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Review: Trust Port (Future of Jersey Harbours)

Launch Date: 5 May 2004 Close Date: To be advised
Submissions Deadline: To be advised Ministerial Response Date: To be advised
Review Status: Report published


Propsals to change the status of Jersey Harbours

Terms of reference


1. To ascertain why and with whose authority the decision was made that Jersey Harbours should operate as a Jersey Limited Company as opposed to a Trust Port.

2. To ascertain what explanation was put to the States in connexion with the change of direction from Trust Port to a possible Jersey Limited Company.

3. To review all of the evidence prepared for the Committee relating to Jersey Harbours becoming a Trust Port.

4. To establish the overall cost to the taxpayer of the research undertaken for both the Trust Port and Jersey Limited Company options and to assess the advantages and disadvantages of both options.

5. To assess the financial implications of Jersey Harbours becoming either a Trust Port or a Jersey Limited Company.