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Submission - Loic Farnham - 20 January 2021

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Name: Loic Farnham

I dont believe the trade deal suits jersey at all. For a start it hardly feels like free trade to me as since brexit my boat has been tied up as im unable to land bivalves (clams) in to europe . no one in the industry can honestly tell me were not better of before , i get that the granville bay treaty had its floors but every one could earn a living but now it seems like only our neighbours can. i strongly believe that going forward a new treaty type arrangement between us and france is the only way forward, weather we like it or not europe is the closest and best market available to us . having said that i dont believe in shared control of our waters, jersey waters need to be ran by jersey not europe or the uk . if we could trade access to our waters for french boats which have a history of fishing here in exchange for free and easy access to landings in french ports like we had before would that not be good for every one? jersey or french we are all fisherman trying to earn a living and provide for our families.

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