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Green Street Police HQ Traffic and Parking - States Police Transport Survey results - Submission - O

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States of Jersey Police Staff Transport Survey

TToottaall 117788

Q1 Which department do you work


Answ ered: 178 Skipped: 3

Uniform shift Control Room Enquiry Desk

Operational Support

Town Policing



Response Investigation



Scientific Support

Special Branch


Support Services




Professional Standards


0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

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States of Jersey Police Staff Transport Survey

Answer Choices Responses

Uniform shift 17.98% 32 Control Room 1.69% 3 Enquiry Desk 1.69% 3 Operational Support 4.49% 8 Tow n Policing Unit 2.25% 4 Custody 2.25% 4 Response Investigation Unit 2.81% 5

CJU 9.55% 17 CID 6.18% 11 PPU 4.49% 8 PPT 1.69% 3 Scientific Support 3.37% 6 Special Branch 1.12% 2 JIB 7.30% 13 JFCU 11.24% 20 Support Services 10.67% 19 Training 2.81% 5 Management Suite 3.93% 7 Professional Standards 0.56% 1 Vetting 3.93% 7 TToottaall 117788

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States of Jersey Police Staff Transport Survey

Q2 How do you normally travel to

and from work?

Answ ered: 181 Skipped: 0

Walk Cycle



Car Bus

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Walk 16.02% 29 Cycle 13.26% 24 Motorbike/Moped 19.34% 35 Car 49.72% 90 Bus 1.66% 3 TToottaall 118811

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States of Jersey Police Staff Transport Survey

Q3 If you currently drive a car to work, what are your existing parking arrangements?

Answ ered: 160 Skipped: 21

Police Permit Parking (e.g. Roussel...

Public Car Park

Private rented space

Other (e.g. family or friend)

Not applicable

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Police Permit Parking (e.g. Roussel Street, Summerland) 48.13% 77 Public Car Park 6.25% 10 Private rented space 7.50% 12 Other (e.g. family or friend) 2.50% 4

Not applicable 35.63% 57 TToottaall 116600

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States of Jersey Police Staff Transport Survey


Q4 How often do your normal


commuting arrangements mean you


travel by car/motorcycle/moped


during the morning peak travel time


(07.30am -9am Monday-Friday)


Answ ered: 177 Skipped: 4


All of the time








Most of the

































Not applicable









0% 20% 40% 60% 80%




Answer Choices



All of the time



Most of the time












Not applicable (e.g. w alk/bus)










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States of Jersey Police Staff Transport Survey


Q5 How often do your normal


commuting arrangements mean you


travel by car/motorcycle/moped


during the evening peak travel time


(5pm -6pm Monday-Friday)


Answ ered: 176 Skipped: 5


All of the time








Most of the

































Not applicable









0% 20% 40% 60% 80%




Answer Choices



All of the time



Most of the time












Not applicable (e.g. w alk/bus)










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States of Jersey Police Staff Transport Survey


Q6 In the absence of free car


parking at a new Police HQ in Green


Street, how would you normally


travel to and from work?


Answ ered: 176 Skipped: 5











































0% 20% 40% 60% 80%




Answer Choices

























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States of Jersey Police Staff Transport Survey

Q7 Do you have any further


Answ ered: 75 Skipped: 106





At present I live in St Helier, so I walk to work. If I move house in the near future, this would most likely change and I would drive to work.

10/7/2011 2:58 AM


Car parking for Police officers/emergency services is essential, it can always be said that it is "your responsibility", however if no parking is available and this then delays emergencey services staff getting into work/on duty then that has a knock on effect.

10/6/2011 2:22 PM


Will the additional cost to officers for parking be considered?

10/6/2011 11:45 AM


Consideration needs to be given to those on shifts whom are required to take over from other personnel. It would not be ideal to be driving around the town area at 1400hrs looking for a space in an already busy town area. Also provision should be made for those being called into work at short notice for emergencies etc.

10/6/2011 8:57 AM


I need to use vehicle as I have to drop my daughter off at child care before work then pick her up after work.

10/6/2011 2:08 AM


It would be helpful for Shift officers to have limited carparking available given their start/finish times. Public parking would not be suitable as a space could not be guranteed.

10/6/2011 2:06 AM


I take it that if there is no staff parking that this includes all ranks. Should a recall to work be issued due to an incident then bear in mind the payment clock starts from the call to that officer, should it take an hour or two to actually find a space then that will cost SoJP.

10/6/2011 1:52 AM


Sometimes i do yo my car to get to work, Without the use of a free car park it would be very expensive for me to park during the day.

10/5/2011 1:18 PM


Due to inconsistent hours (lengthy OT or shift work) public transport is rarely an option for many. ie where they frequently work past the hours available for bus schedules.

10/5/2011 5:29 AM


I currently walk to work due to RBPS convenient location in relation to my home address. Should PHQ move to Green St. I will have to use transport, probably a car, as a parent I have schooling obligations to factor in on a daily basis too.

10/5/2011 5:06 AM



10/5/2011 12:53 AM


If parking is not provided, i will have no choice than to either continuing to walk, or cycle, as i am not prepared to pay for a parking space if travelling in adverse weather conditions.

10/5/2011 12:51 AM


From previous experience, morning travel via the tunnel from west to east and evening travel via the same route is a nightmare (extremely busy).

10/5/2011 12:28 AM


Live in St. Peters, if there were a bus at a suitable time that could be relied upon, I would use that

10/5/2011 12:28 AM


My concern would be having to walk a distance to my car late at night/early hours of the morning should we not have private parking for shift workers.

10/5/2011 12:02 AM


I would probably find it hard to justify the extra cost of having to pay to park when I park in a disc zone currently.

10/4/2011 11:48 PM


Whilst I live on a good bus route, I have to drive to work as there is either no bus service that will allow me to arrive at work on early shift (applies to end of night duties) or 0300 hours finish. I have a daughter whom I drop off at my mother's address when I am working evening and night shifts, therefore, I cannot consider a pedal cycle or motorbike as my form of transport. If there is no free car park at new PHQ, this will make commuting extremely difficult for me.

10/4/2011 11:16 PM


due to the nature of shift work, i believe parking should be available

10/4/2011 7:36 PM


due to the nature of shift work it is not possible for me to travel to and from home by public transport

10/4/2011 6:51 PM


work on shift basis various travel times.

10/4/2011 5:28 PM


Ask how many shift officers want to walk/cycle home at 03:00hrs after a 10 hour shift. This would not be practical. We need secure parking for nights/ cross overs etc.

10/4/2011 4:55 PM


Due to specialist skills and other major incidents there is a requirement for officers to be recalled to duty at short notice. The ability for officers to be able to park on such ocassions may impact on the overall ability of the force to respond as promply as it currently does.

10/4/2011 4:39 PM


Provided appropriate showers/facilities are available, I am happy to cycle

10/4/2011 2:05 PM


Owing to the distance that I live from the station, I have to drive as it is too far to cycle, especially on shift at night when finishing at 3am. I would not be happy cycling up the Railway walk at night. Shift work is not conducive to Public Transport or alternative means of travel and most shift officers drive in to work.

10/4/2011 2:00 PM


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States of Jersey Police Staff Transport Survey





The provisions of child care transport needs to be considered as does the provisions for split travel. When I can, I travel by cycle but out of main stream hours on shift, I often use my car. I am comforted by the fact we currently have dedicated parking for security reasons in the job that we do. Police officers cars have been attacked whilst they have been on duty in the past and the knowledge that cars are at least safe is a help. I also have to pick up and collect my young daughter which dictates that I need a car on many occasions.

10/4/2011 1:34 PM


I live in Trinity and the Bus service does not allow for me to travel that way and not working the same or similar hours to anyone else does not allow for car pooling. Although I may be entitled to park at HQ it is rarely possible so I only do so at weekends

10/4/2011 8:57 AM


Too far to walk No buses at the times I travel

10/4/2011 7:51 AM


At the moment I have a lift to work,but this will not be possible in Green Street.I dont know how I will get to work.I sometimes use the bus at the moment or walk.

10/4/2011 7:45 AM


How people travel to work is going to be simply down to wear they live. Anyone living within two miles of any proposed police station should reasonably be able to walk or cycle (unless they have to do a school run en route) and anyone else is going to have no choice but use a car or motorcycle or the inconveniance and lack of security of public transport. I would have thought the first question in this survey would be 'How far away from work do you live now and how far away will you be from Green Street.' Hope that helps. Good luck.

10/4/2011 7:40 AM


On 1400-2200 shifts I use a moped and the rest of the time I drive in. If we are taking over the whole of the car park area can we not keep the lower level and 1st floor as car parking and there will be ample space for staff and police vehicles.

10/4/2011 6:58 AM


If we have no free parking / or parking on site, when finishing in the early hours of the morning we could be putting ourselves at risk depending on where we are able to park. I would certainly not be cycling to work on night or late shifts as I do not think our roads are safe at night and I am unable to walk for the same reasons and distance wise or get a bus due to our differing finishing times on shift. I do not hold a valid licence for a moped etc, so that is not an option for me.

10/4/2011 6:27 AM


I feel that due to lack of public transport available at the times we come to and leave work, it would be preferable for shift workers to have allocated parking, I would be happy to pay a monthly or annual fee for this. Although there is a multi story car park near by, this is used almost exclusively by commuters using season tickets and would invariably be full when we arrive for work on the days when we start work later, or are recalled to duty.Many of us have maintained that the Roussel Street car park should be used for shift workers only, as those on normal day shifts can avail themselves of the public transport system or safely walk to and from public car parks during the day. Something as a lone female I am reluctant to do in the early hours of the morning.

10/4/2011 6:24 AM



10/4/2011 6:23 AM


Cycling to work is entirely dependent on having showering facilities available at work

10/4/2011 5:55 AM


With children to drop off I rely on my car and cycle whenever I can, which is infrequently.

10/4/2011 5:46 AM


Sufficient numbers of, and well-spaced, bike racks are required. Not to close together as cyclists need to be able to get between bikes in order to lock them.

10/4/2011 5:21 AM


The congestion or vehicles around the green street area, the amount of accidents that happen near or round the tunnel and also the traffic light alterations that would need to be made to cater for the new Police HQ

10/4/2011 5:19 AM


Often get a lift but equally often need a car when lift not available or commitments mean I need to use my own transport, in which case use Police permit parking when space available or public parking as a last resort

10/4/2011 5:17 AM


I don't use the 'free' spaces and buy a season ticket

10/4/2011 5:03 AM


I would consider more use of a cycle to travel to work should facilities like showers and lockers be available

10/4/2011 5:01 AM


Can we please have enough some cycle racks

10/4/2011 4:51 AM


On occasions and due to inclement weather I would bring a car to work and park within Roussel Street Car park.To have no parking available could and indeed would have significant impact on any recall to duty aspects as it would be impossible to say how long one would remain on duty.

10/4/2011 4:50 AM


Underground carpark to be built into new building?

10/4/2011 4:45 AM


I cannot answer question six at this time, this will need to be assesed once confirmation of the move has been announced and also taking into account any shower facilities available should I choose to cycle to the new building.

10/4/2011 4:44 AM


Would not normally travel to or from work during the peak travel times as shifts start or finish outside of these hours. Certain shift start after the morning peak period and with the absence staff parking it would be differcult to suitable parking in public commuter parking as these are often full from 8 till 5. Public transport is not always an option due to shift times ofter starting and ending when there is no public transport avaiable. I don't expect staff parking to be free but would like to see parking available to those who would not normally have the option of public transport due to the hours worked.

10/4/2011 4:40 AM


Child care arrangements dictate a car is necessary

10/4/2011 4:40 AM


During inclement weather I would probably revert from a morotbike to a car.

10/4/2011 4:39 AM


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States of Jersey Police Staff Transport Survey





Consideration should be given to the fact that the nearest large public car park is PIER ROAD multi-storey, which is still some way from the new proposed site, meaning that officers will either have to walk down and through the Tunnel or down the hill to Harve Des Pas to get to work, thus meaning it will add another 15 minutes at least for most officers to get to work on time. Consideration could be given for shift officers to have access to a small car park near to or in the grounds of the new station, given that they work the most unsociable hours and a long walk to a public car park at 3am having finished a long shift would not be desirable for most.

10/4/2011 4:39 AM


It is very useful to be able to park a vehicle at work. I try to cycle as much as possible but there are occasions when it is more suitable to drive this includes weather conditions.

10/4/2011 4:26 AM


The school run with young children means I have no viable alternative to driving.

10/4/2011 4:22 AM



10/4/2011 4:21 AM


I am uncomfortable with using the bike parking area in the multi story for parking my bike as I believe there would be deliberate targeting by vandals.

10/4/2011 4:20 AM


At the moment the car park In Roussel Street behind the Ambulance station is invaluable to me and with out free parking available I'm not sure what I could/would do. In an ideal world I would cycle in every day but that's not always practicable with my child care arrangements.

10/4/2011 4:14 AM


Due to working shift work I would not be able to be sure I could find alternative public parking when commencing work at any time other than in the mornings as ALL public car parks are always full by the morning by all other car park users. To expect any shift workers to find alternative public parking and not offer some sort of limited on sight parking would cause a serious problem. Have the States / SOJP considered the recently cleared site at Ann Court for the station as it is ideally located in the heart of town and easily connected to the town ring road. The footprint is also of a size that would better accomodate the needs of the SOJP. PS 73. M.Grieve

10/4/2011 4:13 AM


Vehicle parking MUST be provided for police officers as it is frequent that you have to bring changes of clothing/laundered uniform etc to work. I try to minimise congestion by travelling by bike but can only continue to do so if I can park in an area to do the above. In addition consideration must be given to poor weather (e.g. last winter) where travelling by two wheels is not safe. If no parking is available then police officers will possibly be unable / late for work when most needed by the public. Please look at UK police stations and build something fit for purpose instead of the usual Jersey bodge job!!!

10/4/2011 4:12 AM


motor car used in winter rather than motor cycle but these click boxes will not permit you to show more than one type of transport used,,,,Have looked at the buse service but first bus into town will still not permit one to be able to get to work by start time.

10/4/2011 4:12 AM


Car travel only option due to school run. But happy to pay for parking as facilitates my part time hours.

10/4/2011 4:12 AM


The above does not allow me to indicate that on different days I chose different transport, on one - 2 days I bring car and us public car parking, on other days depending on weather I can either cycle or take the bus. Please be aware that when cycling I then take a shower and change at work, so if the changing facilities were to change then this would also become an issue.

10/4/2011 4:11 AM


Living out by Gronez - car is the only way to travel as I cannot guarentee what time I finish and the buses to my area to not run after 5.30

10/4/2011 4:10 AM


There doesn't seem to be much public parking in the area of Green Street which is going to cause problems for the majority of staff , especially those working 9-5 who are unable to be in at 7 to get a space.

10/4/2011 4:09 AM


In order to encourage cyclists, please can we have dry, secure bike parking and sufficient showers and lockers to cope with demand.

10/4/2011 4:09 AM



10/4/2011 4:08 AM


I am not based at Rouge Bouillion but travel back and to several times a week. I walk to/form town and will contiue to do so if teh new HQ is at Green Stret. On teh odd ocassion I need to travel by car I wil have to park in a nearby carpark.

10/4/2011 4:06 AM


Answer 6 is only due to proximity of proposal to current home address - other wise by car!

10/4/2011 4:05 AM


I would be tempted to cycle to work providing that proper locker and shower facilities were provided for all staff.

10/4/2011 4:04 AM


Get the bus if there was a close enough stop on occasions

10/4/2011 4:04 AM


I would attempt to use a moped however with child arrangements to think of also I use the car to drop them off before i start work. With the loss of the Green St Car Park, it will be very stressful trying to get to and from work adding valuable time to my journey.

10/4/2011 4:04 AM


parking needs to be readily available for officers most likely to be called in at short notice, not necessarily those with seniority. i choose to drive because i travel in with my partner.

10/4/2011 4:03 AM


yes we will need shower and changing facilities to support those who cycle to work

10/4/2011 4:03 AM


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States of Jersey Police Staff Transport Survey





I need to drive to work as i have to drop my 1 year old daughter off to my parents in the morning before coming on to work. I think it is going to be a nightmare to park in that area considering there are several large companies that are already in that area and use Green Street car park. Snow Hill car park is only a 3 hour limit.

10/4/2011 4:03 AM


Travel method will depend on the prevailing weather conditions, time of year or travel in daylight or at night time.

10/4/2011 4:03 AM


Provision needs to be given to provide parking especialy for officers who are recalled to duty at odd hours for specialist opperations and may not be able to use other means of transport

10/4/2011 4:03 AM


Commute with partner & primary school age children. 2 adults in the car, most of the time.

10/4/2011 4:02 AM


suitable secure cycle parking required and also suitable washing/changing facilities for staff

10/4/2011 4:01 AM


Personally, I consider the current "free" car parking arrangements as "enjoy it whilst it lasts" - but there is no critical reason why SoJP should have this benefit where other SoJfunded departments don't. Unfortunately, the cycle paths/bus routes to some parts of the island make travelling by car the only viable option.

10/4/2011 3:37 AM


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