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Submission - Our Hospital Project Outline Business Case and Funding Review - OHalloran - 5 August 20

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I am a local resident running my own business and I am appalled at the lack of cost alternative investigative works, vision and the cavalier attitude towards the spending of public funds on this project.

There are many elements of cost that can be challenged, however, I am currently focussed on the one that affects the locality's access.

I have offered as attached to Mr Farnham what I believe to be a very workable solution to save the areas of the Peoples Park, The Bowling Club and Traffic issues for the New Overdale access.

Please note my road route carefully – it is very invasive, simple and utilised all over the world to overcome difficult issues.

My idea is based upon the following criteria:

  1. To find the quickest route to the hospital from the busiest road use areas
  2. To reduce the footprint of the new road
  3. To hopefully cost much less
  4. To take the traffic noise – specifically emergency response vehicles sirens – away from the residents who live along the Westmount route – noting that the new Westmount apartments area are likely to suffer the effects of an amphitheatre sound rebound
  5. To eliminate traffic build up on the Shipwright corner
  6. To maintain the public parking and safe access for the Peoples Park
  7. To speed up the build
  8. To reduce the need to buy land from the Parish of St Helier

I would hope that the idea has enough merit to be challenged by way of a feasibility study. I can foresee something Iconic could be produced by the world-renowned architects who have been employed.

Prior to this, as you may be aware, my passion has continued to offer ideas in hope of lessening the burden on everyone. I have studied the UK guidance for road gradients and to my knowledge and calculations the 1 in 12 gradient required for a new road can be met if this elevated road way is in the region of 250 metres from the bend behind the Inn on the Park apartments) – down to the Junction by the Grand Hotel using a slight curve.

I firmly believe this section of road could be manufactured off island at considerable cost saving and shipped in by sections and erected locally quite quickly with lesser disruption than currently proposed.

WHAT I AM MOST ANNOYED AT – is that to not even receive a reply or a response saying why the so called UK Experts with their 70+ optional ways to get to Overdale, never even looked at this option – indicates no one seems to care about finding a better spend.

I have read lately that the proposed new Westmount Road cannot now be built using the UK gradient guidance of 1 in 12 as due to matching up with the new Westmount Apartment entrance – the design Team can only achieve a 1 in 10 gradient due to limited fall availability on the section from the bend above the bowling club (more length = less gradient!) – therefore they are intending to spend all this money, ruin the Peoples Park parking areas and cause undue disturbance to all affected both short and long term – even though it cannot COMPLY with established standards !!! ??? – Sums up the whole approach to this project as many professional people already well understand

I wish you all good luck with having any effect on the exposure of the mismanagement of this project.

Tony O' Hall oran