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Submissions - OneGov Review - Paul Troalic - 10.03.2019

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel Submissions

OneGov Review

Mr Paul Troalic


I am a former public servant of some 30 years.

Whilst in the service I was acutely aware that there was over-staffing in some areas and that many of those employed were constantly striving for more pay and comparability with the private sector because they felt they were the poor relations in terms of pay and conditions.

I did not concur with this and in fact spent the next 10 years after leaving the civil service in the private sector and found no evidence to support this.

They also conveniently forgot that they had security of tenure and other advantages, like good pensions, that those in the private sector sometimes didn't have.

However I believe the public are getting sick and tired of so-called experts and consultants being brought to the Island at grossly inflated salaries to tell us how to run states departments when it should be done from within the service. It would be far more palatable if local people dealt with local problems.

Regarding the change of name of our States, everyone has a view on this but changing its name does not change the animal!

The States of Jersey is an acceptable name so why change it to The Government. Does it make any difference to their role?

The public see this as a waste of tax payers money especially when staff are told there is no money in the pot for decent pay awards.

The thing that experts tend to forget when proposing cuts is that those that are suffering suffer more. There has to be a balance between saving money and cutting essential services.

I firmly believe that if our politicians could hold their hands up and say that all people that should pay tax are paying it correctly and that they are not wasting public money on things we cannot afford, then is the time to rationalize public services. Fairness is key in my view.