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Draft Marriage and Civil Status (Amendment No.4) (Jersey) Law - G Ryan - Submissions - 3 November 20

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Georgina Ryan

I would like it to be known by the Scrutiny Panel that I object in the strongest terms to legislation being introduced that would change the meaning of the word "marriage" to include same-sex couples. Same-sex couples have their civil partnership; this should be enough for them. To change legislation to satisfy the tiniest minority is frankly, complete madness. Marriage in our society means one man married to one woman, preferably for life; it can have no other meaning. I believe that introducing such a legislation to the Island of Jersey is the thin edge of the wedge. In time to come, although safeguards would initially be introduced for religious communities and those individuals with a conscience, I believe that these safeguards will be eroded and pressure would be brought to bear upon these religious communities and individuals to step in line with the politically correct brigade - or else. This would include losing his/her job, being sidelined for any promotion, etc etc. Such things are now happening in the UK, and I don't believe Jersey will be any different. A tiny but vocal pressure group is having too much sway over such crucial legislation, and Ian Gorst is caving in too readily to this politically correct brigade. The only people to really gain from this will be, as usual, the lawyers, a tiny minority and Ian Gorst being able to give himself a pat on the back for being so politically correct.

PLEASE show courage and reject this legislation outright, and let the homosexual lobby know that they must be satisfied with a civil partnership, or else they can take a short flight to England and get "married" there if they must.