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States Greffe
Judicial Greffier Judicial Greffe BY EMAIL
30 April 2021 Dear Adam,
PAC Review of Estate Management
I am writing on behalf of the Public Accounts Committee to request responses to a series of questions on its ongoing review of Estate Management (the Terms of Reference have been appended to this letter).
We are seeking information from each Non-Ministerial Department regarding its Estate Management functions and engagement with key bodies, primarily the Corporate Asset Management Group and the States of Jersey Development Company.
The PAC will use this evidence in its review and may request further submissions and/or invite you to a public hearing in the coming months, as the review develops.
The PAC would be grateful to receive this information by 1st June 2021, together with your advice as to which parts (if any) should remain confidential, and why.
Yours sincerely,
Deputy Inna Gardiner
Chair, Public Accounts Committee
cc. James Lambert, Chief Operating Officer
- What consultation have you or your department had with the Government of Jersey, particularly the Corporate Asset Management Board, regarding the plans for the development and future use of Cyril Le Marquand House and Broad Street accommodation, since 2018?
- Do you believe that this consultation was adequate? Did the consultation show a clear understanding of the needs of your department?
- What influence has this had on your views regarding the 2018 Business Case? Have these changed since you first received the Case and since the pandemic?
- To what extent were you consulted on the Public Estate Strategy 2021-2035?Not consulted
a. How regularly were you in contact with the team assigned to the Strategy's development?
- What role do the Corporate Asset Management Group and States of Jersey Development Company have in maintaining the office accommodation used by your department?
a. Do you believe that the communication you have with these organisations is adequate? How could it be improved?
- Can you provide a list of property/land in your department's remit, including:
• Rental
• Unused/closed/disused
• Outside the purview of the Property Division
Royal Court Building (managed by JPH)
Magistrate's Court Building (managed by JPH)
Tribunal Service - International House (first floor) (rental)
- Please indicate if you have completed any of the following on the behalf of your department:
• Asset Management Plan No
• Condition survey No
• Risk/cost benefit analysis (for use/disposal/repurpose) No
• Maintenance programme? No
- What consultation have you received on ensuring disability legislation compliance, and what was the result?
Survey carried out by HLG Associates 20/4/2020
a. How has this information been compiled?
Work packages compiled by JPH
- Do you consider the Strategy to be fit for purpose' – if not, what are the issues with any of the land/property you utilise not addressed by the Strategy?
The Public Estate Strategy appears to be comprehensive, but it does not fall within the remit of the Judicial Greffe to comment on it. However, the deteriorating condition of the Royal Court Building, which the Judicial Greffe occupies as one of a number of tenants, remains of considerable concern.
a. How do you expect these issues to be represented beyond the Strategy? What discussions have you had with relevant Officers and Ministers regarding this?
Ongoing discussions with JPH take place on this issue
8. Have you undertaken an assessment of what land/property your department will need:
• In one year Yes
• In 5-10 years Yes
• In the longer term? No
9. How much annually do you spend on property maintenance (including what percentage of your budget) and who undertakes that maintenance?
a. Who is/are the Accountable Officer(s) for that expenditure?
AO – Adam Clarke, Judicial Greffier
Royal Court Building:
Responsibility of JPH
£252,000 (Judicial Greffe share only)
Magistrate's Court Building:
Responsibility of JPH
£192,000 (Judicial Greffe share only)
Tribunal Service - International House (first floor):
Responsibility of landlord
TOTAL: £470,000 or 7% of Judicial Greffe's total budget
Public Accounts Committee Estate Management Review (2021)
Terms of Reference
- To assess the progress on overall arrangements of the Government's strategic property function since the previous PAC's Estate Management Report (2019), including:
- The role and performance to date of the Corporate Asset Management Group, its relationship to the Regeneration Steering Group and its development of a Corporate Asset Management Plan.
- The role and responsibilities of the States of Jersey Development Company regarding Estate Management strategy implementation.
- The role of States-owned organisations and relationships to each other in respect of developing and implementing a cohesive and comprehensive Estate Strategy linked to corporate objectives.
- To examine the restructuring of departments and their Target Operating Models (TOMs) where they relate to managing States' land and property assets, with particular reference to:
- Education, Health, Infrastructure, Housing and Environment Departments
- the Property Division (formerly Jersey Property Holdings);
- To assess the progress in developing a coherent and cohesive Property Management and Maintenance programme, with specific reference to:
- maintaining deteriorating buildings and considering sales of non-necessary buildings/land in line with the Common Strategic Policy.
- reducing liability to the States and reducing risks to customers, staff and the general public.
- Ensuring the asset management system (Concerto) is fully utilised and demonstrates value for money
- Enabling a co-ordinated approach to property management and maintenance
- Examining the IHE and Property Division's efforts to ensure that States-owned properties comply with disability legislation.
- To assess the progress on consulting and engaging with stakeholders including community groups and non-Ministerial departments as part of all property proposals (in line with the recommendations of the PAC in its Report on Estate Management in February 2019).