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Retail Policy Review - Jersey Business - Submission - 26 September 2018

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www. Telephone: 31 The j erseybusiness.j Parade, +44(0)1534 St Helier, e 610 JEz 3QQ300 ql iT'Jersey) r Business Email:


26th September 2018

FAO Economic  Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Scrutiny Office

Moriel House

Halkett Place

St Helier


Dear Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Retail Review

Further to your letter dated 4th September we are pleased to provide the response from Jersey Business below.


Our response is deliberately focused at a longer term strategic level given both government and bodies such as the JHA are better placed to articulate the current Retail environment and relevant data.

Crucially we feel there is an imperative for any future Retail strategy to take account of the wider economic, social and structural factors that are causing such a shift in how we shop and how we spend our leisure time. Based on this our comments are therefore focused on some of the broader areas which we feel need to form part of any future Jersey plan.

Current o  Retail Environment moving  to be factored in: the place where you went to shop,

o to Where We the are place the internet you inexorably go to is more for a from whole convenient the retail high and experience.street there being is no need or desire to 'touch/ feel or experience'the product before purchase, then this part of the retail economy  is best

served via the internet. o  We continue to see a shift in the main St Helier retail areas between what is considered primary and secondary sites, with some locations on the edge of town' struggling for


e  The markets remain an iconic buildings, which continues to be a draw from both local

and tourist shoppers alike.

o lf you currently walk through town at 5.30pm you have footfall walking across town but very little to encourage them to stay and chat with friends/ colleagues over a coffee etc.

o As we see new office accommodation coming on stream we also see older town centre office accommodation being converted into residential  with supporting infrastructure

i.e. local shops and cafes.


r Jersey eJJ' Business


a We are blessed with some vibrant out of town areas but need to continue to invest and

plan for the long term and also the changes in what the public/ tourists want from these locations.

a Retail and the resultant customer 'experience' is vital for the success and growth of our

visitor economy with both sectors providing sustainable jobs/ careers and a more diverse economy

Considerations o o  The economy Where We not locations back parking), just need main customers, high for when public to will aim future streets look has entertainment/ this at to are our'secondary' to attractive planpurchase get more to retail of tourists make, the sites L06,000 but which for of the likewise us experience. coming will help into lf town we grow do more the that tourismtheoftenand



we have a

be equally

o as well. able to focus on the whole retail experience they are able to win can be al fresco areas, car free streets (but with easy nearby

o term Are we financial able to incentive/ invest in our reduced markets rental, to create whilst operators more to they assess 'Retail prove to what take their Theatre' the up retail vacant 'experience' e.g. units could (ie we offers shortsay on also if there is some way to encourage new

concept). Saturday enable the surrounding roads to close to cars so we could encourage the

establishment of an outdoor market to promote local Jersey produce, food etc to supplement the existing indoor market?

o Whilst it a positive to see Jersey surplus office accommodation being converted into residential,  this needs to be balanced with green space as well, as this contributes to the

quality of life  residents 'in town'. o o  to As feature in any car for parking long-term and

Traffic flows,  support for more healthy methods of transport also need

o Once such we planning have that has vibrant a key role retail atmosphere, play in developing initiatives the such right as ecostructure.'late night Thursday' will have a much greater chance of success and then units that are only really used

8.30am till 5pm on Mon- Saturday can be used much more efficiently for longer hours.

Can we learn from nractice elsewhere?

a lf we look at the UK we can see the way some town high streets have reinvented

themselves through greater pedestrianization and encouraging new local retailers to areas previously vacant.

a ln France, we often see local brands/ outlets alongside the larger multiples, creating

much more atmosphere than we see in the traditional UK High Street.

o ln terms of markets Jersey can learn a lot from the likes of Borough market in London and Bury market near Manchester. Re the latter, through the success of the market

qrJ ff r JerseyBusiness


(coach tours travel from all over the north of England)

the whole town centre has grown and it is now the third major retail centre in the north.

a City centre living- Historically Manchester  city centre was deteriorating  as a retail centre

and after 5pm (i.e. the end of the work day) it became a ghost town and not safe. Following the IRA bombing the city rebuilt it's retail proposition but also started to encourage residential back into the city and nearby areas. With conversion of former offices/ warehouses  into residential this started to bring back life to the city, which is now vibrant from 8 till late. This required long term vision from the political and private sector leaders who invested in a long-term plan.

a We should also look at some of the joined up thinking that is evident in a number of

cities across Europe as far as traffic congestion and promotion of alternative transport methods are concerned  {bus, electric, cycle, walking etc.)

We trust the above assists in your deliberations and would be happy to discuss these with you further if that helps the panel in their deliberations.


Graeme Smith

Chief Executive  Officer

Jersey Business

31 The Parade, St Helier JE2 3QQ Telephone - +44 7534 6L0300 Direct - +44 L534 603090

Web - JersevBusiness. ie


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