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Nursery Education Fund - L. Le Gresley - Submissions - 15 April 2016

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Good evening,

Unfortunately I was unable to attend the meeting on Wednesday as I have a 2 year old child who goes to bed at 7:30pm and a self-employed husband who has to work many hours for us to have a regular lifestyle.

I do not quite understand how you think this is a good idea, obviously not for middle class people who earn a regular wage.

How you can take this "Benefit" away is beyond me. Nursery fee's in Jersey are very expensive, of course we want the best for our children and integrating with other children to prepare them for school is a must and it's a sacrifice we all make for the benefit of our children.

Please explain to me why you are taking away the 20 free hours

We already pay more tax

We already pay more Social Security

We do not claim Social Security

We have a mortgage. We don't have rebate on our mortgage unlike lower earners who have Rent

Rebate, even free or greatly reduced States Accommodation.

So if you actually look at the bigger picture based on the fact that we pay (approximate amounts):- £14,820 in Nursery Fees per annum

£4,500 in Social Security Per Annum

£15,000 in Tax Per Annum

Total (Before mortgage, electricity, water, rates, essentials for the child etc) = £34,320 (pretty much one of entire yearly wage) This leaves us with £20,340 per Annum each, not exactly ground breaking is it.

To best quite frank most people living off Social probably earn more than that and would have never even worked in their life. How exactly is that fair?

I look forward to hearing your response in due course!

Kind Regards