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Submission - Danielle Mullins - Preferred Access Route to Overdale - 15 January 2021

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Dear sirs

I am not sure if the proposed hospital is a done deal, but following the other sites that were proposed the Overdale site seems to be the one with the worst access, especially the Westmount access.

 In order to deal with this issue, there would be a detrimental effect on the loss of much valued public space, at People's park. This park (which the name suggests), houses various public hospitality ranging from food fairs, the Battle of Flowers carnival, the international motor car show, the Battle of Britain static display, and the hill climb to name but a few. The park is a much needed outdoor space for residents in St Helier and the island as a whole and these events bring in welcome tourism for the Island, as well as supporting local business. The compulsory purchase of the bowling facility is another facility which provides the older generation with sporting activities, hospitality to meet up with their friends and wellness in their retirement age. This was an activity which is currently on my doorstep which I would have liked to enjoy in my later years, but alas this would also be lost.

As a resident of Tower road I am lucky to enjoy the green spaces around Overdale and the proposed road changes to Westmount would surely ruin this.

I don't feel that the hospital should be on the site but rather additional hospital services could be built on the old Overdale buildings, with perhaps some much needed mental health and rehabilitation services. The current green area in Overdale has some beautiful green space which would provide an excellent setting for those individuals recovering from their respective ailments. The impact on wildlife in the area, should be considered when building and Jersey has the opportunity to lead in any development of this area in a positive way.

Whilst I understand the goal is for a new hospital, this was the most expensive of the sites chosen especially in terms of the additional costs for compulsory land and house purchases, road widening schemes etc. Whilst the report undertaken was comprehensive I am mindful that the ministers did not perhaps have the opportunity to have digested the contents of a report nearing 300 pages and am not sure whether the public were as informed as they could have been. The report was not really highlighted to the general public as it should have been and I would be interested to know how long the report was in its final form before ministers had a chance to consider it and vote on the sites. This is such an important decision, for the government in terms of the huge financial impact it will have but also the loss of much valued green space which would be lost to future generations.

I feel that the ministers could have done a better job to outline the main points of the report as it is such a large decision for the island to make and should have held more public meetings, in good time before a decision selecting the site was undertaken. Steering groups and other workshops should have been more accessible to the public, which unfortunately wasn't the case.

The government will be rallying financially from the COVID situation which has effected the island as a whole and should really consider whether this is the right time to have a hospital of this scale?

With the current access remediation measures running into tens of millions, surely the access from George V homes would have less of an impact, both financially and environmentally?

I am sure I am not the only person to have written to you but would implore you to reconsider the access from Westmount, this site as a whole and consider the sympathetic redevelopment of Overdale whilst retaining green space, leisure facilities and our people's park, so that many island residents can enjoy this area for many years to come.

Yours faithfully Danielle Mullins