister. She underwent heart bypass surgery September of last year. She saw Dr. Mitchell privately and went to Oxford to have the surgery. The surgery was successful and they came home. Mr. xxxxx sister got an infection in both chest and leg wound, the hospital in Jersey would not treat her and they had to go back to Oxford. They were there for10 days, came home and about a couple of weeks another infection. The District Nurse called GP she needed surgical intervention rang hospital, treatment was declined and they had to go back to Oxford, for 15 days. Returned to Jersey mid December with no back up from hospital here at all and total reliant on the District Nurse and Doctor, they came home having to deal with and dress open wounds daily to prevent further infection.

Mr xxxxx provides a full and total care package to his sister and has been unable to work since September 2008. The have had all the dressings to pay for which amounts to about £175 per month. He has an outstanding Doctors Invoice for £245 and an outstanding one month invoice to the District Nurse for dressings. He has received no - Income Support whatsoever and did not even know that he was entitled to anything. The District Nurse advised he may be able to get support with living expenses, she advised that he should be getting a carers allowance.

End of December - first visit to Social very helpful on the desk (no name recalled not seen her since) he was given all the forms and he went away and completed them, he was advised that he would be entitled to Income Support and the Carers Allowance, the District Nurse helped to fill in the forms - Mr. xxxx had been a Taxi Driver - His sister is now a pensioner.

The timing of when he got the forms meant he had to wait until the 1st week in January to get birth cert.

When he took his form in to Income Support - the lady on the desk in the medical section said that there were no income tax returns here - he had explained about his ongoing issue with tax and with his sister ill he not had chance to sort it out. The lady had advised that as he had not worked since September it was not relevant and the system would have to deal with the now.

Then in the Income Support section he sat in the queue for an hour, they advised that until he got an income tax return he would not getting anything, he explained what he had been told previously and it was repeated that no that would he would not be considered even if not working.

At this point he lost hope and thought what is the point, just carry on with credit cards.

The a different lady at Soc Sec advised that it was all ok and his claim would be processed.

26th January another form for the Impairment component arrived in the post, they had already filled it in and submitted it. When the form was received he rang and told the Department, they said ok leave with us will have a look. They called back and said, ok, we have it, just ignore the form we have it. By this time at least five weeks had elapsed.

He advised that they exist on credit cards and pension, he is facing 30K credit card debts now and has moved onto an interest only mortgage, but not paying anything off the capital.

He went to the health section today, 2nd March 2009, she looked on the computer, you need to go to income support, he waited 40 minutes, three people dealing at the same desk with one lady, and they said they were waiting for ISo2.M. Mr. xxxxxx had phoned, the Department had confirmed that they had the form. Sent back to medical Section - went back they said who knows take another form and fill it in.

He called the Scrutiny Office and came in to give a submission.