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Special Educational Needs - The Bridge - Submissions - 30 April 2015

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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel Anonymised Evidence Submission


Date/ Place Seen:  30th April 2015 Documents: The Bridge Pamphlet Background:

Employed by ESC.

Funded through HSS.

Created to provide link between ESC, HSS, Schools and Parents for first 5 years.

More starting in June providing clinical supervision.

Focus on under 5 yrs. Autism and Special Needs. (Some for 5/6yrs as well).


Provision of Central point of info for Parents.

Support for Parents.

Advice and discussion point.

Liaison between parents / HSS / ESC.

Responsible for Multi-agency case conferences.

Has received good feedback with good links between the Parents/Childs needs and Policy. Pre-School Forum ( Paediatricians / HSS / Nursery) can make referrals.

Currently has 19 cases.

Provision of outreach for pre-school.

Historic fight for help from parents being changed now evidenced by this position and determination.


Redesigning HSS Early years Pathway to make it more efficient.

Remit ends at 5 yrs. No co-Ordinator after that.

Parent Teacher interaction needs improvement. City and |Guilds Quals for Teachers – Working with Parents' is available now.

Current Issues:

No Computer links at present although this is being worked on. (Due Soon?) HSS appointments are too slow. Appear to be trying but not succeeding. ESC Cannot provide until HSS have done their work.

Much parental resistance in acceptance of conditions and assistance found. Inclusion – works if there is appropriate support.

System needs more people involved through to higher age groups.

No single line of continuity through childhood.

MR 06.05.2015