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Submission - Our Hospital Project Outline Business Case and Funding Review - T Dukes - 31 August 20

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Dear Sirs,

I have serious misgivings about the proposed hospital site of Overdale. The scale and cost, both economic and environmental, are ever increasing, without surety as to even what services or the number of beds it will be able to provide.

Many of the existing arguments for this site - the requirement for a singular location, its so called accessibility, and that it is of sufficient size - have been rendered redundant by recent events. Namely, the requirement to move various services to Le Quennevais (at significant expense, from relatively new premises), the number of properties that have required compulsary purchase, and the apparent necessity to destroy the historic Westmount to move heavy plant - all before planning permission!

Additionally, this is an area of town that has experienced significant development in recent years, ranging from Haute Valle school and Clarke Avenue in the late 90s, to Le Clos Vaze more recently, and several proposed developments past Haute Vallee up the Grand Route De St John. Yet more cars, buses, ambulances and general development, will have a detrimental affect on the surrounding area and quality of life of the residents.

Furthermore, the cost is truly staggering - I understand numerous similarly sized hospitals have been built elsewhere in Europe for a fraction of the price - are we really getting value for money? How transparent has the tendering process been, or have we been hoodwinked by marketing? Also, has a proper costing been undertaken to maintain, run and staff the hospital once completed - particularly given it appears the present hospital's bloated bureaucratic management heavy model (aping the NHS) isn't working... Is a "world class" behemoth, built at the top of the hill, really what Jersey's future needs?

If Overdale has to be the site, why not split services between the present town location (A&E, triage etc) and Overdale (rehabilitative care)? They are geographically close and could be serviced by routine shuttle buses etc. This will reduce the impact on both sites and allow phased development. Either way, please keep scrutinising!

Tolly Dukes