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The Jersey Employment Trust (JET) Information for Scrutiny Panel re
Respite Care and Employment Opportunities for Adults
The Jersey Employment Trust (JET) is an independent charitable Trust that provides specialist employment services for people with a disability and/or a long term health condition. We have three main service delivery areas; the Employment Service, the STEPS pre-employment scheme and the Acorn Business Group. We supported 359, 148 and 118 people in the respective service delivery areas during 2014. It should be noted that some people will have progressed on to different areas of the service; hence these figures cannot be accumulated to give an overall total. However, it would be safe to say we actively support approximately 375 people at any given time.
The Structure of the Jersey Employment Trust
• Our Employment Services work with approximately 270 people at any given time, supporting them with every aspect of finding paid employment, the service is individually tailored to meet a person's unique requirements and can vary from developing an employment action plan, interview coaching, arranging work experience or internships to intensive one-to-one on the job support. The range of people with a disability and / or long term health condition we support is becoming much more diverse as are the types of employment we support people to find. Job retention is a
large part of our work, supporting both the individual and the employer to overcome barriers that may be present when a person has developed a long term health condition or is recovering from a significant trauma.
In 2014, the Employment Service worked with 359 people; we made 152 new paid employment placements and supported a total of 261 people in paid employment. This total figure includes people who have received job retention support, which is increasingly becoming an important part of our work. In addition we supported 172 work experience placements, which enable people to sample different employment areas and gain new skills. The diagrams below give a breakdown of these figures by disability/ long term health condition.
The diagram above details the total number of active clients broken down by disability / long term health condition. We are particularly encouraged by the increase of people with a mental health condition accessing the service.
In 2014 JET placed 152 people into new paid employment placements. We are pleased that our placement figures reflect our active caseload, in that it shows an even distribution of support by disability group.
JET supported a total of 261 people in paid employment; this figure includes the people who have been supported to maintain their employment through employment retention which is becoming a significant part of our work.
In addition the Employment Service provided support for 172 work experience placements that enable people to explore their employment options and learn new skills.
The Transition Service which is based within the Employment Service works with young people who have a Record of Need prior to them leaving full time education (starting in year 9). We attend school reviews, offer employability / work awareness training, and provide the young person with a thorough introduction into JET; whilst gathering as much information about individuals to ensure that they have a smooth transition into JET when they leave education. In 2014 the transition service worked with 92 young people at various stages of the above process. In addition, we have recently launched two new initiatives, a Young Entrepreneur Programme, with young people based in years 11 and 12 (being piloted with students from Le Rocquier School). Secondly we have a new Internship Scheme that provides paid training opportunities in commercial companies in conjunction with an individualised training programme. It is hoped that this programme will be embedded into the final year of the Highlands College course next year. Both these programmes are temporarily funded.
• STEPS (Supported Training Employment Preparation Scheme) provides pre- employment training for people who are at varying stages of their development. STEPS often work with people with complex needs who are furthest away from the labour market and are often unsure what, or even if, paid employment is the right pathway for them. Providing a range of experiences that enables people to make informed choices about their future career. STEPS run numerous pre-employment courses at various levels that differentiate the learning support that individuals require. STEPS also offers one to one support to people who require more intensive skills development, this can range from confidence building to independent life skills that are fundamental to a person's employability.
The supported Volunteering Service, within STEPS, enables people to gain confidence and develop new skills in a supported environment; we provide individually supported placements, with a view to people volunteering independently, and small project based activities for people who require more intensive long term support. The main aim of STEPS is to give people the required skills and confidence to progress to JET's Employment Service. However, it is not uncommon that people within the Employment service access STEPS to acquire specific bespoke skills.
The Wellbeing Service is integral to JET's service delivery; this service provides support across all JET services. This service assists staff to support people with high levels of anxiety and mental health conditions; it also provides direct support to clients offering Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and other strategies to enable people move forward towards employment. The Wellbeing Service works closely with MIND Jersey, Health and Social Service, Psychology and Mental Health services. We have plans to further develop this service in the near future to meet the growing demands for this type of support.
STEPS Active Caseload 2014 Total 148
35 30 25 20 15
10 5 0
Mental Autistic Brain Injury Learning Long Term Physical Sensory Health Spectrum disability Health disability Impairment
Condition Condition
The above diagram shows the breakdown of STEPS referrals by disability / Long term health condition. (Comorbidity is the presence of one or more additional disability or health condition).
The above chart shows STEPS active caseload across the various activities during 2014
• The Acorn Business Group within JET is made up of Acorn Nursery and Gardens (horticultural training), Acorn Cycles formally Oakfield Cycles (recycled bikes, servicing and repair) and our new social enterprise the Acorn Woodshack (recycled timber, timber products and kindling). All of our business units are based in Trinity at our Acorn site and exist solely for the purposes of providing employment and training opportunities for our clients. We offer a variety of vocational training but our main aim is to provide people with the essential generic employability skills that employers require. These include the basics such as punctuality, receiving and carrying out instructions, to understanding health and safety, having a positive attitude to work and working as a member of a team. We are very excited about the new Acorn Woodshack, which is a social enterprise that removes commercial and domestic timber from the waste stream, at the Energy from Waste plant, and recycle it by either de-nailing it and re-selling or using the timber to make new products or utilise the remaining wood for kindling that is then sold on to the general public. This new service will expand the range of skills training at Acorn and increase the overall footfall to the site, which will impact on trading across the Business Group. It is our aim that all the units within our business group will be self-financing within 5 years.
The Acorn Business group provides opportunities to some of the STEPS project groups but in addition it provided paid employment opportunities to 33 people with a disability or long term health condition and training for a further 85 people during 2014.
JET has made a significant transformation from its inception from providing only sheltered work opportunities to providing a supported employment service that could be said to be leading the way and amongst the best in the UK and within Europe. In 2013 we were independently quality inspected by the University of Dundee and achieved a grade of "outstanding" in 8 of the 10 areas graded. It is important that JET practises what it preaches to other employers; hence over 50% of our employees have disabilities or long term health conditions, who are employed in all aspects of the service from managers, trainers to support staff and within the Acorn business group.
The chart below demonstrates our development over the last eleven years.
Achievements / Indicator | 2004 | 2009 | 2014 |
Number of people placed into paid employment and work experience | Paid work 4 Work Experience 5 | Paid work 30 Work Experience 73 | Paid work 152 Work Experience 172 |
Number of clients supported in a year | 65 clients | 178 clients supported | Over 350 clients supported |
Client Group reflects the demographics of the local population. | Mainly people with a learning disability being supported. |
| People with mental health main source of referrals. Good spread of clients across all groups |
Transition services for young people leaving fulltime education. | No service in place | Service deficiency identified in Vocational Day Services report. | Transition service in place that works with young people from Year 9. Internship scheme and Young Entrepreneur Programme |
Quality Assurance (QA) Framework. To ensure to meet high standards consistently across the service. | No QA process | Some QA in place but not standardised |
Quality Premises and Resources | 2 dilapidated Buildings at Oakfield and Acorn; neither fit for purpose | New purpose built building on Oakfield Site, with excellent resources |
Risk assessment/ Safeguarding procedures. To ensure we have safe working practices and our clients are safe and supported through difficult times. | Vulnerable adult's procedure in place/ risk assessment sporadic. |
| Safeguarding protocols Audited deems very good by Sheffield Hall am University. Risk monitoring process at Board level. In-house trained staff to deliver safeguarding training. |
Staff supervision and Appraisal. To ensure our staff are competent. | No consistent supervision process | Staff supervision consistent | Full staff supervision and appraisal system throughout the organisation |
Range of services for people with more significant needs. | No service in place |
| STEPS service and Wellbeing service exists to meet the needs of all people with a disability who have vocational aspirations. |
Employment and training opportunities within States of Jersey (SOJ) | None | 1 or 2 work experience placements |
Range of services on offer to meet the needs of our clients. | Sheltered employment and some training. | Supported employment service, in house training. And sheltered work. |
Business Group. Range of opportunities for people to develop skills and confidence. To provide a source of income to support the services we provide. | Acorn Nursery and Oakfield cycles on individual sites | Acorn Nursery and Oakfield cycles with new workshop and sales area |
We have recently developed our strategic objectives for the next five years and these are due to be published shortly in the JET Business plan 2015 – 2019. A key focus for us within this plan is to build on our strengths and further develop our three areas of service: 1) employment support services, 2) pre-employment & skills development through STEPS and 3) the Acorn Business Group. We aim to capitalise on this to take JET forward in the future, in each of these areas, making them distinct and defined areas of service delivery. This will enable us to target service developments specific to each area, by refining staff recruitment, training and development and focusing marketing to the different audiences and developing a system of unit costs, that will enhance our ability to demonstrate value for money and be more accountable to our funders and key stakeholders.
We aim to excel in all we do, and to achieve this we have signed up to six commitments to our clients, employers and other Stakeholders. WE will:-
• Maximise our client's potential capacity to move towards employment.
• Create a seamless and coherent pathway towards employment for all our clients.
• Provide a quality, professional recruitment and information service for Employers.
• Contribute to the Jersey wider community and raise disability awareness through the work we do.
• Strengthen our financial position so that we can meet the growing demand for our services.
• Maintain effective governance, quality premises and resources, plus have an organisational structure that will make JET fit for purpose into the future;
The JET Business plan 2015 – 2019 gives details of how we intend to fulfil these commitments to our Clients and other key stakeholders.
Although as an Island we are providing a good service and employment support to people with a disability and long term health conditions there is room for improvement, particularly to support those people with more complex needs and who are furthest away from the labour market. In addition, to this there is a marked crossover of the services that JET provides and those that are or that we believe should be offered under the banner of respite care.
JET has an extremely good relationship with both Social Security and Health and Social Services which could be said to provide examples of best practice in partnership working between the voluntary sector and the States of Jersey. The challenges and issues raised below are not to criticise either of these Departments. JET is well aware of the challenges and financial pressures on these Departments which has made the implementation of the suggestions highlighted below difficult. However, in light of the forthcoming disability anti-discrimination law we feel it would be of interest to the Panel to share this information.
- People who require long term ongoing employment support.
Although JET has had considerable success in placing people with a disability and or long term health conditions into employment (152 new jobs secured and 261 paid employment opportunities supported in 2014) there are a number of barriers we have not been able to overcome. These are in the main for people who have long term support needs. JET with its current resources is able to provide one to one support to individuals for anything up to three months; however, for people who require support on an ongoing / permanent basis we are not in a position to support this. If we were to provide permanent one to one support for people we would not be able to meet the growing demands for our service and the service would soon reach capacity.
Although in the main I would not advocate for Jersey to replicate the way the UK supports people with a disability into employment there is one scheme that would be beneficial and could address this issue. "Access to Work" is a UK government scheme that is highly successful and cost effective. It provides a range of flexible supports to people with a disability from taxi's to work, equipment / work place adaptations, interpreters, personal care support and one to one on the job support for those people who require regular intervention. Access to Work costs on average of £2,600 per person on the scheme many people only require a one off intervention. It had been demonstrated in the UK that Access to Work is value for money; for every £1 of investment there is a flow back to the exchequer of £1.48 in direct return on investment and £1.70 including social return (Uk indicator that's takes into account hidden /indirect costs / savings to the public purse, such as the reduction in the use of health services). Figures taken from "Getting in, staying in and getting on - Disability employment support fit for the future" Department of Work and Pensions (Sayce report 2011) and the Disability Rights UK submission to the Work and Pensions Select Committee Inquiry into Access to Work (June 2014)
If JET had access to a similar scheme we would be able to successfully place more people with long term ongoing support needs into employment, as these people would have an independent source of funds that would not impact on JET's ability to provide its core service to others. JET has great success in using natural supports and with its emphasis on effective job match the number of people who would require this type of support would be relatively low; hence the cost to Jersey would be considerably less than that in the UK.
- Provision for phased return to work
JET is increasing being requested to support people who are in work or have had extensive period off work, due to an accident or having developed a long term health condition. At present there is no provision within the law to support people who require a phased return to work; you are either in work and being paid by your employer or off sick and undertaking no employment activity at all. Many people who have been off work for some time or have suffered a trauma require a phased return to work, which allows them to build stamina / capacity. Returning fulltime at an early stage can be very detrimental to a person's health and it is unreasonable to ask an employer (particularly a small to medium enterprise) to stand the cost. This often means that a person is signed off sick for longer periods of time than necessary increasing the likelihood they will lose their job. This is one particular area where we think warrants further investigation.
- Ongoing support requirements with community and group volunteering.
STEPS was set up to assist people to move towards employment, equipping them with the essential skills to help them make this transition. It also provides an alternative to paid employment through the supported community volunteering programme; which for some is a natural stepping stone prior to making the commitment to paid employment and for others is a valued long term solution. Some people supported by STEPS have more complex needs or due to their personal circumstances would find paid employment difficult or too stressful. Volunteering gives people a structured week with meaningful / purposeful activity that gives people confidence, self-worth and self- esteem. STEPS supported 51 people in community based volunteering placements during 2014. However, we have similar issues within our supported volunteering programme as to those highlighted above for the employment service. Some people require long-term support and STEPS does not have the resources to sustain this on an ongoing basis.
To manage this problem we have developed a range of volunteering projects that has enabled us to support people in small groups hence reducing the cost of ongoing support. These projects vary from supporting the Opera House with the production of props and costumes to projects based within the Acorn Business Group. However, the number of people who have been with this service for 12 months or more is constantly growing and at a point of becoming unstainable with the current resources available. We are now faced with the decision do we put a hold new referrals and continue to provide what is effectively becoming an alternative day service or do we place a maximum time limit on how long people can be supported. The JET Board of Trustees and management believe that it is unethical to exit people to nothing and for people to remain at home with no meaningful activity. However, STEPS main purpose was to act as a feeder service to the main Employment Service within JET and this is unlikely to continue if all the STEPS resources are tied up in long term support.
JET believes that volunteering either on an individual basis or in a group setting provides a valued and meaningful alternative to respite care and would value the Scrutiny Panel's opinion on this. At present this element of STEPS falls outside of both Social Securities and Health and Social Services fundable provision. With the current freeze on JET's budgets we have to make some hard decisions on what services we will need to reduce.
I would like to thank the Scrutiny Panel for providing JET with the opportunity to submit information on the range of services that JET has to offer and would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the issues identified above.