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Deputy Rob Ward
Chair, Children, Education and Home Affairs Panel FAO Andy Harris
States Greffe
Morier House
St Helier
By email to: 12 March 2021
Dear Deputy Ward
Police Governance Law Review
Thank you for your letter dated 26 February 2021 regarding the review of police governance law by the Children, Education and Home Affairs Panel.
You have asked for comments on your terms of reference together with a number of specific points.
Terms of reference
On point 4 of your terms of reference I would note that it is difficult to comment on how future changes will impact on the operation of the various stakeholders and inter-relationships at this stage. Whilst the Panel can make a judgment on principles, it could be too premature to comment on impact.
Comptroller and Auditor General
Jersey Audit Office, de Carteret House, 7 Castle Street, St Helier, Jersey JE2 3BT
T: +44 1534 716800 E: W:
Specific matters
The Scrutiny Panel has requested my views on the following specific matters:
• The changes that this would have in relation to the operation of the Jersey Police Authority, it's relationship with the States of Jersey Police Force, Minister for Home Affairs and Directorate of Justice and Home Affairs
• The changes that this would have in relation to the Minister for Home Affairs and their responsibility in relation to the States of Jersey Police Force and its operation
• The changes that this would have in relation to the relationship between the Justice and Home Affairs Directorate and the Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police Force
• Whether the recommendations made in your report have been adequately incorporated, and, where other changes outside of the report have been made, whether these are proportionate and in keeping with the spirit of your recommendations
• Whether the changes being suggested outside of your recommendations are in keeping with best practice arrangements for governance and accountability.
My observations are as follows:
The recommendations from the C&AG report of March 2018 were accepted in full at the time by the Government of Jersey. The recommendations focused on enhancing the accountability and operational independence of the States of Jersey Police by a number of changes in the governance and responsibilities of the Jersey Police Authority.
The proposed changes outlined in the Draft States of Jersey Police Force (Amendment No.3) Law address the C&AG recommendations made in respect of:
• amending the principal duties to oversight and promoting continuous improvement, rather than ensuring delivery
• establishing an independent inspection regime
• independent membership through removal of two members elected by the States Assembly; and
• certain human resources responsibilities to be allocated to the Chief Officer rather than the Minister.
Most of the changes proposed flow from the earlier recommendations and are, in my view, in keeping with the overall emphasis of the previous report. The changes are designed to enhance independence and revise the role of the Police Authority as recommended. I do have a number of specific observations on the proposals:
• Whilst the covering paper refers to the earlier recommendation for the Police Authority to routinely advise on the budget, an explicit reference to this is not seen in the draft legislation
• The frequency of the inspection regime is not indicated in the draft legislation. There may be merit in specifying a maximum interval that is proportionate
• At this stage, the opportunity to include other services within the role of the Police Authority is not reflected in the proposal. It is noted that this was to be considered as part of the development of the Target Operating Model.
It is difficult to make a judgement on the impact of the proposed changes at this stage. Delivering improvement will be dependent on the successful implementation of necessary revisions to the operational framework of the Police Authority once the legislation is enacted. Key issues will include:
• ensuring an appropriate level of resources for the Police Authority
• how will the Police Authority deliver its objectives in respect of oversight and continuous improvement
• achieving the right balance of skills and experience on the Police Authority, supporting this with training, and agreeing how effectiveness will be evaluated
• establishing an effective routine process for advising the Minister on the budget; and
• establishing an effective inspection regime that provides scrutiny, challenge and monitoring of recommendations.
The following table summarises my observations on the specific C&AG recommendations in the 2018 report:
Ref | Recommendation | Coverage in legislation |
| Observations |
R1 | Enhance the resources | Article 3 of the draft Law |
| No duty on the Minister |
| available to the Police | inserts new Article 4 that |
| or States to provide |
| Authority to discharge its | includes a duty on the |
| adequate resources for |
| functions, including by | Authority to seek from |
| the Authority to perform |
| establishing and | the Minister additional |
| its functions. |
| implementing a routine frequency for independent inspections of the States of Jersey Police. | resources to enable it to perform its duties. Article 10 of the draft Law inserts Article 28AA |
| No specification of the minimum frequency or requirement for the provision of sufficient |
| that obliges |
| resources to undertake |
| independent inspection |
| an inspection. |
| that must be undertaken at regular intervals |
| subject to availability of |
| resources to the Police |
| Authority. |
R2 | Enhance the training and | Not directly addressed. |
| No duty on the Minister |
| support available to members of the Police Authority to enhance their ability to discharge their responsibilities. | Article 3 of the draft Law inserts new Article 4 that includes a duty on the Authority to seek from |
| or States to provide adequate resources for the Authority to perform its functions. |
| the Minister additional |
| resources to enable it to |
| perform its duties. |
R3 | Review whether it | Article 4 of the draft Law |
| Addressed. |
| remains appropriate for | amends Article 3 to |
| the States Assembly to | replace States Assembly |
| elect two members of the | members with |
| Police Authority. | independent members. |
R4 | Develop proposals to | Article 3 of the draft Law |
| Addressed. |
| amend the statutory | amends Article 4 to |
| duties of the Police | promote and support |
| Authority to ensure that | continuous improvement |
| they are focussed on | and oversee |
| oversight and | performance of policing |
| improvement. | services. |
Ref | Recommendation | Coverage in legislation |
| Observations |
R5 | In light of experience of | Article 7 of the draft Law |
| Partially addressed. |
| the operation of the States of Jersey Police Force Law 2012 and the practice in other jurisdictions, develop proposals to amend legislation relating to the allocation of powers and duties to reinforce further the operational | amends Article 17 to: - Impose duty of efficiency and effectiveness on Chief Officer; - remove power of the Minister to determine establishment. |
| Requirement for Ministerial approval for service with another police force still required. |
| independence of the |
| States of Jersey Police. |
R6 | Establish and document | Article 3 substitutes |
| Role of Police Authority |
| revised non-statutory | Article 4 redefining the |
| strengthened. However, |
| arrangements relating to | role of the Authority. |
| recommendation relates |
| the governance of the States of Jersey Police, including: - ending the current arrangement of the Chief Executive serving as line manager for the Chief of Police; and | Article 10 of the draft Law inserts Article 28AA that obliges independent inspection that must be undertaken at regular intervals subject to availability of resources to the Police |
| to non-statutory arrangements and would not envisage coverage of this in legislation. I |
| - enhancing the role of | Authority. |
| the Police Authority. |
R7 | Evaluate whether the role | Not addressed. |
| I understand that this |
| of the Police Authority |
| remains under active |
| could be extended to |
| consideration for the |
| cover other services |
| future. |
| where operational |
| independence is |
| important. |
R8 | Ensure that internal | Not addressed. |
| I would not expect this |
| operating procedures |
| recommendation to be |
| clearly document the |
| addressed in legislation. |
| respective roles of |
| different parties for |
| police human resources |
| issues. |
Ref | Recommendation |
| Coverage in legislation |
| Observations |
R9 | Routinely review and |
| Not addressed. |
| I would not expect this |
| update the Police Terms |
| recommendation to be |
| and Conditions of Service |
| addressed in legislation. |
| in response to changes in |
| legislation. |
R10 | Where another |
| Not addressed. |
| I would not expect this |
| department advises a |
| recommendation to be |
| Minister, involve the lead |
| addressed in legislation. |
| department for a |
| ministerial portfolio to |
| ensure that: |
| - where Ministers are |
| asked to exercise |
| statutory powers, civil |
| servants prepare |
| written advice |
| weighing the |
| advantages and |
| disadvantages of |
| different options; and |
| - all Ministerial |
| Decisions are |
| properly recorded |
| using the standard |
| template and are |
| centrally held. |
R11 | To reinforce the |
| Article 12 of the draft |
| Partially addressed. |
| operational |
| Law amends the States |
| independence of the |
| of Jersey Police Force |
| States of Jersey Police, |
| (General Provisions) |
| bring forward proposals |
| (Jersey) Order 2016 to |
| to amend legislation to |
| transfer various powers |
| reassign human |
| in respect of promotion |
| resources responsibilities |
| and probation to the |
| from the Minister for |
| Chief Officer. |
| Home Affairs to the Chief of Police and Police Authority. |
| Article 11 of the draft Law amends the States of Jersey Police Force |
| (Chief Officer and |
| Deputy Chief Officer) |
| (Jersey) Regulations |
| 2017 requires the |
| Minister to consult where |
Ref | Recommendation | Coverage in legislation | Observations |
| practicable with the Chief Officer before appointment of a Deputy Chief Officer. |
R12 | Separately identify the resources allocated to the States of Jersey Police in the Medium - Term Financial Plan. | Not addressed. | The Government Plan now shows this separately but the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019 does not require such identification. |
R13 | Give the Police Authority a routine role in advising Ministers in respect of the budget for the States of Jersey Police. | Article 3 of the draft Law amends Article 4 to require the Police Authority to seek from the Minister such additional resources as required for the States of Jersey Police to perform its functions. | Partially addressed. This does not provide for the routine, active role for the Authority envisaged in the recommendation. |
R14 | Align service and financial planning for the States of Jersey Police by moving to a multi-year Policing Plan. | Article 8 of the draft Law amends Article 19 to algin the Policing Plan with the Government Plan (one plus three years). | Fully addressed. |
My 2021 audit plan includes a specific follow up review of the implementations of the 2018 C&AG report. I anticipate that I will commence work on this review later in 2021.
I trust that you will find my response to be of some assistance to you. Yours sincerely
Lynn Pamment
Comptroller and Auditor General