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Submission - Budget 2019 - Brighter Futures

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Paper for Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

  1. Background

Brighter Futures is a charity that provides a targeted support service to parents, carers, families, children and young people in Jersey. The parent/main carer in the family is referred to Brighter Futures either by a professional known to them or they can self-refer.

We work alongside the main carer to support them with parent-child and family relationships, wellbeing and child development and personal and educational development. These three strands all contribute to the States of Jersey proposed Corporate Strategic Policy (2018-2022) and the strategic priorities namely:

  • putting children first
  • improving islanders' wellbeing, mental and physical health
  • creating a sustainable and skilled workforce and
  • reducing income inequality.
  1. Brighter Futures – whowe are, what we stand for:

Our Vision: For every family to have a Brighter Future

Our Mission: To support families when they need us

Our Values:

  1. Support: We support clients to recognise and value their role as their child's first and most important educator.
  2. Empower: We work with clients to empower them to take ownership of their personal and educational development.
  3. Encourage: We encourage all clients to achieve wellbeing and healthy relationships.
  1. What does Brighter Futures do?

We work with 150 families each week and every client is allocated a dedicated key worker who supports them one-to-one throughout their journey to wellbeing. Alongside this one-to-one support we provide a range of evidence based programmes that focus on wellbeing, parent/carer and child together groups, personal development, educational and second chance learning programmes and groups.

We work in partnership with clients to encourage them to make a difference to their future through the choices they make for themselves and their families.

Brighter Futures works in partnership with a range of services and agencies from the statutory, community and voluntary sectors so that clients are supported holistically and to prevent duplication. Each client co-produces their journey to wellbeing with their key worker's support so that they receive the right support at the right time in a safe, supportive, inclusive and solution focussed environment.

  1. Our approach – A strengths based, co-produced and solution focussed approach[1]

We work in partnership with clients acknowledging that they have strengths, skills, resilience and the ability to make informed choices and improve their well-being. Clients develop their strengths, resilience and support networks based upon the assumption that they come for help already in possession of various competencies and resources that may be tapped into that will improve their situation.

  1. How many families do wework with?

We work with 150 families (current caseload capacity) on average across the continuum of need but due to capacity constraints and funding constraints since June 2017 we have only been able to accept new referrals for families at Early Help level.

Families who are referred to Brighter Futures are supported for an average of 2-3 years but this is determined by the level of needs and through discussions with clients.

In 2018 we received funding from the States of Jersey to support approximately 21 families at the current average cost per family per year on their Journey to Wellbeing across the continuum of need.

  1. Quality assured evidence based programmes

We provide a broad range of evidence based programme and groups that are regularly reviewed, monitored evaluated and quality assured.

We seek feedback from clients, their families, referrers and external agencies to ensure that the programmes we offer remain current and relevant to their needs as well as being outcome focussed, evidence based and they are making a difference. We also seek feedback from clients regarding their one-to-one support and their relationship with their key worker and this is done confidentially and independently of the key workers.

We currently offer the following programmes but please refer to the booklet attached for further details for each course and programme.

The 3 strands to our work


Parent/carer & child groups


Personal development

Baby massage


Incredible Years

Growing Together

Relaxation programme

Circle of Security


Heart Math

Portuguese Circle of Security

Achieving Better Connections (ABC)

Healing Rhythms

Wants and Wishes

Mellow Parents

Walking Group

Making Changes

Dad's Club


Functional Skills

Raising Early Achievement in Literacy



Portuguese – English courses



Child Development Study group



Early Bird

As stated earlier, every client also has a dedicated key worker who meets with them on a one-to-one basis in addition to the programmes and courses that clients attend. Outcomes Based Accountability.

  1. Impact and outcomes

Are we effective? How do we know?

We use an Outcomes Based Accountability (OBA) Framework to report on our impact.

This approach considers:

How much did we do?

How well did we do it?

Is anyone better off as a result?

A few highlights in brief for 2018 YTD (01/01/18 – 31/10/18)

Please refer to appendices for additional statistics, data and information


How much did we do (2018 YTD)?

  • We have worked with more than 240 families YTD
  • 100 new families referred YTD
  • 44 families have been supported by our Outreach service
  • 1243 creche places used YTD
  • 1147 course programme places attended by clients YTD

How well did we do it?

  • 96% of new clients referred have engaged with Brighter Futures
  • 96% of clients rated their overall satisfaction rates as excellent/very good
  • 100% of referrers reported being satisfied/very satisfied or satisfied with the level and type of support clients were receiving

Is anyone better off?

  • 86 clients have completed their Journey to Wellbeing and have been discharged
  • 87% of discharged clients had an improvement in their wellbeing (Warwick Edinburgh Well Being scale)
  • 30% of discharged clients have returned to work
  • 14% of discharged clients are actively seeking employment
  • 19% are volunteering or are accessing universal services
  • 23% are positively parenting full time or have other commitments
  • 9% have left the island for other opportunities or have ongoing/longstanding health issues
  • 5% have entered full time further and higher education
  • 21 clients completed the Safeguarding Partnership Board Foundation Level in Safeguarding and received certificates
  • 21 clients have improved their functional skills
  • 5 clients passed Functional Skills qualifications
  • 34 clients attended the Parent Champion training and were presented with certificates  
  1. Funding:  

The average cost per family per year in 2018 is £3,800.00 but families with more complex needs this cost increases significantly.

We could support additional families who present with more complex needs at a cost approximately on average £8000.00 per family (current) year to support. This reflects the additional support, multi-agency liaison, professional meetings, case conferences, core group meetings, associated reports etc. Additional funding would enable us to increase capacity and enable us to accept referrals for families where Children's Services are involved once again. The number of referrals that we could accommodate would be determined by the funding available.

Who are we?

Brighter Futures is a charity which supports parents, families and young people in Jersey. We work alongside the main carer to support them with child development, parent-child relationships and wellbeing.

educational and second chance learning programmes, group sessions and individual support. We work in partnership with Parenting Support Services to encourage

future through the choices they make for themselves and their families.

Brighter Futures is based at The Bridge and clients are referred from various sources including schools, doctors and health visitors or people can self-refer.

Every client is allocated a keyworker who will

support them with their journey to well-being, alongside the group and courses which are outlines in this brochure.

These are free of charge and repeated throughout the year. Crèche facilities are also available if required.

For more information, please pop in or contact us though our website on:

Parent / Carer & Child Groups


For parents/carers with children  For parents/carers with children from birth to one year from three to four years

Led by an International Association of Infant Massage qualified instructor, this course draws on Indian and Swedish massage traditions, encouraging interacting, bonding and relaxation which can help with longer sleep. Soothing holds and rhythmic strokes are given on each area of the baby's body, following a sequence which has been developed over many years. Baby massage can help you feel closer to your child as well as reducing post-natal depression. It can also be used to help with wind, colic, constipation, teething discomfort and crying.


For parents/carers with children from birth to four years

This learning group is based on three areas; personal/social and emotional development, communication and language and physical development. This is a fun interactive environment for parents/ carers and their children featuring various activities such as water and sand play and music. Brighter Futures' Key Workers, work alongside parents/carers to focus on their child's individual needs, wellbeing and learning strategies. Photos are taken as a keepsake for individual journals, capturing special moments shared together. Typically, once finishing this group, youngsters can then progress to Physibods.

Physibods is the stepping stone group leading the children from Growing Together to nursery after the summer break. The structured sessions comprise of fun and interactive physical activities based around body basics, singing and developing co-ordination skills, balance and movement. During the term, children are invited to take books to read and return and they're given a Brighter Futures' bag complete with weekly resources and activities to do at home and outside. At the end of the Physibods term, children give a demonstration of the activities and skills they've learnt before they put on gowns to take part in a graduation ceremony in front parents, charity patrons and invited guests

next stage of their journey.


For parents/carers to attend with a child from four to eight years

Theraplay aims to help children and parents to build positive relationships

and strengthen communities through relationship building and structured play. There are four core dimensions which relate to both parent and child. Engagement, to help children to try new things in a safe environment; challenge, to help children take safe risks and build their confidence; structure, to help develop self-control; and nurture to help children feel safe and secure.


For parents/carers with children from birth to four years

This programme is run in conjunction with the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). Run by therapists and a Brighter Futures' Key Worker, the small group is designed to support parents and their children to make positive changes within their family relationships. The parenting

film footage, therapeutic work and food and nurturing advice and guidance.


Drop in group, all ages up to eight years

and resources in a safe and relaxed environment. It's also an opportunity to meet other dads, male carers and children. Brighter Futures' Key Workers and volunteers are also on hand for advice and support. Free snacks and refreshments are provided and various outings are also organised such as trips to the beach, parks and the woods as well as a Christmas party.


For parents/carers with children from birth to three years

REAL uses a framework which is

called ORIM for short which stands for Opportunities, Recognition, Interaction and Model which works across the four strands of early literacy. Practitioners share this framework with families through a series of home visits and literacy events to support parents.

Wellbeing Programmes


This introduces relaxation strategies to encourage a positive state of mind and body which helps you to feel safe and more able to cope with life's up and downs. Sessions comprise massage, visualisation and breathing techniques.

WALKING GROUP For parents/carers

Power walking sessions, using Jersey's best countryside/ocean walks to encourage a positive mind and body, strengthening the heart and lungs and increasing overall fitness levels.

Personal Development Programmes


For parents with children from birth to eight years

Parents/carers are invited to compile their own personal child study. These sessions complement the Growing Together groups and are based on three elements: theory; group discussions based around a child's development, practice; parents/carers, children and Brighter Futures' staff coming together to put learned theory into practice while using video to capture learning

and reflection; footage of a child's play and learning forms the basis of group discussion in order to understand and support the child's development.


(Brighter Futures and Parenting Support Services)

This is a parent programme combining group training sessions with individual home visits, where video feedback is used to help parents to combine theory with practice. The programme is for families of a pre-school child who has or is going through a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.

FUNCTIONAL SKILLS For parents/carers

The Functional Skills course provides skills, knowledge and understanding that you may need in order to progress and succeed in education, work and life. The Functional Skills qualifications supports the development of practical skills in English, maths and ICT, and is designed to help learners gain the most out of work, education and everyday life. There's a strong focus on explanation and problem- solving, with a choice of paper assessment or on-screen, on-demand assessment. The course runs at Brighter Futures on a Wednesday afternoon and crèche is provided.

Personal Development Programmes


For parents/carers with children from zero to six years

For parents/carers to learn how to build positive relationships and increase their confidence in managing their children's behaviour by improving knowledge of the growth and developmental stages.

CIRCLE OF SECURITY  For parents/carers with children from zero to ten years

(also available in Portuguese)

The focus of this parenting programme is relationships. It looks at ways of strengthening a parent/carer's abilities to observe and improve their care giving capacity. Video is used throughout to illustrate examples of different interactions and the principles central to Circle of Security parenting.


For parents/carers with children of any age

This looks at the parent/carer's strengths, skills and resources, enabling people to look at the difficulties and challenges they face in their own lives. Individual and group activities and discussions encourage you to focus on the choices you have made and the goals you set in order to make changes in your life. Various tasks encourage self reflection and evaluation which can help build self-esteem and self confidence. This course is further developed with Making Changes.

My partner was really reluctant to come to Circle of Security. Each week he came back a bit more positive about going back, until at the end he was saying "I can't wait to go and study today!" He has learned to see things in a new way and he got a lot from it.


For parents/carers with children of any age

Following on from Wants and Wishes, this focuses on building one's self-esteem and self confidence and provides an opportunity for second chance learning.

of sessions featuring various elements

reflection and mindfulness which can help lead on to further training and qualifications or preparation for employment or returning to work provided.


These sessions are led by a bilingual Brighter Futures' Key Worker and qualified teacher. The aim is to help those with a basic knowledge of English develop their language vocabulary and skills.

I got so much from the Making Changes course. I don't think I would have got this job if it were not for this. I just keep on working on changing my beliefs. Negative self-talk was stopping me and I was anxious doing job applications and interviews but it got easier every time.

Can you Support us?

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Brighter Champions: helping us to help others.

Standing Order Authority

Please fill out the form in BLOCK CAPITALS Please don't send this form to your bank, please return it to:

Brighter Futures The Bridge, Le Geyt Road, St Saviour, Jersey JE2 7NT

Your name Your address

Your email

Would you like to receive our email newsletter including details of upcoming events? Yes No

Your telephone

Bank name Bank address

Name of bank account

Bank account number

Sort code

Please transfer the sum of: £

On the   (insert date) of each month until further notice


Lloyds TSB Offshort Ltd, St Helier Branch, PO Box 10, 9 Broad Street, Jersey JE4 8NG

For the credit of:

Brighter Futures. Sort code 30-94-61. Account number 57656168

Signed 2nd Signatory

(if applicable)

How to find us

The Bridge is based on the site of the  FOR MORE INFORMATION old St Mark's Primary School on Le Geyt  PLEASE VISIT:

Road. Go along Springfield Road and

turn left up St Saviour's Hill. Take the slip road to your left after turning the  contact 01534 449481

corner, just after the phone box. Parking

is available but very limited.  or email

Various additional courses are run  ADDRESS:  by Parenting Support Services which  The Bridge, Le Geyt Road, focus on toddlers, communicating  St Saviour, Jersey, JE2 7NT with youngsters, teenage children and

children with separated or divorced  OPENING HOURS: parents.  8.30-4.30pm

St. Saviour 's Hill



Le Geyt Road

Springfield Rd