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Pollution Incident Report As at 11/03/2010 10:18:36
(This document may not include recent additions or alterations, please refer to the POLREP Database Copy for the current version.) Report Number 2009127 Officer In Charge Alison Date Reported to EP 19/08/2009 Time Reported 13:00 Time Action Commenced 13:00 Response Time 00:00
Name / Location of
Wayside Slip outfall St Brelade
Telephone Number Mobile Number
Polluter Name / unknown
Wayside Slip outfall St Brelade
Incident Type Sewage/Domestic Incident Category 3 -Minor Controlled Water Affected N/A Enforcement no current action
Reason for Decision polluter unidentifiable
Report Signed by Date 1: 11 /03/2010 1:
Report Signed by Date 2: 18/03/2010 2:
Report Signed by Date 3: 18/03/2010 3:
Incident Log
Colin Heys reported to me that the sample collected from the Wayside slip during routine outfall monitoring had a strong odour of a cleaning product. Kathryn at the Analyst agreed that the odour smelled of fragrant toilet cleaner.
I checked Jersey Mapping but it only shows a foul sewer along Le Mont Sohier.
I left a message on Steve Fisher's voicemail (Steve Bohea) on leave requesting drainage map for Wayside slip outfall.
Thurs 20 Aug
SF returned my call. I sent email requesting map.
Mon 24 Aug
Drainage map arrived in the internal post.
Tues 25 Aug
Received email from Steve Fisher suggesting if the outfall had a chlorine smell then TTS know of large a property emptying a swimming pool on north side of Mont Sohier.
Phoned Steve Fisher. There is a surface gully system running down Mont Sohier and another gully system running down Le Mont Gras D'Eau, which are not shown on the map that Steve sent to me. Stevedoes not know name of property where swimming pool was emptied. Information supplied by Chris McNabb.
Wed 26 Aug
Handwritten outfall results received of 19/08/09 sample. COD 1,138mg/L
SS 96.8mg/L
NH4: 6.4 mg/L
NO2 <0.961 mg/L
NO3 3mg/L
TC: 1,710,000 cfu/100 ml FC: 500,000 cfu/100 ml FS: 34,000 cfu/100 ml
I phoned Duncan Berry to check if any spills had occurred from the Wayside pumping station during the previous week. DB confirmed that there had not been any spills.
Checked Private Drainage Database for properties on septic tanks (3 Mont Sohier). 7 properties with septic tanks on Le Mont Gras D'Eau (all at the top end of the hill). Database not showing that any tank emptied recently.
Colin Heys to check Wayside slip outfall at time of bathing water monitoring. Micro sample to be collected on Wed 9 Sept (first opportunity to sample due to bank holiday Monday next week BW Tues & Wed).
Sun 30 Aug
After visiting Wayside cafe I walked up Mont Sohier. I could see water flowing in the surface gully on the Mont Sohier side but the Le Mont Gras d'Eau side was not flowing.
Wed 2 Sept
Incident mentioned in fortnightly meeting. SH mentioned that KR has a sewage incident at Le Mont Gras D'Eau. Please see pol rep 2008115 property called LeChalet des Arbres. Also incident in 2001 at the Windmill Hotel.
I asked CH if he saw any white staining in the gully at the side of the slipway at the time of sampling. The outfall cover was closed upon arrival at the slip. It was only when the cover was lifted that the white liquid flowed out and this was not observed in the gully. Bathing Water at St Brelade's Bay was monitored the previous day 18 Aug and passed the Guide standard.
Results of 09/09/09 sample. COD 42mg/L
SS 1.2mg/L
NH4 <0.03mg/L
NO3 23mg/L
TC 49,091 cfu/100 ml
FC 4,182 cfu/100 ml
FS 1,351 cfu/100 ml
carried out routine outfall sampling and thought that the outfall smelled of sewage and conductivity was 4,365 the Analyst thought that the smell was slurry. Colin Heys observed a TTS jet vac cleaning the drains
on Mont Sohier.
Spoke to at the Analyst. Micro and ammonia results given over the phone Shivs to email full results.
Phoned Shivsfor full results. COD: 246 mg/L
SS: 256 mg/L
NH4: 1.69 mg/L
NO2: 0.469 mg/L
NO3: 26 mg/L
Sodium and chloride high probably due to saltwater intrusion.
I phoned L at TTS and asked if a drainage investigation could be carried out for this outfall and the L'Horizon.
Email received from . Nothing found for Wayside slip yet but there appears to be foul on surface in front of the L'Horizon Hotel.
Discussed with.. Joe Coupel will be back on site this morning and Lou has asked for a more thorough investigation to be carried out. has checked the pumping station telemetry and this is ok. Lou asked that if any outfalls smell during monitoring to phone her straight away. I advised Lou that next routine monitoring is Monday 14 December.
email received from Lou advising that Joe and Dale at TTS had checked surface and foul water systems around Wayside on 2-3 Nov, but not found anything unusual. They will keep an eye on The L'Horizon outfall.
checked the L'Horizon outfall whilst carrying out routine monitoring at The Wayside slip. Outfall running clear.
Outfall results received. COD: 32 mg/L
SS: 5.6 mg/L
NH4: 0.43 mg/L
NO2: 0.1 mg/L
NO3: 72 mg/L
Outfall results received. TC 62,727 cfu/100ml FC 2,300 cfu/100ml
FS 315 cfu/100ml
Advised 111 of results. Lou will ask Joe to carry out further investigation in January. This will encompass Mont Sohier and Mont Gras d'Eau.
Received an email from Lou Wagstaffe. Three samples collected on 12 Jan 2010, form Mont Gras D'Eau, Mont Sohier and Wayside slip. Joe and Dale have checked for foul on surface connections on Mont Gras D'Eau and Mont Sohier, but not found anything untoward. Manhole on slip in poor repair contained a blue container (unknown contents). Manhole to be replaced.
Mont Gras D'Eau is an open channel for most of its length. Faecal streptococci sample from Mont Gras D'Eau was 20,000 cfu/100ml. Other results ok. Both Lou and I wondered if someone was walking their dog along this road and not picking up afterwards.
Sunday 31/01/10.
I walked up Mont Gras D'Eau and observed four areas of the road containing dog faeces (one lot very fresh).
CH monitored outfall. Running clear and no odours.
Outfall results received. COD: 5 mg/L
SS: <0.4 mg/L
NH4: <0.03 mg/L
NO2: 0.005 mg/L NO3: 46 mg/L
TC: 11,261 cfu/100ml FC: 300 cfu/100ml
FS: 400 cfu/100ml
Summary and Conclusion
Difficult to determine source of pollution. Bathing Water passed Guide standard on 18 Aug and 25 Aug. although the faecal coliform guide standard was exceeded on 8 Sept (164 cfu/100ml). Samples collected in Oct 09, Dec 09 and Feb 10 have shown a decrease in COD, SS, NH4, No2, TC, FC and FS. TTS checked properties along Mont Sohier and Mont Gras D'Eau for foul on surface connections but did not find any wrong connections. A possible cause is someone walking their dog up Mont Gras D'Eau and not picking up their dog faeces.
Continue to monitor outfall as planned.