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Firstly, we accept that you cannot overturn established habits overnight, and you have to
offer alternatives that are both attractive morally and not punitive financially, and provide a moral reward or feelgood factor. Changing habits is a medium to long term task and is best achieved by education, primarily through the young who are naturally more self interested and then a more general process through the workplace and everyday experience. Once it becomes widely pervasive the population will tend to buy in as a natural action/reaction.
Secondly, the alternatives need to be able to compete on a level playing field, many eco products carry a price penalty frequently because they do not have the economies of scale in production. We would like to promote the idea of an 'Environmental Impact Duty' to be levied on an increasing scale, where there are alternatives or choices, against the least sustainable products. This could and should be balanced by an exemption from GST for a period, say three years, for approved alternative products. We would sanction the use of a local organisation to verify claims of 'sustainability ' or compostability, this has already been done with a small number of products. We anticipate that local certification will give consumers more confidence and accountability.
Earth Project Jersey.