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Post-16 Education - Jersey College for Girls - Submissions - 18 October 2018

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Post 16 Education Review


October 2018

Index  Page

Context  ................................................................................................................................... 3 Section 1: Our Vision for a student leaving JCG .................................................................... 3 Section 2: Our Advanced Learning Programme ..................................................................... 4 Section 3: Our A level results 2018 ........................................................................................ 7 Section 4: Trips & Expeditions offered to Sixth form students in 2017-8 .............................. 8 Section 5: Our Employability Programme .............................................................................. 9 Section 6: Our programme of Community Service ............................................................... 11 Section 7: Opportunities for Personal Development ............................................................. 14 Section 8: Collaboration with Victoria College .................................................................... 15 Section 9: Our Leavers' Destinations.................................................................................... 16 Section 10: What our Students say ....................................................................................... 18 Section 11: Post 16 Financial Information ............................................................................ 19 Section 12: Our Governing Body .......................................................................................... 20 Section 13: Our Challenges .................................................................................................. 21 Section 14: Our Future Initiatives ......................................................................................... 22

Appendix: Advanced Learning Prospectus

Summer Edition JCG Life

For further information please visit our website:


JCG is a selective, fee paying, 11 – 18 State School for girls and member of the Girls Schools Association (GSA). There are currently 188 students in the Sixth Form (86 in Y12 and 102 in Y13). It is the highest achieving school in the Channel Islands. The progress students make in the sixth form places JCG in the top 10% of all schools in the UK. Our College is based on four values: Aspire, Inquire, Excel and Belong. The most important of these is Belong.

Section 1: Our Vision for a student leaving JCG

A  student  leaving  JCG  at  the  end  of  her  studies  will  enjoy  life  to  the  full,  value  her friendships and achieve balance in her life. She will have a thirst for knowledge and already possess a broad understanding of the cultural, historical, geographical and scientific events and ideas which have fashioned her island and her world, and an eagerness to discover more. She will have a good range of hobbies and interests, including the Arts and sport, which she wants to pursue. She will be a rigorous and imaginative thinker.

She will leave us with an excellent record of achievement for an academically-demanding course at university or employment which will lead to a stimulating career. She will have the ambition, motivation and staying power which will equip her to study independently and successfully at either. She will apply for internships, work experience and voluntary work in her holidays.

She  will  have  grown  as  an  individual  who  is  happy,  well-mannered  and  able  to  find fulfilment in her service to others. She will be thoughtful, open-minded and be able to lead. She  will  be  conscious  of  the  advantages  she  has  enjoyed  and  of  the  opportunities  and obligations such advantages should bring. She will want to have a positive impact on her community and the world.

She will have happy and lasting memories of her time at College and an admiration for those people who have nurtured and shaped her learning.

Section 2: Our Advanced Learning Programme

At JCG we offer a programme which encourages intellectual curiosity, learning for learning sake and promotes wellbeing. The programme consists of 3x A level subjects, a wide range of short elective courses and post 18 options advice and guidance. All students are taught by subject specialists.

We are confident that this provides students with a sufficient diet to enable our students to succeed as is evidenced by our continued success each results day.

Our Curriculum

We offer a total of 24 A levels:-



Chemistry Computer Science Design Technology Drama and Theatre English Literature Financial Studies






Further Mathematics Media Studies


Philosophy Photography


Government and Politics Psychology


Sport and PE


With our students accessing the following subjects at each of the other fee paying colleges:-

Beaulieu  VCJ

Music Tech  Economics Sociology  Business Studies Dance  English Lit/Lang

If students cannot access their choice of A level at their home institution then it is highly likely that we can organise a timetable at a neighbouring school to facilitate this.

The numbers of our students accessing other colleges for the last three years is as follows:-

2016 – 36 at VCJ, 7 at Beaulieu 2017 – 29 at VCJ, 6 at Beaulieu 2018 – 14 at VCJ, 7 at Beaulieu

Students accessing JCG for the last three years:-

2016 – 36 from VCJ, 23 from Beau, 6 from DLS 2017 – 46 from VCJ, 25 from Beau, 7 from DLS 2018 – 30 from VCJ, 9 from Beau, 2 from DLS

We have a Service Level Agreement in place between the four colleges to set out our processes and procedures.

Under new specifications we believe that the A level is now a rigorous and respected course and therefore we would not currently change this to offer the Pre-U qualification.

Previously, we have investigated offering the IB as an alternative. However, with our numbers and an IB school already on the island, it is not financially possible to offer a blended approach. To offer the IB alongside A levels would be extremely inefficient.

Although we could offer the IB alone, we know that our students are happy with the A level offering as evidenced by hardly any students leaving us to study the IB over the last three years (2018 – 2, 2017 – 0, 2016 - 1).

However, there are elements of our curriculum that replicate an IB provision. For example the EPQ, students serving the community through our JCG Serves programme, our Advanced Learning programme encompassing a wide range of elective options and numerous trips and expeditions that run annually (see list below).

Elective courses include:

Book buddies


Certificate in Financial studies

Creative writing



Psychology of aggression

Psychology of criminal behaviour


Diploma Financial studies – Yr13 only

Creative writing


Our place in society


Further Maths

Maths for Scientists

Jobs for the girls

 (The electives courses change in response to student interest and staff availability.) *EPQ. 20 students have signed up for the extended project qualification. Titles include:

Geographical effects on Criminal Behaviour

History of Music influencing Rap

Marine Biology" (title in progress)

Psychological techniques used in oppressing a population

Justice systems in different countries

Obstetrics Anesthesia/Analgesia: 20th Century to the present day

The history of Healthcare concerning HIV/Aids patients

Current NHS Challenges: Brexit, Recruitment, Revenues, Aging, Population Increase

Primary Care Debate: Who pays - the patient or the public?

Is Jersey's Finance Industry morally acceptable?

Comparative study on the Mythology in Europe and effects on Religion and Folklore

Make-up influences on Media including Marketing, Racism and Gender

How to finance a modern NHS - fully public or fully private?

Palliative Care in different cultures - their philosophies and best practice

Effects of Brexit on the Business Culture of the UK

To facilitate the further development of a post-GCSE growth mindset amongst our Sixth Form students, we adopt the VESPA' programme. This is followed through the tutor programme and is an integrated part of our A level teaching and learning.

Where students have not quite made the most of all the opportunities that we have offered them or struggled with circumstances beyond their control, we do enable them to stay for a further year to complete their studies, resit certain exams or add an additional qualification. This then allows them to leave us prepared and equipped to access the course of their choice.

Section 3: Our A level results 2018

A* – A grade = 51.6%  (40.5% in 2017) A* – B grade = 82.1%  (69.7% in 2017) A* – C grade = 95.4%  (91.3% in 2017) A* – E grade = 99.6%  (100% in 2017)

Notable Achievements at A level

The level of progress (as measured by ALPs) of all our A level students places JCG in the top 10% of all UK schools.

26 (27%) students achieved all A* and / or A grades out of cohort of 96.

19 students achieved 2x A* / A.

46.8% of the cohort achieved at least 2x A*/A grades.

71.8% (69) of the cohort achieved at least 1x A* / A compared with 66% in 2017 and

52% in 2016.

The average UCAS points per student is 127.8 which gives an average grade set of ABB

Section 4: Trips & Expeditions offered to Sixth form students in 2017-8:


GIRLS IN YEARS Autumn Term 2017

GSA Girls Go Gold Conference  11-13

Silver Duke of Edinburgh Expedition  11 and 13

English London Trip  13

Psychology Visit to Vienna  13

Spring Term 2018

Hockey & Netball Fixtures in Guernsey  9-13

Art, Textiles & Photography Visit to Berlin  12 and 13 AS Chemistry Visit to Bristol  12

Maths in Action Conference  12

San Sebastian Trip  9-13 Lucca Trip  10-13

Summer Term 2018

Peace Jam  11 and 12 London Theatre Trip "Top Girls"  12-13 Mexico Trip  12 Iceland Trip  8,9 and 12 Munich Trip  8,9 and 12

Section 5: Our Employability Programme

The employability programme continuously develops to meet the needs of our students and employers.

In the Sixth Form we have:-

a CEIAG curriculum delivered through the higher education enrichment and elective programmes

tutorial programmes including CEIAG and developing The A level Mindset'.

academic mentoring sessions including information, advice and guidance

close links with Skills Jersey and local businesses

We provide access to:-

the school careers library

independent face-to-face advice both internally and externally

up to date e-learning applications

Skills Jersey within the school provision

outside speakers to enhance student knowledge of courses available and the local job market

individual interviews

events which promote student understanding of the world of work

work experience

business partnerships

individual career interviews

JCG Careers Fair

insight days including in medicine, teaching and finance

enterprise competitions including the Channel Islands student business challenge (CISBC)

Young Enterprise (YE) and the business, accounting and skills education (BASE) competition.

local, national and global trips and visits which encourage risk-taking and global awareness

local, national and global links to former students including via the JCG Foundation

the annual Skills Jersey HE fair and Skills Show

UCAS information evening

Work experience is an integral part of careers education and guidance and of work-related learning. Every student is provided with the opportunity for completing some work-related experience and this takes account of the needs of, and opportunities provided by, the Jersey community.

Year 12

The careers programme is delivered in Year 12 through enrichment sessions of 1 hour per week. It covers aspects such as Higher Education, Post 18 options, finance, work shadowing (IOD), Young Enterprise and completing CVs, covering letters and their UCAS form.

Year 13

The careers programme is delivered to Year 13 for the first term only. This is primarily for the completion of UCAS forms. In addition to this all students are seen individually by their

enrichment tutor / Head of 6th Form before handing in their UCAS forms. All candidates for courses requiring an interview are interviewed by the Principal and a manager from an outside agency.

Post application students are given individual advice on choosing firm and insurance institutions. We encourage students not to complete this until after the mock week.

Students not applying to university will have weekly enrichment sessions with the Employability Coordinator with the intention of securing high quality employment.

Students applying for medicine, dentistry, Oxford University or Cambridge University have bespoke preparation.

Examples of our recent careers provision with external representatives include:

Representatives from Aztec (a local finance firm) and Deloitte (a global professional services provider) speaking to interested students about career opportunities

Promotion of the CISI Introduction to Finance afternoon

Regular links by phone, email and in person with firms including EY, KPMG, First Names, PWC, Saltgate, Institute of Law Jersey, Ogier, Barclays, Sure

A wide variety of firms and industries attending the JCG Careers Fair

Promotion of job opportunities to students

Links with the armed forces including visiting speakers

Promotion of a wide variety of bursaries

Promotion of on-island nursing opportunities

Talks given by invited speakers from CIGPE (Channel Island Group of Professional Engineers)

Speakers in the fields of arts and science including a photography workshop and engineering talks (including from former students)

Workshops led by industry experts on CVs, interviews and letters of application

Workshops on personal finance led by industry experts and followed up with group discussions

Section 6: Our programme of Community Service JCG Serves

Students are encouraged to serve the community at all stages of their education within the College. Sixth Formers are expected to organise their service independently, but we offer help to students in their search for ways to serve their community.

Service is important for sixth formers to achieve balance in their lives and endeavour to have a range of interests. It shows that the education of the whole person is valued not just the results achieved in exams. It is an aim that students work well with others and find fulfilment through service to others. We want students to have a positive impact on their own community, island life and our world showing that they truly belong. This service gives the opportunity to students to use skills beyond the classroom to benefit other people.

The annual JCG Serves Fair runs over two days. It is set up rather like a trade fair with stalls for each charity. Charities are invited to attend the event in our hall to talk about the work of their charities and, in most cases, talk to students about how they can serve. Students also find out about service opportunities via the JCG Serves notice board, assembly notices and tutor notices. Charities regularly contact the College asking for students to volunteer at events. We also have a list of charities on our website and a link to which lists opportunities throughout the island.

Sixth formers serve in many places around the island and beyond. Some examples: students read with youngsters in primary schools (via the ECOF Programme), they help children with autism (completing SPELL training), they volunteer in their dance schools or sports clubs, they help in charity shops, at Durrell, in their churches and are members of St John Ambulance. Through the International Women's Academy, sixth formers are helping young women in other countries in various joint projects.

House and fund raising

The Jersey College for Girls House system is an integral part of school life and helps support the ethos created at the College. The House system allows sixth formers to employ their leadership skills, as well as learning about collaboration, belonging to a community and giving. Each House is led by a team of Year 13 House Captains and House Prefects who coordinate House meetings, competitions and fundraising events for their two House charities supported on an annual basis. Students who take on leadership roles in House experience a full selection process which fosters the development of their employability skills.

In addition to House fundraising, students regularly raise money for charities such as Comic Relief and Children in Need as a whole school. We also donate hundreds of Christmas shoeboxes to children and vulnerable adults in Romania through Jersey Mustard Seed. Furthermore, JCG Houses raise money to fund a bursary for a student to attend sixth form each year. Last year, JCG as a whole raised approximately £22,500 for charity and much of this fundraising is led by our sixth formers.

Competition keeps the House spirit alive and sixth form students lead teams, choirs and casts in sporting, musical, performing arts, academic and artistic events.


The student leadership team acts as a fundamental pillar in the infrastructure of the College as a whole. The SLT consists of positions that are both appointed and applied for – Head and Deputy Head Girls, supported by two Sports Captains, two Music Captains, two Eco Captains, twelve House Captains and a team of prefects. Our prefect system involves senior prefects, junior prefects and House prefects. Being a junior prefect enables students from Year 12 to experience greater responsibility and an insight into this busy yet rewarding leadership role. Meanwhile,  House  prefects  work  more  with  the  lower  school  to  help  increase  House involvement, while alleviating some of the stress of the House Captains at busy times in the school year. There are four types of senior prefects: academic, student support, enrichment and Prep prefects, who specifically work together with the JC Prep School, building up relationships with the younger girls in order to make their exciting transition to the big' school as smooth and easy as possible.

Student Council

The Student Council gives students a means by which they can discuss and share opinions, contribute ideas and be consulted on policy decisions, problem solving and other matters related to their learning and the running of JCG and it is led by a sixth former who is appointed  Head  of  Student  Voice  and  Participation.  This  student  chairs  meetings  and oversees the running of the council, compiles agenda, writes and distributes minutes and attends weekly meetings with the Vice Principal.

Peer Mentors

Peer mentors are sixth form students trained in listening skills and THE DECIDER SKILLS who are available to support students. They receive supervision from the school counsellor. This supports the College in promoting wellbeing and positive mental health and helps the sixth form students involved to develop their own skills and coping strategies.

Section 7: Opportunities for Personal Development

Studying for A levels is only a part of being a student at JCG. All students are encouraged to involve themselves in a wide  range of voluntary  activities both within and beyond the College. Students who enjoy these opportunities derive the full benefit of all the sixth form has to offer, and in so doing develop their personal strengths and organisational skills.

Activities in which students participate include:

Leadership  roles  as  part  of  the  Student  Expedition Programme / School Trips Leadership Team  Youth Parliament

The Sixth Form Buddy' Scheme where  Chartered  Institute  of  Marketing  Work students mentor Years 7 and 8  Shadowing Scheme

Leadership roles within House, including  Du Putron Challenge

House  Music,  House  Dance  and  Sports  Community Service / JCG Serves

events  Environmental Team

The organisation of social events for sixth  Helping  with  the  students  at  our form students  Preparatory School

JCG Student Council  Sports teams

CCF  in  collaboration  with  Victoria  Extended music programme College  The opportunity to get involved in large

Joint Colleges Orchestra  scale productions in Music and Drama

Young Enterprise Scheme  Programme of debates

The  Institute  of  Directors'  Work  Inquiring Minds lectures Shadowing Scheme  Autism SPELL training

The Duke of Edinburgh Award  Giving whole school assemblies through

Leadership and team building days  the changing perspectives' programme

Baker and Partners Advocacy Competition

BASE Competition

Section 8: Collaboration with Victoria College

Collaboration with Victoria College


Shared preparation for Oxbridge/BMAT/UKCAT and other interview preparation


Music – joint orchestra in its second year. A level recitals and Chamber choir organised for Spring 2019

JCG students to join CCF at VCJ from September 2018

D of E Gold on offer as a shared provision

Pastoral and Wellbeing

Shared speakers for student PSHE lectures and KS4/5 pastoral talks

Shared information evenings for parents with regard to student mental health and modern parenting


Year 5 Experience Days to be held jointly for 2019.

Post 16 recruitment is also being run together.

Calendar – shared dates for internal and mock exams and major events

Aligned Bursary policy


Shared staff CPD, sharing between departments.

Jersey Learning Conference held for all staff from both senior and prep schools plus other island schools.

Section 9: Our Leavers' Destinations



Number of students

Students  gaining employment

Students gaining choice of university




% 1st

% 2nd

% 3rd























Higher Education Destinations 2018

Institution  Course

University of Bath University of Birmingham

University of Bournemouth Bournemouth Arts University of Brighton University of Cardiff

University of Durham

University of Edinburgh

University of Exeter


Biochemistry (with Industry experience) Mathematics




English Literature


Film Production

Media Studies


French & Italian

Ancient History & French


International Relations


English Lit & Modern History Geography



Natural Sciences

Chemistry (year abroad)


History & Spanish

International Business with Spanish Sociology & Social Policy

Chinese Studies


French & Italian



Medical Science

History & Ancient History

Sport and Medical Science

University of Glasgow University of Greenwich University of Guelph, Canada Italia Conti Theatre School Jersey Institute of Law University of Lancaster University of Leeds

University of Leicester University of Liverpool

Loughborough University Manchester Metropolitan University University of Newcastle

University of Northumbria University of Nottingham University of Oxford

Oxford Brookes University

University of Reading

Richmond American International University

Royal Holloway, University of London Royal Northern College of Music University of Southampton

UCA Farnham

University College London

University of British Columbia University of West London University of Westminster University of Winchester

University of York

King's College London

Royal Academy of Dance, London University of Warwick



Bachelor of Arts and Sciences

Musical Theatre (non-UCAS institution) Law

Fine Art


Film Photography and Media

Chemical Engineering


English Literature






Forensic Psychology


Interior Architecture

Veterinary Medicine





Early Childhood Studies


Politics & International Relations



Popular Music



Film Production



BFA (Theatre)

Music Performance and Management Radio and Digital Production Primary Education with QTS History & Archaeology

Chemistry (MSc) with Year abroad Dentistry

Dance Education


Employment Destinations 2018

Deloitte  Accountancy

Aztec  Fund Administration Hawksford  Fund Administration

Section 10: What our Students say

Student 1.

Personally, I think the people at JCG really make it such a special place - there is such a good student teacher rapport and I know that the friendships I have made at JCG will last. Whenever you join JCG everyone is so welcoming and I have loved the 7 years I have been here.

Student 2.

JCG is full of amazing opportunities to help you in all aspects of life, whether that be work experience or permanent full time work. As a new student to Year 12, I instantly felt welcomed into the College community and was given the same chance to experience all of these opportunities just like the other girls; I instantly felt a sense of belonging when I joined back in September 2016, and this was very special to me.

Student 3.

The school trips offered at JCG are what I believe makes JCG stand out from all other schools. A unique variety of interesting destinations are offered to a wide range of subjects. For example, for Sport Studies, I went to London to participate in the Girls Go Gold conference which involved various workshops, both practical and theoretical, with elite sports performers and top lecturers. For Psychology, I travelled to Vienna in Austria, where we visited Freud's house and learned more about his theories. For Biology, I travelled to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands where we scuba dived, lived off grid' in the Amazon Rainforest, and gained a greater knowledge of the species of animals and plants surrounding us through direct involvement in research with local scientists. Having the opportunity to visit all these places allowed me to gain a greater insight into all of my subjects, as well as to travel to different countries around the world at the same time!

Section 11: Post 16 Financial Information

SoJ grant provides £2793 (2018 budget) per student Parental fee is £5292 (2018 budget) per student


JCG currently pay for 6 student bursaries for post 16 students, split between 3 in year 12 and 3 in year 13.

The cost to JCG of these school fees in financial year 2018 of these students is as follows:

Year 12 students £11,907 Year 13 students £7,114

A further £1,410 was given in financial assistance towards trips and extra-curricular activities to those students in receipt of a bursary.

Another 6 students are receiving bursaries from external funders, again split between 3 in year 12 and 3 in year 13.

Year 12 students £14,553 Year 13 students £15,876

Section 12: Our Governing Body

The JCG Governing Body is highly effective and ensures good governance of the College. The Governing Body debates and agrees policy and strategic direction and ensures high standards across the College. The sub-committee structure comprises:

Strategy (Autonomy and Relationship with SoJ)






Equally, a strong relationship and partnership exists between the Chair and Principal.

Section 13: Our Challenges

Student Mental Health

  • Lack of mental health hospital provision for students in need (Robin Ward and Orchard House are both inappropriate for this age group)
  • Supporting students and their parents with regard to:
  • Self Esteem
  • Body image
  • Managing healthy relationships and lifestyles
  • Developing healthy coping strategies


o Uncertainty over future level of SoJ funding

o Lack of control over management and planning of budget

o No Jersey Premium funds available post-16

o Limited availability for funding further bursaries

Recent changes in A level exam specifications

Changing HE landscape entry criteria

Teacher recruitment and retention

Lack of facilities to meet increasing school numbers

Section 14: Our Future Initiatives

Student Wellbeing – to ensure support and resource meets need

Student Voice – to continue to strengthen student participation and active decision making regarding policy and provision within JCG

Academic attainment – to sustain and improve

Curriculum provision – to review current A level provision in light of Summer 2019 results

Collaboration with VCJ – to continue to align policies and provision

International students – to recruit up to 10 students per year

Capital Development:

  • Field – to provide much need green field playing space and ecological area
  • Music Centre – to meet growth in demand
  • Bridge – to provide a safe link between JCG and JCP for increased student collaboration
  • 3x Science Laboratories to meet growth in student demand for studying Science