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Submission – Review of New Healthcare Facilities Programme – Rowney Sharman – 28 August 2024

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Lister House a0

35 The Parade St. Helier

a6aeao Jersey JE2 3QQ


Iel. +44 (0) 1534 826070 a{

Deputy Steve Ahier - Vice Chair Hospital Review Panel


States Greffe Morier House St Helier


28 August 2024 Dear Deputy Ahier

Hospital Review Panel: Review of the New Healthcare Facilities Programme

I write in response to your request for the view of the local construction industry to the New Healthcare Facilities programme, as set out in your letter to the Jersey Construction Council, dated 29th July 2O24.

ln order to assist in compiling responses,  I have addressed your specific questions below and added some additional information  not captured by the questions. I trust this format is of assistance.

  1. Ptease can you tetl us whether you attended the Construction and Supplier Forum facititated  by the Programme team in November 2023?

I and other senior members of staff attended the supplier forum at the Royal Yacht hotel on 6th November 2O23.The  forum provided very little in the way of specific information about opportunities for the local industry or timescales for future engagement events.

a Did you provide feedback about procurement contracts, notice periods and

timescales  for undertaking works on the Programme?

Rowney Sharman representatives raised questions at the session and followed up with queries to members of the team, but have not received any formal communication regarding methodology  and timescales for the programme  on which reliance can be placed.

a If so, have you received any follow-up communications  or engagement since this


There was no direct communication or structured follow up meetings until the 'Designers  and Advisors' session on 11th July 2024. Rowney Sharman did not receive an invitation to this session. We understand that this was due to an administrative error, but were made aware of it from another


The information provided at that session lacked any real detail and speakers were unable to provide any 'roadmap' that we could use when considering future involvement in the main or ancillary projects.  I set out below one of the slides presented as an example of the lack of information provided:



S rso 9001

Project Consultancy Rowney Begistered Sharman Address: (Jersey) Lister Ltd. House, Registered 35 The Parade, in Jersey St No. Helier, 103929Jersey, JE2 3QQ

Programme: Indicative timeline of Projects

Projects  - 2024 to 2026 DesignTeam Contractors Construction Construction TenderPeriod Tender  Period Commence Completion

Demolition  ot overdale  Horpital NiA NiA Sep-23 Sep-24 Faciliti$ Hanagement Hrb -retseyluatetwotb  Reft ft ishnEnt tu[-24 Oct-24 Dec-24 May-25 Westnouot  f errce nedeuolopment rBc TBC TBC TBC Oyerdale  lsrte Hospital Xruelopment  lvorLs

A  Hoardings,Gales,cto[ndClesr.nce,Redocedl'fvelDig r8c TBC TBC TBC

B  lnililica  and ttsainEge tot Construclion  8nd Site offices TBC IBC T8C TBC

G  TemporaryHaulRords,  S:te Office P.ds, Ctane lases T8C TBC lBC T8C

D  tl$ign, supply and hstallation ol Site wetrate  & Otf ccs r8c r8c TBC TBC l(en3ington Placc , Edwad  Ptace - lleanwtilc Use, Development TBC TBC TBC TBC

Overdalc  Acste  (Emecncyand  lnpatientsl Hospitil TBC TBC TBC IBC SERcons[ltant T8C IBC TBC IBC Wcstlnouil  noad  ard St Heliet Higlwrys Hinot llodifi cations TBC T8C IBC TBC OrcrdaleAcute  HopsitatDrainsge  atrd lrtitties TBC TBC TBC TBC ActivefrauelRoute -West PatkrValAndte IBC TBC TBC TBC

Frankly, neither the November 2023 nor the July 2024 session provided any basis for us to be assured of the potential for future opportunities, when or how they would be communicated and whether they would be limited to on-lsland companies.

  1. Have you been made aware of opportunities to engage with proiects within the Programme

on the Government's Proactis online porlal?

Rowney Sharman are recipients of regular notifications from the Proactis system for all relevant categories. We have not received any information regarding New Healthcare Facilities opportunities for professional services  su pport.

We were made aware of a Proactis notice for'Quantity Surveyor/Cost Advisor Services' published in June 2024 thal we did not receive. We queried why we hadn't been included on the notification despite being part of the Category grouping on 13th June 2024 (with a follow up query in July) and

are yet to receive a response.

a If so, have you expressed interest in engaging with any proiects related to the

Programme through the Proactis online portal?

We have not been made aware of any opportunities  to provide expressions of interest.

  1. Have you engaged directly with the Programme team regarding opportunities to undertake works on projects as part of the Programme?

We have not been made aware of the process to engage with the Programme  Team and have not received  any information other than that provided at the two sessions in November 2023 and July


  1. Do you feet that you understand how contractors are being procured to undertake works on the Programme?

ln a word, 'No'. There is a complete lack of communication  from the Programme Team and a paucity of published information on the Government's New Healthcare  Facilities Programme webpagel

l The New Healthcare Facilities Prooramme  (

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  1. Do you feel that you understand how works on proiects within the Programme will be managed?

Again, we struggle to understand the delivery structure, methodology, procurement process for providing professional services at both a programme and project level and associated timetable. We are unable to identify a named individual with responsibility for engagement with the local industry.

Having been heavily involved in previous incarnations of the Hospital project and other major healthcare works, I find it disappointing that the considerable legacy experience gained by ourselves, and others, is not being harnessed for the benefit of the project.

Delivering the New Healthcare Facilities programme, based around a new General and Acute Hospital, is acknowledged as the most important series of capital works that the lsland will deliver in

a generation. From the perspective of the local industry, in my opinion, it is rapidly becoming the most obscure, frustrating and difficult to engage with.

ln my view, we need clarity as to the programme for both decision making and delivery. There are still too many unanswered questions as to the certainty of achieving all necessary approvals - political and other - for the local industry to understand the role it could play and what resources would need

to be procured.

We would welcome:

. Confirmation  of the key decision making process and timeline

o Political commitment  to using local resources

. A review of the Proactis system to ensure it is reaching its intended target audience

o  A clear understanding of the programme structure and governance, including roles that are to be undertaken  by government team and those that will be opportunities for the local market

. Points of contact to field queries and a dynamic website directed to suppliers that is regularly updated

. Confirmation of the number of off island recruited professions resources that have been directly appointed as GoJ employees working in the project delivery team

I trust our responses are comprehensive and informative and will help with the review. MYours Sincerely,

Managing Director

cc: Jersey Construction Council

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