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Submission - Post-16 education - Hautlieu School - 19 October 2019

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Hautlieu School Post-16 Education Review Submission 2018


Hautlieu School is the only non-fee paying school which provides access to an academic programme for 16 to 18 year old students in Jersey. As an International Baccalaureate World School we have provided the IB Diploma for the last 10 years alongside our A Level programme, and for the first time from September 2019 we hope to also deliver the IB Career-Related programme in Business.

Currently Hautlieu has 492 students in the Sixth Form, and last year we achieved a Grade 2 on the ALPs thermometer putting us within the top ten percent of schools across the UK for A Level provision in terms of valued added achievement. The Hautlieu school motto Summa Petamus' which means Aim for the Highest' underpins all of our work and is complimented by the IB Learner Profile which exemplifies the exact student that we aspire to develop:

  • Inquirers
  • Knowledgeable
  • Thinkers
  • Communicators
  • Principled
  • Open-minded
  • Caring
  • Risk-takers
  • Balanced
  • Reflective

All students are required to achieve a minimum of five GCSE pass grades, which must include at least a Grade 4 or C in English Language, to access the Hautlieu Sixth Form. We also expect our students to have a strong commitment to study and the learner profile which we see as key to success in their studies.

The Provision for 16-18 Year Old Students at Hautlieu

  1. A Levels

The most popular Sixth Form option choice at Hautlieu is to complete A Levels. We offer a wide range of subjects as listed below:







Design & Technology Drama and Theatre English Language and Literature

English Language English Literature French





Further Mathematics Level 3 Mathematical Studies

Media Studies Music

Music Technology Philosophy & Ethics Photography Physical Education Physics

Psychology Spanish

Hautlieu students currently complete the AS qualification in their four or five chosen subjects at the end of Year 12 before progressing on to complete the A Level qualification in three or four subjects at the end of Year 12.

In addition to A Levels, students can also study for the Certificate in Financial Services (CFS) in Year 12, and the Diploma in Financial Services (DFS) and the Certificate in Securities and Investment (CISI) in Year 13. These qualifications can be taken in conjunction with any combination of A Level subjects, but often students select them alongside their A Level Business course and/or completing an IB Certificate in Economics. These qualifications directly prepare students either for University level study, or to enter directly into employment in the Finance Industry in Jersey. Hautlieu students also have the opportunity to study Mandarin Chinese as an enrichment option where they can sit the range of HSK qualifications, and our students can also access A-Level Portuguese through lessons offered by the Portuguese Consul and hosted at Hautlieu School.

  1. International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)

Hautlieu is one of only two schools in the Channel Islands to offer the IB Diploma which provides students with the opportunity to continue their study of a broad range of subjects post-GCSE. The IB Diploma is made up of six subjects plus the core where students complete an Extended Essay, explore Theory of Knowledge and also engage in Community, Action and Service (CAS):

As this graphic indicates, the focus of the IB Diploma is on developing a student who possesses International Mindedness' which Hautlieu believes is a key attribute in today's society.  

Our current provision of IB Diploma subjects is listed below:


Group 1

Language A: Literature

Group 4




Environmental Systems & Societies Sports Science

Group 2



Spanish Ab Initio Italian Ab Initio

Group 5 Mathematics

Group 3



Environmental Systems & Societies Philosophy


Group 6

Visual Arts

Film Studies

An additional subject from Group 2, 3 or 4

All students also have one lesson a week studying Theory of Knowledge and complete their CAS programme every Wednesday between 2 and 5pm.  

  1. The International Baccalaureate Careers-Related Programme (IBCP)

Due for first teaching from September 2019, Hautlieu has been recognised by the IB as unique in offering the IBCP in Business hand in hand with Deloitte who will not only provide funding to support students in their completion of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business (CFAB), but who have also committed to providing work experience placements for our students at their offices in St Helier. One of the many exciting elements of this unique programme is that upon completing of the IBCP at age 18, Hautlieu students will hold the ICAEW CFAB which is an industry recognised qualification that would enable them to enter directly into work in the Finance Industry. As the largest part of Jersey's economy, this is a fantastic opportunity and will mean that Hautlieu students potentially will immediately contribute to the Islands economy upon completion of their studies at age 18.

In the IBCP, students complete a career-related study for which we are offering the ICAEW CFAB; two diploma subjects; and a core programme for which they continue to study a second language, complete a Reflective Project, engage in a Community and Service programme, and study a Personal and Professional Skills curriculum:

Similar to the IBDP, International Mindedness' also underpins the IBCP, and with a unique focus on Business and preparing students to enter into employment in the Finance Industry, this programme will ensure that students are fully equipped to enter into the global community. In addition, should the IBCP in Business be successful in the pilot years, we would hope to expand the programme to of offer the IBCP with other subject specialisms relevant to the local employment market.

All students across all programmes are taught by subject specialists, and a comprehensive programme of post-18 options and guidance is provided throughout the Sixth Form to support students in their transition post-18 which we refer to as the Core Programme' and forms a further essential part of the post-16 educational provision at Hautlieu.

Where students have struggled to fully engage in their studies as a result of exceptional circumstances such as ill health, Hautlieu also provides the opportunity for them to undertake a third year of study in order to ensure that they achieve their very best and are able to access the post-18 opportunities of their choice. Our Pastoral system and robust Safeguarding procedures mean that no students are left behind and everyone is encouraged to work hard and embrace the opportunities Hautlieu offers.

Careers and Guidance Provision

Throughout Years 12 and 13 at Hautlieu students are provided with a comprehensive programme of Careers and Guidance in order to support them in developing their knowledge and understanding of their options post-18. The programme is diverse and varied, and includes:

Academic Mentoring

Work Placements including at RBC and Deloitte Creative Pathways work placements e.g. JEP, Channel News

Insight days including midwifery, medicine and teaching

JEP Placement

Business, Accounting and Skills Education Competition HE Evening & Fair

Skills Show

Coding Competitions

Work Placements in IT

Young Enterprise

IoD Work Shadowing Assemblies

Visits from Past Students Visits from Universities Masterclasses from visiting HE lecturers

The Hautlieu School ethos Aim for the Highest' epitomises our approach to Careers and Guidance provision as we strive to provide individualised, bespoke guidance to each and every student in order to support them in their studies, and also aspire to their very best beyond their time with us, whether that be in Higher Education or Employment.

Hautlieu Examination Results in 2018

From 2018 we have started to use an independent measure of value added performance provided by ALPs. ALPs base their calculations on the national dataset provided by the Department of Education in the UK, taking an individual students average GCSE performance as an indicator of their expected performance at A Level. The Quality-Indicator (QI) score for A Level results at Hautlieu in 2018 was 1.04, ALPs Grade 2 – in other words, in the top 10% of schools nationally.  

A Level Results by Grade


A*- A


A* - B


A* - C


A* - E


International Baccalaureate Results 2018

Hautlieu Average Points Score  30.71 Global Average Points Score  29.87

Hautlieu Pass Rate  97% Global Pass Rate  78.40%





Provider A level Quality Indicator score



Provider A Level Quality indicator grade



Extra-Curricular Provision at Hautlieu

As well as being focussed on students achieving the very highest levels of qualifications at Hautlieu, we also provide an extensive range of extra-curricular activities which includes:

Duke of Edinburgh

Film Club

Fitness Suite

Art Workshops & Exhibitions Photography Exhibitions Battle of the Bands

Tech Crew

Annual Production

Summer Concert

Computer Coding Competitions

Jersey Youth Assembly Eisteddfod

Old Folks Christmas Party Mandarin

IB Students CAS or Service Learning programme: Scuba Diving


Shoe Box Appeal

Sports Clubs: Netball Football Rugby Touch Rugby Hockey Athletics Badminton Tennis Cricket

Hautlieu students also have opportunities to travel all over the world on a wide range of trips to places which have included Costa Rica, Morocco, St Malo, London and Guernsey.

As the location of the world-wide 1000th Confucius Classroom, Hautlieu is also partnered with Bayi High School in Beijing, China and we host an annual visit here in Jersey which includes a homestay for our visitors with Hautlieu students, and Hautlians also have the opportunity to participate in a return trip on an annual basis.

The Hautlieu Trust, whilst independent of Hautlieu School, also supports students in their endeavours beyond the curriculum. For example, the Hautlieu Trust has financially supported students in raising money to fund their charity endeavours across the world, most recently in Burkino Faso in West Africa.

Our Challenges  

  • Funding
    • Schools having optimum funding to fully develop a curriculum that meets both the course requirements of examination boards and broader imperatives focused on employability skills and active citizenship
    • The essential need for the original pilot for Jersey Premium funding for post-16 students to become permanent
    • For the States of Jersey to allow CYPES and Schools to move from the current one year budget cycle to 3 / 5 year budget cycles to improve the efficiency and planning of how we allocate our resources
  • Student Needs
    • Develop a broader range of strategic partnerships with employers across a range of industries that allows students to blend their studies with hands on experiences
    • Inadequate provision of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and Educational Welfare Officer funding which prevents students from being able to manage their educational programmes successfully and achieve their full potential
    • Insufficient provision of external agency support for students with Mental Health difficulties
    • The urgent need to improve the handover across external agencies, particularly for vulnerable young people, when they reach age 18. For example, when young people move from children's mental health agencies to adult mental health services
  • Specialist teacher recruitment and retention, and the lack of availability of appropriately qualified supply cover when required