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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel Review
Chief Minister's Department
Medium Term Financial Plan 2013 to 2015 General Questions arising from the Terms of Reference
- What overall expenditure limits were allocated to the Chief Minister's Department (CMD) in the 2012 Annual Business Plan for 2012, 2013, and 2014? Have the limits changed in the MTFP and, if so, why has it changed?
The States approved only one year's revenue expenditure at Departmental level in the 2012 Annual Business Plan (ABP). The 2012 ABP also identified some extraordinary financial pressures for the States as a whole and committed to providing for growth in these areas in 2013, 2014, and 2015. There were no extraordinary growth commitments identified for CMD.(Please refer to p60 of the MTFP).
The table below therefore shows CMD's approved expenditure limits in the 2012 ABP for 2012 and the indicative capital projects agreed in principle in the 2013 and 2014 capital programme. The table also shows the expenditure limits being proposed for 2013, 2014 and 2015 in the Medium Term Financial Plan.
| |||||||||||||
| |||||||||
| |||||||||||
| |||||||||||
| |||||||||
| ||||||||
| ||||||||||
The Departmental cash limits being proposed in the MTFP differ from the limits approved in the 2012 Annual Business Plan in respect of CSR savings, central procurement savings, inter-departmental transfers, inflation allowances and growth bids.
Details of these changes are shown in the table titled Reconciliation of Net Revenue Expenditure' in CMD's Departmental pages in the Annex to the MTFP. For ease of reference, CMD's Departmental pages are given in Appendix 1.
- What commitments for growth were made for the Department in the 2012 Annual Business Plan for 2012, 2013, and 2014? Have growth commitments from previous Annual Business Plans addressed the issues which prompted those requests for additional funding and, if not, why not?
CMD secured growth in the 2012 Annual Business Plan in the sum of £152,000 to fund two posts to work with the Ministry of Justice and other Whitehall Departments in response to the withdrawal of resource in the UK by the UK government. The post-holders are now working as envisaged to support relations with the UK Government and help smooth the passage of Jersey legislation through the UK processes.
There were no revenue growth commitments identified for CMD in the 2012 Annual Business Plan in respect of 2013 or 2014.
The growth commitments from previous Annual Business Plans 2009, 2010 and 2011 addressed the issues identified at the time. However, the international function was originally set up with a comparatively narrow remit and recurring funding was limited largely to staff costs whilst the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers developed their approach to the conduct of external relations. During this period, the additional funds required to conduct external relations (over and above staff costs) were provided from non-recurring sources such as carry forwards.
Over the last four years this function has evolved to the extent that it now fulfils a broader and more central role with an Assistant Chief Minister dedicated to external relations work alongside the Chief Minister. This period of time has also enabled the operational funding requirements to be clarified and so budget items previously funded from non-recurring sources are proposed in the MTFP as additions to the base budget.
The growth bids approved in previous Annual Business Plans were:
2011 - £200,000
To establish a new function to foster Finance Industry Inward Investment. This function has since been transferred to Economic Development.
2010 - £211,400
£200,000 addition to PECRS Pre-87 Debt repayment budget – now transferred to Treasury and Resources
£11,400 addition to the Overseas Aid budget – now the responsibility of the Treasurer of the States;
2009 - £770,000
New posts allocated to International Relations, Emergency Planning and Social Policy as a result of a COM amendment to the lodged business Plan.
- What changes in staffing levels if any are being proposed that were not allowed for in the 2012 Annual Business Plan?
The proposed changes in staffing levels from the 2012 Annual Business Plan are the net impact of internal restructuring, CSR savings, interdepartmental transfers and growth bids. This is shown in the table below:
Staffing changes |
| 2012 FTE | Net CSR and other changes | MTFP growth posts* | 2013 FTE |
| 2014 FTE | Net CSR and other changes | MTFP growth posts* | 2015 FTE |
Policy Unit External Relations Law Drafting Department Information Services Human Resources CSR |
| - - - (5)
| - -
| |
Total FTEs | 204 |
| 223 | - | - | 223 |
* See the table provided under question 8 for details of FTE growth.
- How does the Department's budget break down into service areas? How does that breakdown compare to that provided in the 2012 Annual Business Plan?
The key differences are:
- International Relations' changes name to External Relations';
- transfer of responsibility for the PECRS Pre-87 Debt Repayment to the Treasury and Resources Minister;
Policy Unit sub-sections are no longer shown separately.
Service Analysis Headings | |
2012 |
Policy Unit |
Economics |
| |
| |
| |
What existing services, if any, are due to be changed and, if so how will they be changed?
a>HR Development
The Human Resources Director and the Chief Minister have previously stated that events over the past 7-8 years have shown the States Human Resource function to lack the up-to-date skills, senior capacity and technology platform to provide a fit-for-purpose service to the States.
The service will be improved by the introduction of a strengthened senior team, the reform of policies and practices, including culture in support of public sector reform, the purchase and implementation of a modern Human Resources Information System, and a Corporate Health and Safety resource.
b> External Relations
The Department will seek to establish a London Representative Office, building on the success of the Channel Islands Brussels Office. By opening an office in London, the Island will mirror the approach to London representation taken by many other small states including all of the British Overseas Territories.
The UK is Jersey's largest trading partner and our primary political relationship. It is important for the Island to build relationships and promote and protect Jersey's interests in the UK, HM Government has a significant impact on many issues that affect Jersey both directly and through their representation in international organisations such as the G20 and IMF.
c>Recurring Funding for Existing Services
The remaining bids are to provide a recurring budget for existing activities of proven value which have been met from non-recurring resources in previous years. These areas include the programme costs of the External Relations function, 4 HR posts, an additional Law Draftsman, and the Data Security Officer recommended by the Comptroller and Auditor General.
What will Carry Forward funding for 2012 will be used for in the Department? What on-going items, if any, have been funded through Carry Forwards?
Carry forward funding from 2012 will be used in 2013 along with income from new fees which may be levied under the Control of Housing and Work Law or corporate under-spends to fund existing recurring cost pressures, particularly in the External Relations section which have not been allocated recurring funding in the MTFP until 2014.
(See the table in section 7 below).
- What funding pressures are facing the Department and how will they be addressed?
The table below shows the all pressures the Chief Minister's Department are facing and for which it sought funding through the MTFP. This table includes the unsuccessful bids and proposed funding status.
Growth Bids submitted by CMD | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
| £000 | £000 | £000 | Funding Proposal |
Get People Into Work |
| |
ER- Establish a London Representative Office | - |
| 600 | Contingency in 2014. Growth from 2015 |
States of Jersey Trainee Scheme |
| 210 | Re-worked as apprentice schemes and funded from Back-to-work' |
Total |
| 810 |
| |||
Total |
| |
| ||||
| |||
| Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014. |
| Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014. |
| 60 | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014. |
| 160 | 160 | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014. |
580 | 100 80 60 580 | 100 80 60 580 | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014. 2013 90% from Growth,10% from carry forwards or income. Fully funded from Growth from 2014 2013 90% from Growth,10% from carry forwards or income. Fully funded from Growth from 2014 2013 90% from Resstructuring,10% carry forwards or income. Fully funded from CSR Restructuring from 2014 |
| - | 230 | 200 | CSR Restructuring from 2014 |
CSR: Fund permanent members of the CSR delivery team | - | 150 | 150 | CSR Restructuring from 2014 |
Communications Unit - loss of income | 30 | 30 | 30 | Internal saving |
Law Draftsman: 1 additional permanent Law Draftsman | - | 130 | 130 | Growth from 2014 |
Departmental Unallocated Provision | 50 | 120 | 200 | Unable to fund |
HR - Learning and Development - MMP and other programmes | 90 | 170 | 170 | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014. |
Total | 1,310 | 1,970 | 2,020 |
| ||
TOTAL INITIAL BIDS | 3,120 | 3,640 | 3,030 |
- Which bids for growth in revenue expenditure have been taken forward? For those which have, is it proposed that they be funded from Growth expenditure, Contingency Expenditure, Restructuring Provision, or another source?
The table below shows the successful bids and the proposed funding source in the MTFP.
Successful CMD Bids in the MTFP |
| Existing | Proposed funding in | |
| FTEs | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | Cost | MTFP | |
MTFP Ref | Get People Into Work |
| ||
1 | External Relations - Establish a London Representative Office | 0 |
| No | Contingency in 2014. Growth from 2015 |
| Reform Health and Social Services |
| ||
29 | HR HSS - 2 additional posts arising from Verita Report |
| Yes | Growth from 2013 |
| Other Growth |
| ||||
35 |
| 72 | 80 |
| Growth from 2013 |
36 | Corporate Health & Safety |
| 60 |
| Growth from 2013 |
30 |
| 50 |
31 |
| 50 | Yes |
32 |
| Yes | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014 |
33 |
| Yes | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014 |
34 |
| 100 | Yes | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014 |
60 |
| 130 | 130 | Yes | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014 |
| 170 | 170 | Yes | Growth from 2014 |
| 522 | 580 | 580 | No | CSR restructuring |
51 |
| 2 | 0 | 230 | 200 | Yes | CSR restructuring |
52 |
| 2 | 0 | 150 | 150 | Yes | CSR restructuring |
| 18 | 828 | 2,620 | 2,590 |
CMD was not successful in securing funding for all its cost pressures in 2013 through the MTFP and some bids were reduced by 10% to assist with cost profiling across the three years of the MTFP.
The result is a shortfall of £602,000 in 2013 which will be met outside the MTFP from carry forwards or income associated with the introduction of fees under the Control of Housing and Work Law (CHWL).
The table below shows the calculation of the shortfall for the affected bids in 2013 which will be met from carry forwards and CWHL fee income in 2013.
CMD pressures partially funded from the MTFP in 2013 | Full 2013 cost of bid | Funded in MTFP 2013 | Shortfall | |
| External Relations |
30 | External Relations: International Adviser to the Council of Ministers | 50 | 0 | 50 |
31 | External Relations: Shortfall in Grant to Channel Islands Brussels Office | 50 | 0 | 50 |
32 | External Relations: OECD Global Forum/Peer Review Group/British Irish Council Secretariat annual contribution | 60 | 0 | 60 |
33 | External Relations: International meetings, monitoring and visiting dignitaries | 160 | 0 | 160 |
34 | External Relations: External specialist advice |
| 0 | 100 |
| Subtotal External Relations |
| 0 | 420 |
| |
35 |
| 8 |
36 |
| 6 |
62 |
| 90 |
| 90 |
50 |
29 |
| 180 |
| 828 |
| 602 |
Which bids for growth appear for the first time in the Medium Term Financial Plan and which have been made by the Department in previous years?
All CMD's bids appear for the first time in the MTFP as a formal proposal to the States for recurring funding although most are existing cost pressures which have been funded for a number of years from non-recurring sources
There are only 3 bids which are completely new. These are the London Representative Office, the Corporate Health and Safety Officer and the HR Fit for Purpose' Team.
| |
FTEs | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | Funding Proposal in MTFP | ||
MTFP Ref |
| New Requirement |
1 | External Relations - Establish a London Representative Office | 0 | 0 | 600 | 600 | Contingency in 2014. Growth from 2015 |
36 | Corporate Health & Safety | 1 | 54 | 60 | 60 | Growth from 2013 |
50 | HR Fit for Purpose - strengthening HR team for workforce planning/OD and Systems | 8 | 522 | 580 | 580 | CSR restructuring |
| Sub-Total: New Requirements | 9 | 576 | 1,240 | 1,240 |
| Existing – Previously funded from Non- Recurring sources |
29 | HR HSS - 2 additional posts arising from Verita | 2 | 180 | 200 | 200 | Growth from 2013 |
CMD Bids and proposed funding solution |
| |
| FTEs | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | Funding Proposal in MTFP | |
| Report |
35 | IS: Data Security Officer | 1 | 72 | 80 | 80 | Growth from 2013 |
30 | External Relations: International Adviser to the Council of Ministers | 1 | 0 | 50 | 50 | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014 |
31 | External Relations: Shortfall in Grant to Channel Islands Brussels Office | 0 | 0 | 50 | 50 | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014 |
32 | External Relations: OECD Global Forum/Peer Review Group/British Irish Council Secretariat annual contribution | 0 | 0 | 60 | 60 | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014 |
33 | External Relations: International meetings, monitoring and visiting dignitaries | 0 | 0 |
| 160 | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014 |
34 | External Relations: External specialist advice | 0 |
| Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014 |
60 | Law Draftsman: 1 additional permanent Law Draftsman | 1 |
| 130 | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014 |
62 | HR - Learning and Development - MMP and other programmes |
| Growth from 2014 |
51 | HR Base Budget Shortfall on Staff |
| 230 |
52 |
| 0 | 150 |
| ||||
| Sub-Total: Existing |
| 1,350 | |
| 2,590 |
- Which bids for growth in the MTFP were unsuccessful and which relate to bids which have been made by the Department in previous years?
The table below shows the unsuccessful bids:
Proposed Low Priority - Not Funded Bids |
| 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
| £000 | £000 | £000 | FTE | Comments |
2 States of Jersey Trainee Scheme | CMD | 1,610 | 870 | 210 | - | Brought into Back-to-work apprentice scheme |
59 Communications Unit - loss of income | CMD | 30 | 30 | 30 | - | Internal saving |
61 Departmental Unallocated Provision | CMD | 50 | 120 | 200 | - | Unable to fund |
Total |
| 1,690 |
None of these unsuccessful bids have been requested by the Council of Ministers through the Annual Business Plan process in recent years. The Business Administration Trainee Scheme was funded in 2010, 2011 and 2012 from Fiscal Stimulus and similar schemes for secretaries and trades skills have existed from time to time in the past.
In which areas of the Department were CSR savings identified? Will the Department meet those specific savings targets? If not, in which areas will the savings not be met and what contingency plans, if anydoes the Department have in place?
The Department is on target to meet its overall savings target but has amended its plans in certain respects. The table overleaf shows the specific schemes and the changes to plans that have been adopted to deliver CMD's CSR target.
ID |
| Delivery Confidence | Comments / Track Changes |
01 |
| Green - complete |
02 |
| 0 | - | 30.8.11 Merged into CMD 2 & 10 |
02 & 10 | Policy Unit |
| 155 | Green | 30.04.12 2013 saving reduced from £78k to £45k representing deletion of AEPO post. 30.8.11 Merged from CMD - 2 and CMD - 10 |
03 | Policy Unit |
| 0 | Amber | 19.06.12 Savings unlikely to achieve proposal figure, shortfall to be met by CMD-16 |
04 | Statistics | Statistics Unit restructure following the census. | 42 | Green |
05 | Policy Unit | Savings predicted from the implementation of the migration policy. | 33 | Green |
06 | Policy Unit | Reduce funding for Communications Unit | 28 | Green - complete |
07 | Legislativ e | Reduce the Legal Advisory Panel budget | 27 | Green - complete |
08 | Law Drafting | Reduce recruitment budget for the Law Draftsman | 24 | Green - complete |
ID | Sub- Dept/ Area | Savings Proposal | Total Savings £'000 | Delivery Confidence | Comments / Track Changes |
09 | Policy Unit | Reduce use of consultants, admin & Fiscal Policy Panel support in Economics Team | 10 | Green - complete |
10 | Policy Unit | Amalgamation of support functions- tranche 2 | 0 | - | 30.8.11 Merged into CMD 15 |
11 | Law Drafting | 50% cut in hired services budget, resulting in a loss of 50 law drafting days (approx 5% of capacity). | 25 | Green |
12 | Economi cs Unit | Reduced consultants in Economics Unit | 40 | Green |
13 | Policy Unit | Increase in consent fees for property purchase | 33 |
| 01.02.11 Proposal added |
14 | Policy Unit | Savings associated with closure of the Customer Services Centre in CLM House |
| 30.04.12 Proposal added to replace original proposal re 'Replacing senior role with a graduate' due to achievability. |
15 | Policy Unit | Deletion of Office and Administration Manager post |
16 | Policy Unit |
17 | Regulati on of Undertak ings |
28 | Policy & Regulati on |
| 25.8.11 Transferred to CMD with budget - MD-E-2011-0125 |
R02b | Info Services |
| 06.10.11 2012 and 2013 savings split from Res 2a following BP amendment to move ISD into CMD |
R04b | Info Services |
| 06.10.11 2012 and 2013 savings split from Res 4a following BP amendment to move ISD into CMD |
R15 |
| Green | 06.10.11 Re-allocated to CMD (from T&R) following BP amendment to move ISD into CMD |
*Savings total of £1,319,000 consists of the original CMD target of £570,000 and is adjusted for later transfers of service from EDD and T&R of £749,000
What capital projects are proposed for the Department, both specifically for 2013 to 2015 and for the Long Term Capital Plan for 2012 to 2032?
Capital project Total 2012-2032 £000s | Budget 2013 £000s | Budget 2014
| Budget 2017
| Budget 2018 £000s | Budget 2019 £000s | Budget 2020 £000s | Budget 2021 £000s | Budget 2022-2032 £000s | ||||||||||||
Included in MTFP |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Web Development | 270 | 100 |
| - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||
Microsoft Upgrade | 663 | 663 |
| - | - | - | - | |||||||||||
JDE Development & Upgrade | 820 |
| - | - | - | - | |||||||||||
Application remediation Windows 8 | 500 |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||
HRIS replacement | 740 |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||
Total | 2,993 |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Included in LTCP |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
CLMH Data Centre - either relocate or refurbish |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||
Web Infrastructure replacement |
| - | - | 300 | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||
| 600 | - | - | - | - | 900 | - | |||||||||||
| 1,240 | - | 300 | - | - | 900 | - | |||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||
| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||
VOIP replacement |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||
Total |
| 1,616 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Grand Total |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
C:\Documents and Settings\halesj\Desktop\CMD Q plan.docx
- Have any capital projects not been provided for?
Two capital bids were not provided for within the capital planning process as shown in the table in the previous section.
These are to increase the availability of Mobile technology to facilitate the more flexible working arrangements envisaged in the Public Sector Reform agenda, and the replacement of the Stateswide computer-based telecommunications systems (VOIP).
Alternative funding for these workstreams is being considered including bidding for Restructuring funds or replacing telephony as part of a wider re-provision of office accommodation from Cyril le Marquand House.
What policy changes are being considered by the Department (but which have yet to be agreed and/or implemented) could impact upon other Departments or the public?
The Chief Minister's Department has begun consultation on the principle of Public Sector Reform over the period of the MTFP. CMD will provide programme management and leadership to this initiative firstly to develop a shared vision with stakeholders and thereafter detailed plans for each workstream. It is anticipated that there will be a broad impact on the delivery of public services across every Department.
The Human Resources function will be developing a range of improvements to employee terms and conditions, culture learning and development designed to support Public Sector Reform ensuring sustainability and flexibility in the workforce.
The Strategic Plan includes the development of a Housing Policy. This may have resource implications, but it is difficult to provide further insight until such time as the policy is developed and approved. However, a number of the components of a likely strategy are reflected in the MTFP, notably, to support the maintenance of social housing.
The Chief Minister's Department is also committed to implementing the Freedom of Information Law. Funds amounting to £500,000 have been allocated from central reserves in 2012 for the implementation process and the MTFP contains a provision for the balance of the expected cost within central contingencies (see para 178, p124 of MTFP).
In addition, operational efficiencies will be identified and delivered through the amalgamation of the numerous data centre server rooms throughout the States.
- What new user pays' charges have been considered and which will be pursued? What increases to existing user pays' charges have been considered?
A consultation on the introduction of fees to meet the costs of administering the Control of Housing and Work Law is due to close on 23rd July. As a consequence of this, fees could be proposed and the package in the consultation is for fees to raise up to £770,000 per annum, net of costs.
The sum raised will depend on which fees are supported in the consultation and the accuracy of assumptions on the numbers of applicants in each category.
What requirement if any does the Department have for restructuring provision?
The table below provides an outline of the restructuring bids that: have been approved, are currently under consideration, or are potential future requirements.
The section under potential future requirements includes initial estimates relating to the programme for Reform of the Public Service but inevitably detailed costs relating to that initiative will only become available as work streams are developed.
Nevertheless, it is expected that further restructuring funds will be needed support the process of public sector reform.
2011 £000 |
| 2012 £000 | 2013 £000 | 2014 £000 | ||||||||||||||
Approved Bids |
| ||||||||||
CMD | CSR Delivery Team | 410 |
| 410 |
| 410 | 150 | 150 | 1,530 | |||||||||
CMD - HR | Organisational Development/ Change Leader | 200 |
| 200 |
| 200 | 130 | 100 | 830 | |||||||||
CMD - HR | Employee Relations Support | 100 |
| 100 |
| 100 | 100 | 100 | 500 | |||||||||
CMD - HR | Additional CSR support for central HR team | 295 |
| - |
| - | - | - | 295 | |||||||||
CMD Law Draftsman | Additional Resources | 79 |
| 93 |
| 29 | - | - | 201 | |||||||||
CMD - HR | HR Additional Funding to support HSSD | 298 |
| - |
| - | - | - | 298 | |||||||||
CMD - ISD | HR system replacement project management costs | - |
| 62 |
| 144 | 41 | - | 247, | |||||||||
CMD | Mapping of Customer Interactions with the States of Jersey (max) | - |
| - | - | - | 400 | ||||||||||
CMD - HR | Workforce Modernisation Phase 1 - strengthening ER Team to support this workstream (min) |
| - | - | - | 100 | |||||||||||
CMD - HR | HR Fit for Purpose - strengthening HR Team for workforce planning, OD and systems |
| 580 | 580 | 1,890 | |||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||
| 56
| - - | 56 210 | |||||||||
| - |
| - | 125 | ||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||
| - | - | 514 | |||||||||||
| 392 TBC | - TBC | 1,353 TBC | |||||||||||
| - |
| 50 | 1,616 | - | 1666 | |||||||||
What source of income does the Department have and what changes, if any, are proposed to the levels levied?
CMD has a 2012 income target of £1.2m. £500,000 is real' income from external fees and charges whilst £700,000 relates to internal recharges primarily for IS and HR services.
The main external income is generated by:
Population Office is £231,400, mainly comprised of fees for lodging house registration (£77,000) and housing consents (£134,900). These fee levels are assumed to carry on in the MTFP pending the conclusion of the consultation on fees under the new Law, at which point the housing consent fee will be abolished and replaced at least at parity with other income streams under the new Control of Housing and Work Law (See Question 15 above).
- IS – charge to Jersey Telecoms £126,000 relating to VOIP telephony
- Civil Aviation Director - £152,000 recharge of costs to the Airport which is counted as a trading entity for these purposes. The Chief Minister's Department holds the budget for and administers the expenses of the Director of Civil Aviation but the full costs of the Director are then subsequently repaid by the Airport.
- Other – various £93,000
- What funding if anydoes the Department receive from charitable or other sources in order to support the delivery of its services and for what purposes?
The Department does not receive charitable or other funding apart from the external and internal fees and charges detailed in response to question 17 above.
- What outstanding issues facing the Department, if any, have not been taken into account in the Medium Term Financial Plan?
The Department's MTFP submission has been designed to cover all of the expected funding pressures through the MTFP's three-year period.
Where there are issues that will require funding beyond that allowed for in the MTFP, the department will seek to meet the demands within existing budgets or call upon central contingency funding where necessary.
It has been identified under questions 13 & 16 that restructuring funds beyond those already earmarked for years 2012 and 2013 may be required to support the Public Sector Reform Agenda.
Some provision has been made within central contingencies to implement the Freedom of Information Law but feasibility work is required to identify the full cost. There is also a risk that the costs of the Historical Child Abuse Enquiry might exceed estimates. Since the probability and quantum of these requirements cannot be determined at this stage, the decision has been taken to seek additional contingency funds should it become necessary.
What delivery plans have been developed to ensure that clear systems, action plans and success criteria are developed for the Strategic Plan priority entitled promote family and community values'?
The Chief Minister's Department co-ordinates the Strategic Plan process including the implementation plans and performance management framework in order to deliver the Strategic Plan priorities.
The Strategic Plan priority promote family and community values' falls principally within the operational remits of: Home Affairs; Health and Social Services; Education, Sport and Culture; and Social Security. The Chief Minister's Department will provide centralised policy support to these departments, within existing departmental budget, to help them meet their objectives.
The Human Resources function within the Chief Minister's Department will also be exploring opportunities to extend the States of Jersey's flexible working practices in order support family-friendly HR policies as part of the development of workforce reform.
What funding has been allocated to ensure the delivery of these plans? The development of the delivery plan for Strategic Planning Priority promote family and community values' will identify any requirement for future funding. Once funding requirements are identified, departments will have to ensure projects are delivered within existing cash limits.
Appendix 1
CMD's Departmental Pages – Extract from Annex to the MTFP
Chief Minister
Minister's Introduction
The Chief Minister's Department is structured into 2 main service areas, with separate Accounting Officers:
Chief Executive
• Policy Unit (policy support and research for the Council of Ministers and Chief Executive; economic advice, communications; statistics; the Population Office; Emergency Planning)
• Comprehensive Spending Review Team
• Law Draftsman's Office.
• Information Services
• Human Resources
Director of International Affairs
• all areas of external and international relations, including managing the Island's close relationship with the UK.
The prime focus of the Department during the three years from 2013 to 2015 will be to support and co-ordinate the Council of Ministers to deliver the priorities approved by the States in the Strategic Plan, to develop policy and prepare for further Public Sector Reform over the longer term.
The appointment of an Assistant Chief Minister with responsibility for External Relations will foster increased recognition of Jersey's international identity and development of the Island's beneficial relations with other countries.
The Department will continue to deliver and develop its services to the public and other States Departments in line with its twin objectives of improving quality and efficiency.
The Department critically reviewed its activities as part of the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR). The review process identified the areas where money has been saved to meet the 10% CSR target. It also demonstrated that the Department's approved base budget has not been sufficient to undertake its core functions over the past five years. The budget has been supplemented each year by substantial non-recurring monies for specific purposes. These include activities which are or have become core functions such as staff training and responding to external threats and opportunities. Human Resources and External Relations in particular have demonstrated that they need increased recurring funding to continue basic operations and to meet the challenges which arise each year.
The Department's financial priorities for the MTFP are therefore:
- to deliver the final tranche of its overall 10% CSR savings target in 2013
- to secure sufficient recurring resources for Human Resources function to improve the operational support it provides to Departments and to make it ready to support the organisation through a programme of Public Sector Reform
- to place External Relations on a sound financial footing following its development over the last 4 years from Fiscal Stimulus and other non-recurring funding. This will allow the Chief Minister and Assistant Chief Minister to plan ahead and build long term international relationships with secure funding for its programmed activities.
The bids submitted by the Department reflect these priorities. The majority of bids seek to establish recurring funding for existing costs which have been met from non-recurring sources in the past. The three growth items are:
• the creation of the London Representative Office - to attract new business and foster the environment needed to protect the economy;
• Corporate Health and Safety – a new post to support Departments with Health and Safety matters
• HR Fit for Purpose – 8 new posts are required to strengthen the HR function in support of the future programme of Public Sector Reform.
The table below shows the growth funding proposed by the Department during this MTFP period to address these priorities, together with the proposed funding source:
CMD Bids and proposed funding solution |
| Existing Cost |
| |||
See section 56 of main report |
| Funding | ||
MTFP Ref |
| ||||
1 | External Relations - Establish a London |
| 600 |
| Contingency in 2014. Growth from 2015 |
| Reform Health and Social Services |
| ||||
29 |
| 2 |
| 200 |
| |||
35 |
| Yes | Growth from 2013 |
36 |
| No | Growth from 2013 |
30 |
| Yes | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014 |
31 |
| 50 | Yes | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014 |
| 60 | 60 | Yes | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014 |
| 160 | 160 | Yes | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014 |
| 0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | Yes | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014 |
60 |
| 1 | 0 | 130 | 130 | Yes | Growth from 2014 |
62 |
| 0 | 0 | 170 | 170 | Yes | Carry forwards or income in 2013. Growth from 2014 |
50 51 52 |
CSR: Fund permanent members of the CSR delivery team | 8 2 2 | 522 0 0 | 580 230 150 | 580 200 150 | No Yes Yes | Restructuring provision Restructuring provision Restructuring provision |
In 2013, the Department is planning to use under-spends carried forwards from 2012 and additional income from fees arising from the Control of Housing and Work Law to fund £420,000 of existing commitments in External Relations plus £92,000 in respect of the 10% reduction in the first year of the MTFP which Ministers agreed to find from their existing resources.
CSR Restructuring funding has been allocated to fund resources required to be in place for the next three years to support the reform agenda, including continuing funding for 2 HR staff and 2 CSR staff. The additional HR team is needed to support the organisational development work associated with the reform agenda.
Looking forward, the core projects and issues for each area of the Department over the next three years are:
- Chief Executive Policy
The Strategic Plan approved in 2012 will drive the department's policy programme. In support of this, the way policy is developed and monitored will be reviewed and enhanced to ensure appropriate co-ordination and sound performance management. The results of the 2011 census are being used to inform policy development.
In this period, the Department will lead a programme of Public Sector Reform and develop wide-ranging policy and plans to modernise and prepare the organisation to meet the challenges of the future.
Migration policy and the level of net migration, once approved by the States, will be monitored with the appropriate review mechanisms. The Control of Housing and Work Law and the draft Register of Names and Addresses Law will provide the mechanism for regulating inward migration therefore systems need to be developed for their implementation.
A significant priority will be to continue to progress policy initiatives designed to address the effects of the ageing population.
This will require cross-department planning and working.
An important part of our work will be to improve the transparency of government decisions and continue to increase public engagement in the development of policy. This includes co- ordinating the development of an implementation plan for the Freedom of Information legislation approved by the States in 2011 subject to resources being made available.
The provision of quality economic advice will continue to support effective management of the economy, as will the production of relevant statistics and statistical bulletins.
The Emergencies Council will continue to lead a programme of improvements to the emergency planning and management structures and processes supported by the Emergency Planning Board.
Comprehensive Spending Review
The Department will continue to lead the implementation of the Comprehensive Spending Review to deliver £65 million of savings by 2013. The overall scale of savings to be delivered will require complete commitment in achieving targets, with continuing consideration of the strategic options for reducing costs whilst maintaining high-quality core services.
The small CSR team will work closely with departments to support them to achieve their savings targets. In addition, a States-wide organisational development programme will support the drive for greater efficiency through the review of departmental structures and services to modernise the way in which the public sector delivers services to the public.
Law Drafting
The Law Draftsman's department is a vital service providing the legislative framework within which the States operates and services are provided. In 2012 and 2013, the Law Draftsman's department has taken on temporary additional resource to address urgent legislation required to deliver the CSR and support initiatives to grow the economy and protect jobs. It proposes to make one of these additional draftsmen permanent from 2014 to be able to meet the underlying demand for law drafting.
Information Services
The Information Services Department (ISD) manages corporate IT services such as the network infrastructure, PC management, data centres, and provides the framework for managing IS projects and business projects with an IS element. Core business applications are managed by ISD at a Departmental level through embedded Business Support Groups (BSGs).
The IS strategy for the period 2011 to 2013 is to streamline corporate service models in conjunction with third party suppliers. This will enable cost savings without reducing, and in some cases improving, the level of service provided. The priority for the MTFP period is to support the delivery of CSR savings and the new Strategic Plan objectives across the States where these are dependent on technology solutions.
Key activities in the MTFP period will be:
upgrade of PC office information systems
consolidating existing data centres
streamlining the support model for corporate systems and services
supporting projects to improve finance and HR systems and processes
continuing the development of web services and more citizen services online.
Human Resources
Human Resources (HR) core purpose is to provide strategic and transactional people management support to States Departments to deliver their departmental and CSR objectives.
In order to fulfil this accountability, the function has a number of key activities to deliver in the MTFP period:
completion and implementation of the Terms and Conditions Review
provide Organisational Development and Performance Management improvements
upgrade or replace the Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS)
reshape HR to support the future structure of the States organisation
- provide a Workforce Plan and Talent management process focussing on supplying successful local candidates for key roles.
In financial terms, much of HR's funding for training and organisational development has come in previous years from non-recurring sources. This MTFP seeks to provide the appropriate balance of substantive and project funding for the function by 2015.
- External Relations
During 2011, the importance of UK and international affairs was recognised by the appointment of an Assistant Chief Minister to take the lead for External Relations. Under these new arrangements, the Department will seek to continue to protect Jersey's unique constitution and autonomy; to promote Jersey's international identity and good reputation as a responsible country committed to the rule of law, international standards and respect for internationally recognised human and labour rights; develop Jersey's competitive position in the global economy; and promote Jersey's cultural identity abroad.
Senator Ian Gorst Chief Minister
Chief Minister |
| |||||
| ||||
| ||||||||||||||||||
| |||
2012 Net Revenue Expenditure |
| 2013 Gross Revenue Expenditure | 2013 Income | 2013 Net Revenue Expenditure |
| 2014 Net Revenue Expenditure | 2014 FTE | 2015 Gross Revenue Expenditure | 2015 Income | 2015 Net Revenue Expenditure | 2015 FTE | |||||
+ Depreciation |
| DEL | AME |
| AME |
| DEL | AME |
| ||||
£ |
| £ | £ | £ | £ |
| £ |
| £ | £ | £ | £ |
| |||
| |||||||
2,762,300 | Policy Unit | 3,178,700 |
| (407,200) | 2,771,500 |
| 38 | 3,206,700 |
| (1,027,200) | 2,179,500 | 38 | |||
| ||||
940,800 | External Relations | 920,700 |
| 6 |
| 7 | 1,959,600 |
| 1,959,600 | 7 | ||||
5,152,000 - - - 228,900 - | 8 92 74 - 3 |
| 980,000 10,230,500 5,135,500 - - - 228,900 | 8 92 74 - 3 | |||||
848,400 | Law Drafting Department | 843,000 |
| 980,000 |
| ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
10,194,500 | Information Services | 10,160,000 | 514,900 | (573,600) | 10,271,400 |
| (587,700) | 10,377,500 | 455,400 | (602,400) | ||||||||
| ||||||||||
4,395,500 | Human Resources | 4,854,000 |
| (199,000) |
| (134,000) | 5,269,500 |
| (134,000) | |||||||||
| |||||||||||||
3,810,100 | Pensions | - |
| - |
| - | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||
0 | CSR | 78,900 |
| 228,900 |
| |||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
22,951,600 | Net Revenue Expenditure (non cash) | 20,035,300 |
| 485,300 | (1,738,200) | 20,651,900 - 485,300 20,166,600 | 222 | 22,022,200 | 455,400 | (1,763,600) | 20,714,000 - 455,400 20,258,600 | 222 | ||
| ||||||||||
(168,100) | Depreciation |
| - 485,300 | - |
| - 455,400 | - | |||||||||
| ||||||||||
22,783,500 | Net Revenue Expenditure (near cash) |
| (1,738,200) | 22,022,200 |
| (1,763,600) | ||||||||
Chief Minister |
| |||
| ||||||||||||
| |
| 2012 Net Revenue Expenditure |
| 2013
| 2014
| Increase/ (Decrease) |
| 2015 Net Revenue Expenditure | Increase/ (Decrease) | |
| + Depreciation |
| |||
| £ |
| £ |
| |
| ||
| ||
| 2,762,300 |
| Policy Unit |
| (596,000) |
| 2,179,500 | - |
| ||
| 940,800 |
| External Relations |
| 1,950,000 | 1,029,300 |
| 1,959,600 | - |
5,152,000 - - - 228,900 - |
| 980,000 10,230,500 5,135,500 - - - 228,900 |
| |
| 848,400 |
| 133,500 |
| - | ||||
| ||||
| 10,194,500 |
| 67,700 |
| 61,500 | ||||
| ||||
| 4,395,500 |
| 497,000 |
| (16,500) | ||||
| |||||
| 3,810,100 |
| - |
| - | |||
| ||||
| - |
| 78,900 |
| 150,000 |
| - | ||||
| |||
| 20,651,900 (485,300) 20,166,600 |
| 20,714,000 (455,400) 20,258,600 |
| 22,951,600 |
| (3,581,200) |
| 1,281,500 |
| 45,000 | |||
| |||
| (168,100) |
| |||
| |||
| 22,783,500 |
Chief Minister |
| |||
Net Expenditure - Operating Cost Statement | ||||||
| ||
| 2012 Net Revenue Expenditure |
| 2014 Estimate | 2015 Estimate |
| £ |
| £ | £ | |
| ||
| |
| (211,900) |
| (301,800) | (311,700) |
| (994,700) |
| (1,451,900) |
| - |
| - |
| (5,400) |
| - | - | - |
| (1,212,000) |
| (1,179,800) | (1,738,200) | (1,763,600) |
| |
| |
| - |
| - | - |
| 13,088,500 |
| 13,673,800 | 13,690,700 |
| 5,791,200 |
| 6,130,300 | 6,226,500 |
| 470,500 |
| 511,000 | 509,300 |
| 393,200 |
| 541,000 | 545,900 | 550,900 |
| - |
| 700 | 800 | 800 |
| 442,000 |
| 392,000 | 1,043,000 | 1,044,000 |
| - |
| - | - | - |
| 3,810,100 |
| - | - | - |
| - |
| - | - | - |
| - |
| - | - | - |
| 23,995,500 |
| 20,035,300 | 21,904,800 | 22,022,200 |
| 22,783,500 |
| 18,855,500 | 20,166,600 | 20,258,600 |
| 168,100 |
| 514,900 | 485,300 | 455,400 |
| - |
| - | - | - |
| - |
| - | - | - |
| 22,951,600 |
| Net Revenue Expenditure (non cash) | 19,370,400 | 20,651,900 | 20,714,000 |
Chief Minister |
Reconciliation of Net Revenue Expenditure |
| |
| |
| 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
| £ | £ | £ |
Base Department Budget |
| 22,783,500 | 18,855,500 | 20,166,600 |
| ||
Price Inflation - Dept Income |
| (30,300) | (31,600) | (32,400) |
| 150,700 | 154,400 |
| 0 | 0 |
| |||
| |
| 152,000 |
| |
Census | (300,000) |
| |
| ||
| ||||
| 0 |
| (23,000) |
| 0 |
| ||
| |
| (4,436,900) |
| |
Regulation of Undertakings and Developments from EDD | 368,800 |
| |
| 13,300 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| ||||
| - |
| |||
| 828,000 | 1,792,000 | (30,000) |
| |||
| (148,800) |
| |||
| (600,000) |
| |||
| 18,855,500 | 20,166,600 | 20,258,600 |
| 22,783,500 | |||
| |||
| 168,100 | 514,900 | 485,300 | 455,400 |
| |||
| 22,951,600 | 19,370,400 | 20,651,900 | 20,714,000 |